

















  Integration of Concepts and Emotions

  Wang Duanting

  Researcher of Chinese National Academy of Arts;

  Art Critic

  Time: October 11th, 2015

  Place: Artron Roundtable Interview on "Succession & Reform-Gu Liming's Works on Paper 1989-2015" in FANG-YUAN Art Gallery of Beijing 798 Art District

  Interviewer: Chen Yiming from Artron Art Group

  Interviewee: Wang Duanting researcher of Chinese National Academy of Arts, PhD supervisor, arts theorist

  Question: How to position him (Gu Liming) in Chinese history of arts?

  Answer: According to Mr. Zhang Xiaoling, there are generally two trends involved in Gu Liming’s arts creation, namely the figurative and abstract tendencies. Yet in my opinion, all the works of Gu Liming are practically figurative and belong to "conceptual paintings" or, to be more exact, "cultural pop", which means producing arts by employing traditional cultural images. Actually, Gu's art is created by borrowing, duplicating and re-creating traditional elements. The images of his early abstract works derive from relics unearthed in Mawangdui Han Tombs and we can even identify that some are imitations of the ancient clothes discovered then. Since the 1990s, he began to work on New Year Paintings of Door Gods series, which again are borrowed from the existing printings of Yangjiabu village in Weifang city. In other words, it is artificial art images, instead of natural things, that constitute the objects of his works. To be specific, his Door Gods series are recreations of the existing art forms and the mountains and rivers depicted by him in fact originate from the well-accepted landscape paintings but not real natural scenes. His so-called abstract-style painting is another way of presenting the finished art products and even a simplification of them. His conceptual paintings or cultural pop paintings have embodied similar traits featuring Chinese art works of the same genre. By nature, pop art in the western world intends to borrow images from art products, but it is more of mechanical replications. For example, paintings by Warhol are images copied through photo-mechanical process and screen printing. By contrast, artists in contemporary China have innovated a manual technique to duplicate pictures, a commonplace technique that is frequently utilized. Why? I think there are two reasons. First, most Chinese contemporary artists graduate from academies of fine arts with an education background of painting, a skill in which they excel. Reluctant to give up their trained skills, they, therefore, apply western art concepts to their paintings, resulting in a unique style of conceptual art. Second, in terms of function and purpose, there remains a huge difference between Chinese pop arts and that of the west. The western pop art is critical and it is a pure expression of concepts, while the Chinese pop art, as we can see in Gu’s works, is not only critical but also lyrical. Lyricism and concept are from two different art fields: lyricism comes from heart while concept from brain. These contrasting elements, which embrace no intersections, have achieved integration and harmony in contemporary Chinese art, contributing to a formation of new artistic image.

  In fact, all the artworks by Gu Liming are both conceptual and lyrical. That is to say, his art is the integration of the two.

  For Gu, his persistence in the roots of Chinese traditional culture has never changed. To put it in another way, his art has never been isolated from the context of traditional culture and is a contemporary transformation of traditional art.

  Gu Liming is into his fifties, the age to look back and enjoy the glorious accomplishments for many people. However, as far as I am concerned, the age of 50 years old is far from the time of final judgement on the artist. There are still great potentials for Gu's artistic pursuits. Qi Baishi reformed his painting style even when he was quite old and for artists of Gu’s generation, the age of 50 could be a new starting point. In this way, we ought to think highly of his present achievements and at the same time harbor more expectations for his further development in art.

  Question: The work behind us was painted by Mr. Gu Liming over a decade ago?

  Answer: 13 years up to now.

  Question: There exists certain consistency between this landscape painting and the one exhibited in the first floor in terms of artistic language. Gu's art was Chinese style of abstract art at that time, which was different from that of the west. Gu depicts landscape in this abstract form. Or we can say, he deconstructs it. Or you just mentioned the integration of western art concepts and traditional Chinese cultural elements to describe modern worries. Do you think that this abstract style could be viewed as a breakthrough or what position should it take in global or Chinese history of art?

  Answer: There are quite a few means and methods available for contemporary Chinese artists to make use of traditional cultural resources to create or recreate. Traditional Chinese paintings devote particular care to the qiyun or charm, an artistic concept in spiritual level, and the use of ink in terms of artistic language. Gu’s landscape works are quite different from the traditional ones. In his paintings, artistic concept has been transformed into anxiety or struggle as he said, or a lingering charm in my opinion. This cannot be found in western abstract works. As for language, he pursues texture effect, which is a new concept for Chinese painting. The texture, a concept employed in the western oil painting, is not stressed in our traditional art. Gu has transplanted concepts in oil paintings, in particular language expressions of modern western paintings, into traditional Chinese landscape works, thus forming a new artistic style.



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