An eccentric painter of the British Isles, born in Dublin, Ireland, since the 1940s. Often with deformed images or sick characters as the theme, depict some disgusting images. These grotesque images reveal the disaster of the world and human beings in a profound way, and he deliberately highlights the ugly face and expression of human suffering and struggle.
艺术家 · ARTIST / ©Francis Bacon
弗朗西斯·培根工作室 Francis Bacon studio
我想做的是把事物扭曲的远远超出外表,在扭曲中把它恢复到外表的记录中。当数个形体出现在画面中,或者说只要同一张画布上出现了几个人物,那一刻已经开始讲故事了,而乏味将伴随着故事的详述而来。What I want to do is to distort things far beyond the appearance, and restore them to the record of appearance in the distortion. When several shapes appear in the picture, or as long as several characters appear on the same canvas, the story has already begun to be told at that moment, and boredom will come with the elaboration of the story. 画本身通常没有讲故事的声音大,因为我们的确一次次地处于一个状态中,这是极端原始的状态,影像间的故事述说行为让我们无法抵消。The picture itself is usually not as loud as the story telling, because we are indeed in a state again and again, which is an extremely primitive state, and the story telling behavior between the images makes us unable to offset.
我一直希望把事情尽可能地直接和粗暴地放在一边,如果一件事情直接发生,人们会觉得这很可怕。I've always wanted to put things aside as directly and rudely as possible. If something happens directly, people will think it's terrible.
Francis Bacon