M 艺术空间 / M Art Center
展位 Booth:D08
参展艺术家 Represented Artists:郎静山,Guillaume Hebert,冯君蓝,吴鼎
吴鼎1982年生于上海,于中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院取得艺术硕士学位, 上海师范大学雕塑系获得学士学位。以文字, 图像及视频为主要创作媒介, 主要参与了针对“隐像”的发掘与实践, 他的作品主要关注的是时间和空间的“秩序”, 他渴望去找到隐藏在世界里的可感觉到却难以描述的“内在秩序”。
Co-funded by Hong Lin and Qionger Jiang, M Art Center was established since 2007. The art gallery is located in M50 Creative Space, designed by famous French architect Jean-Marie Charpentier, who was also the designer of Shanghai Grand Theatre, in which it was reconstructed in 2014 by the Vermilion Zhou Design Group. Throughout the twelve years, M Art Center has supported several artists. Furthermore, we have sponsored the “Creative M50” for six editions. Young artists that we have supported, such as Ruyun Gao, has had become the annual Chinese artist in 2017 for the Hermes x Mei Zone Collab. At the same time, at ArtReview Asia Xiàn Chǎng of West Bund Art & Design in 2016, artists we have sent, such as Jingfang Hao and Lingjie Wang, received the Jury’s Prize which was selected by well-known curators of Tate Gallery in London, Hanrou Hou and Clara Kim. Curator and artist for M Art Center, Stanley Fung, has also received first place in 2017, Juan I-Jong Humanity award of Photography contest.
M Art Center will present works from artists Lang Jingshan, Guillaume Hebert, Stanley Fung, Wu Ding at 2019 PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai.
Lang Jingshan, (1892–1995), was a pioneering photographer and one of the first Chinese photojournalists. He was known for the unique "composite photography" technique he created by overlapping the painting techniques and photography darkroom exposure. He loves photography for life and up till now, more than 1,000 works have been exhibited in the world of salon photography. In 1980, the Photographic Society of America named him one of the world's top ten master photographers.
Guillaume Hebert, also called Guillelmus Paulus Julianus, is a French visual artist born in 1969 in Normandy. He graduated from ESAM Caen (Ecole Supérieure d'Arts & Médias de Caen). He lives and works in Berlin since the summer of 2018.
© GUILLAUME HEBERT, Apocalypse#68, 2018. Courtesy of M Art Center(Shanghai)
Stanley Fung, born in 1961 in HongKong, is an artist focusing on photography. The portrait work of Stanley has gone beyond the spectrum of objective depiction. These works may be seen as “poetic portrait of soul”. It is based on this view of humanity that each individual in his work is a coalescence of substance and divinity – an anxious finite being endowed with eternal consciousness. Moreover, the work of Stanley reflects his interests in time and history of humanity.
Wu Ding was born in 1982 in Shanghai. He obtained an MFA in Video from the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou and a BA in Sculpture from Shanghai Normal University. Using text, images, and videos as his principal creative media, Wu Ding is engaged in the exploration and practice of the (still and moving) image ( YingXiang ). His recent works have been concerned with the "order" within time and space, aspiring to explore the perceptible but indescribable "inner order" hidden in the world.
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T:+86 21 62996610
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作为亚太地区最具影响力的影像艺术平台、中国大陆最为国际化的艺博会,影像上海艺术博览会在过去几年中,对亚洲艺术影像市场起到了至关重要的推动作用,亦建立起关于艺术影像媒介最为权威和活跃的交流平台。影像上海保持开拓精神,聚焦国际前沿,以博物馆品质提供诸多版块的全新内容,为亚太藏家、观众和专业人士提供欣赏和发现影像艺术的最佳体验。影像上海艺术博览会的参展画廊均通过严格甄选和精心策展,分布在核心 ( Main ) 和平台 ( Platform ) 两大版块,前者汇集了专注于现当代摄影的国际顶尖画廊,后者则是新兴艺术家和国际画廊的重要平台 。从教科书级别的艺术大师,到活跃在国际摄影和移动影像前沿的艺术新星,逾百位各个年龄层次的优秀艺术家的力作将济济一堂。博览会亦推出『在场』( Staged )、『洞见』( Insights )、『焦点』( Spotlight )、『对话』( Conversations )等精彩特展和公共项目版块。
2019 影像上海艺术博览会
World Photography Organization
世界摄影组织是摄影活动的国际性平台,覆盖180多个国家。我们的目标是通过赞颂世界上最佳作品与摄影师,提升摄影相关话题的关注度。我们与全球的个人摄影师和行业领先的合作伙伴都建立了长久的纽带,为此我们引以为豪。世界摄影组织每年举办一系列丰富的活动,包括:2017年第十届的全球规模最大的摄影竞赛——索尼世界摄影奖,当地会面及讲座以及专注于摄影的国际艺术博览会——影像上海艺术博览会和影像旧金山艺术博览会。欲知更多详情,请访问 www.worldphoto.org
以上内容来自「PHOTOFAIRS影像艺术博览会 」
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