
影像上海艺术博览会参展画廊 | Nine Art Space

玖空间 / Nine Art Space

展位 Booth:A1

参展艺术家 Represented Artists:Nelson Ramirez de Arellano Conde, Kris Scholz, Corina Gertz, 王东伟, 周抗,“他们+”TaMen, 孙成毅,等。


Nelson Ramirez de Arellano Conde,现居古巴哈瓦纳及西班牙马德里。古巴摄影协会理事长,古巴最具全球知名度和重要影响力的先锋摄影艺术家之一,国际著名策展人。哈瓦那摄影“Noviembre Fotográfico”的创办人和组织者,作为“柳德米拉•纳尔逊”团队成员,他也是国际认可的前沿艺术家,作为艺术家代表出席了第53届威尼斯双年展。2001至2010年他出任Fototeca de Cuba主要策展人;2010年至今出任 Fototeca de Cuba 总负责人。

© NELSON RAMIREZ DE ARELLANO CONDE, History of Cuba (4), 2018. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 

Kris Scholz,德国知名艺术家,在杜塞尔多夫艺术学院跟随贝歇夫妇学习摄影,作品在多个国际展览中展出以及广泛出版。他深受德国著名艺术家西格玛·波尔克的影响,使摄影这种艺术媒介涉入到绘画艺术之中。Kris着迷于图像结构清晰概念的独特表达,并用声的视图,材料与丰富的细节,以及情感领域的经验,脉冲我们的想象力,与我们内在的想象力自发对应。

© KRIS SCHOLZ, Brekr, 2013. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 

Corina Gertz,是一个德国艺术家,拥有摄影师,模特,时装设计师,导演制片人等多重职业身份,喜欢去世界各地旅行汲取灵感,并通过摄影作品和装置艺术来表达对这个世界文化多元化的热爱。其主要研究对象是服饰传统——在当今这个全球化的世界,它的意义似乎已经与浮于表面的“美”的概念等同,然而它生动表达个体性的意义却被忽略。通过传统服饰作为一个视觉传达的媒介,Corina探讨了人,社会,身份性之间的关系。

© CORINA GERTZ, The Averted Portrait IT02, 2018. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 


© WANG DONGWEI, Icarus' Bird, 2016. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 

周抗,摄影艺术家,现居上海,湖州。周抗先生把东方哲学、美学、东方宗教带入摄影. 将中国审美和传统文化的一些要素通过影像进行表达。作品被认为是当代具有代表性的”东方”的,”禅”的美学,画面的虚空或灵动,皆因万物有灵,带着禅意的美感,似有若无的画面构成将影像升华至文化,体现着中国古时文人所提出的”大象无形,大音希声”的境界。

© ZHOU KANG, Running Water, 2002. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 


© "THEY+" TAMEN, Forget Themselves (3), 2000. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 


© SUN CHENGYI, Mount Everest, Tibet, 2007. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 

Established in 2018, Nine Art Space locates near the Dishui Lake in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. It's a professional gallery of arts, showing and selling outstanding domestic and international photography works and other artworks, meanwhile exchanging art culture. Nine Art Space is delicated to the introduction of Eastern and Western classic photography and contemporary photographic arts, and to promote Chinese photography artists to the world. Time to time inviting the domestic and foreign artists to hold art exhibitions, academic seminars and lectures to communicate the Eastern and Western art.

Nine Art Space will present works from artist Nelson Ramirez de Arellano Conde, Kris Scholz, Corina Gertz, Wang Dongwei, Zhou Kang, “They+”TaMen, Sun Chengyi at 2019 PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai.

Nelson Ramirez de Arellano Conde is a famous International curator, artist. From Havana, Cuba, member of the “Ludmila & Nelson” team, International leading artist, founder of Noviembre Fotogreafico and head of Fototeca De Cuba. He is an internationally recognized leading artist and represented the artist at the 53rd Venice Biennale, now living and working in Havana and Madrid.

© NELSON RAMIREZ DE ARELLANO CONDE, Enjoy Change (5), 2015. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 

Kris Scholz, is a famous German artist who studied photography with the Bechers at the Düsseldorf Art Academy and was influenced by the famous German artist Sigma Polk, making the art medium of photography involved in the art of painting. The silent view, fascinated by the unique expression of the concept of clear image structure, uses materials and rich details and experience in the emotional field to pulse our imagination and respond spontaneously to our inner imagination.

© KRIS SCHOLZ, Sculptor, 2013. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 

Corina Gertz, is a German artist with photographers, models, fashion designers, director producers and many other professional identities. She likes to travel around the world to draw inspiration and express her love for this world's cultural diversity through photography and installation art. The main research object is the clothing tradition - in today's globalized world, its meaning seems to be equivalent to the concept of "beauty" floating on the surface, but its vivid expression of individuality is ignored. Through traditional costumes as a medium of visual communication, explore the relationship between people, society, and identity.

© CORINA GERTZ, The Averted Portrait IT10, 2018. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 

Wang Dongwei, a photography artist, documentary film director. The hustle and bustle of the city, the nightness of the night, the lonely people and animals, the ethereal mountains, the sly plants, the surreal light and shadow symbols, etc. are captured in his black and white film. His works focus on profound human meaning and poetic expression of images.

© WANG DONGWEI, Smoke, 2017. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 

Zhou Kang, photographer, artist, now lives in Shanghai, Huzhou. Mr. Zhou Kang brought oriental philosophy, aesthetics and oriental religion into photography. Some elements of Chinese aesthetics and traditional culture were expressed through images. The works are considered to be representative of the "Oriental" in the contemporary era. The aesthetics of "Zen", the void or the agility of the picture, are all due to the beauty of all things, with the beauty of Zen, and the appearance of the picture is sublimated to the image. Culture embodies the realm of "elephant invisible, loud sounds and sounds" proposed by Chinese ancient literati.

© ZHOU KANG, The Light of Buddha, 2003. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 

"They +" TaMen, founded in 2002 by the combination of artist Lai Shengyu and Yang Xiaogang. They have held more than 20 solo exhibitions in Beijing, Seoul, Brussels, New York, Rotterdam, Changsha, Amsterdam, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Singapore, etc. Participated in kinds of important group exhibitions and art fairs around the world. The works have won numerous awards and favoured by art and cultural institutions and individual collectors all over the world.

© "THEY+" TAMEN, Forget Themselves (6), 2000. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 

Sun Chengyi, a Famous Chinese photography artist who won many awards such as the China Photography Award, the French VU Photo Agency signing photographer, and one of the founders of Modern Photography Magazine. Since 1987, through Qinghai-Tibet, Sichuan-Tibet, Xinjiang-Tibet, Yunnan-Tibet and Sino-Nepalese roads he has entered Tibet for photography for 25 times and 11 times through the Ali wilderness. He almost has travelled all over Tibet in the past 30 years. At the same time, from 1995 to 2015, it took a full 20 years to complete the shooting of all the 14 8000-meter peaks in the world on foot, using photographic art to show the peaks and outlook on life, values, worldview.

© SUN CHENGYI, Ranwu Lake, 2007. Courtesy of Nine Art Space (Shanghai) 

联系方式 / Contact


T: +86 68161092

E: chloe-zhang@live.cn



作为亚太地区最具影响力的影像艺术平台、中国大陆最为国际化的艺博会,影像上海艺术博览会在过去几年中,对亚洲艺术影像市场起到了至关重要的推动作用,亦建立起关于艺术影像媒介最为权威和活跃的交流平台。影像上海保持开拓精神,聚焦国际前沿,以博物馆品质提供诸多版块的全新内容,为亚太藏家、观众和专业人士提供欣赏和发现影像艺术的最佳体验。影像上海艺术博览会的参展画廊均通过严格甄选和精心策展,分布在核心 ( Main ) 和平台 ( Platform ) 两大版块,前者汇集了专注于现当代摄影的国际顶尖画廊,后者则是新兴艺术家和国际画廊的重要平台 。从教科书级别的艺术大师,到活跃在国际摄影和移动影像前沿的艺术新星,逾百位各个年龄层次的优秀艺术家的力作将济济一堂。博览会亦推出『在场』( Staged )、『洞见』( Insights )、『焦点』( Spotlight )、『对话』( Conversations )等精彩特展和公共项目版块。


   2019 影像上海艺术博览会



World Photography Organization

世界摄影组织是摄影活动的国际性平台,覆盖180多个国家。我们的目标是通过赞颂世界上最佳作品与摄影师,提升摄影相关话题的关注度。我们与全球的个人摄影师和行业领先的合作伙伴都建立了长久的纽带,为此我们引以为豪。世界摄影组织每年举办一系列丰富的活动,包括:2017年第十届的全球规模最大的摄影竞赛——索尼世界摄影奖,当地会面及讲座以及专注于摄影的国际艺术博览会——影像上海艺术博览会和影像旧金山艺术博览会。欲知更多详情,请访问 www.worldphoto.org

以上内容来自「PHOTOFAIRS影像艺术博览会 」 

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