




  Bi Guanliang was born in June, 1964. As a Beijingnese, he is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a National Level Artist, a tutor of the advanced research class in the Arts Academy of Tsinghua University, a committee member of the Arts Test Committee in the Ministry of Culture, a tutor of the advanced research class for the Landscape Painting in the Ministry of Culture, a Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese Landscape Painting Association, a director of the Landscape Painting Creation Committee, a member of the China Democratic National Construction Association, a member of the Beijing Artists Association, a member of the Beijing Calligraphers Association, and a former director and writer of the Red Flag Pictorial in the Qiushi Magazine.

  He has studied in Renmin University of China, the research class in the Academy of Chinese Painting, Du Dakai Studio in the Arts Academy of Tsinghua University, and Long Rui Studio in the advanced research class of the China National Arts Academy. Now he is engaged in the teaching, research and creation of the Chinese paintings.





Random Reflection

By Bi Guanliang

  As it was summarized in The Book of Rites – The Great Learning, “The way of the great learning involves manifesting virtue, loving the people, and abiding by the highest good.” To reach the highest good, one should exercise physically, but what matters more is the spiritual cultivation. I love my studio, and regard it as a place for my spiritual cultivation. In the morning, I unfold my book in the rising sun, think over the pathetic and touching language, and peacefully taste the subtle and profound tones of ancestors. At night, the moonlight glows against the silent shadow of trees and flowers. Faced with these shadows, I am lost in the paintings of the previous sages. The hazy moonlight is like the flying lotus leaves in the fog, and it looks like an excellent painting by a talented artist when you are fully unprepared. I compare painting to a way of spiritual cultivation. My studio opens a window for my spiritual world. The holy feeling of walking in my studio is like the feeling of a religious believer who walks in the meditation room or the temple. In my opinion, my studio is a holy place which generates wisdom. We can sow the seeds of hope; we can experience the happiness and sorrows of life in the music of the Chinese zither; we can ponder a problem until the dawn; we can speak loudly in the magnificent Chi Bi like Su Dongpo, “the endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone and all those gallant heroes of bygone years”; we can also sing in a low voice like Li Qingzhao, “cherries become red, and bananas turn into green. The rain beats the windowsill and wets my silk coat”. The ancients’ cultivations all reveal the truth because they are respectful. When I am in my studio, I will naturally be respectful. As it is said in Buddhist terms, “if you are peaceful, you will be intelligent; intelligence generates wisdom.” Although time goes by, something remains the same, such as changes of the four seasons. My studio is my spiritual platform which never changes.


云壑清心得自在 200cm×200cm 2014年

高原雨霁色宜人 200cm×200cm 2014年

寻春不见春踏遍 68cm×136cm 2015年

雨润春山翠意浓 68cm×136cm 2015年

山光悦鸟性 潭影空人心 125cm×170cm

夜泊石钟山 50cm×50cm 2015年

采菊东篱下 悠然见南山 50cm×50cm 2015年

雨润苍山秀 50cm×50cm 2015年

山居雅韵 50cm×50cm 2015年

溪壑祥云 50cm×50cm 2015年

客路青山外 43cm×43cm 2015年

松下问童子 43cm×43cm 2015年

赏荷图 50cm×50cm 2015年

悟禅图 68cm×68cm 2014年


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