“艺术来源于生活,而高于生活”(Art sare come from life and higher than life),对此,俄国文艺理论家车尔尼雪夫斯基有较早较多较完整的论述,车氏这句话即使放在我们当代艺术的学术体系之中,也依然有着极为重要的现实意义。
左正尧 广州美术学院教授、广州美术学院大学城美术馆馆长
Art comes from life but higher than life, expressed by Chernyshevsky, aRussian literature and art theorist who had more detailed and completeaccount of this viewpoint. His words still has great realistic significance evenput in contemporary arts academic system.
Art and life are closely and harmoniously related to each other. All humaninvolvedactivities in nature are part of life; all experiences, perception,abstraction and processing of natural phenomena are art. Life is full of artbut not equivalent to art. Art comes from life but higher than life. Art is theabstraction, processing and reproduction of life. On one hand, artists absorbvaluable and significant subjects from life for their artistic creation which inturn enriches life with a new feast of beauty; on the other hand, life providesart with fertile soil for its existence and growth which is the necessarybasis and nutrients for artistic creation. No matter how unconstrained andimaginative , artistic spirit is permanently rooted to life and to artists’profound understanding of life. Life is no other than the basis on which “manpoetically dwells” (Heidegger).
Discussing Tang Yin’s paintings on the above basis we can easily probe intothe delicate relationship between life and art, because Tang Yin’s artistic stylejust proves the mutual dependence and enhancement necessary for both ofthem. His works like Hukou Waterfall of Yellow River, Purple Yulan, SeaBoat, Reef, Magnolia, and Cockscomb all indicate his exquisite observationand direct perception over vivid details of life. It is due to his persistent effortin studying and blending in life as well as his capacity to select, separate,process and purify the materials of life that his works are qualified for heartpurification and taste cultivation.
Rodin once said, “It is not a lack of beauty in life. It is our lack of eye todiscover.” Just based on his love of art and life, his unique perception and hisacute color sense has Tang Yin formed his own painting language. His pursuitof refining the color of life has given a special quality to his paintings: notradical, not exaggerating, with a soft transition which can fully display thecolors of objective scenery and meanwhile blend in subjective perception.Such a special color sense seems to be inherited directly from the exquisitedepiction of intermediate details emphasized by German photography. As ashutterbug Tang Yin obviously has his own understanding of this technique.Real art is metaphysical, that is, to mechanically and faithfully copy theobjective nature will permanently remain at the level of “techniques”. To ourdelight, Tang Yin does not lose himself while perceiving the world with hisacute color sense. Neither does he give up his pursuit of higher level of art tothe love of color. In Tang Yin’s works, there is no sign of pure objectivity toobjects. Acute color sense is Tang Yin’s most expert technique, however as hedevelops his creation he might have noticed this. That is why he has startedan exploration beginning from the innermost being, which he has put intopractice and can be seen in his works like Reef.
The process of artistic creation is actually the concentration and abstractionof life in which things in life are occasionally purified and perfected. Viewedfrom the whole, Tang Yin’s paintings are beautiful and pure with clearindividual aesthetic preference; therefore they display his own self-value anddevoted spiritual pursuit.
Qing Yuan Xing Si, a Buddhist master in Song Dynasty, had proposed threelevels for understanding Buddhism: in one’s eyes, with little understanding ofBuddhism, mountain is mountain, water is water; with a bit of understanding,mountain is not mountain, water is not water; at the time with a fullunderstanding, mountain is still mountain, water is still water. I believe forTang Yin both art and life are also the repeated three-level practice of “life –art –life”.
Zuo Zheng Yao
Professor of The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts