德国哲学巨擘海德格尔(Heideggerr)说:“但“道”或许就是产生一切道路的道,我们由之而来才能去思理性、精神、意义,罗格斯等根本也即凭他们的本质所要道说的东西。也许在‘道路’(weg)即道(Tao)这个词中隐藏着运思之道说的一切神秘的神秘。 如果我们让这一名称回复到它的未被说出的状态之中而且能够这样做的话。也许方法在今天统治地位的谜一般的力最也还是,并且恰恰是来自这样一个事实,即方法尽管有其效力,但其实只不过是一条巨大的暗河的分流,是为一切开辟道路,为一切绘制轨道的那条道路的分流。一切皆道路(Alles ist Weg)。”(《在通向语言的途中》,商务印书馆,1999年,第165页)。
Contemplation of Art
Ma Qin Zhong—Art Critic
The recurrent topic Foucault's writing:the philosophy of knowledge.It is the combination of politics and rationality‘that creates the existing social system, individualism,and a signifed control system.The science of knowledge rejects the exploration of the subconscious mind.History has been interpreted in a systematical or rational way. And any non-systematical or irrational method has been avoided.
In Tsui's Contemplation of Art',one shall detect resemblance from the "Archaeology of Knowledge"of Foucault.HoWever,it is more likely that Tsui's has a propensity to depict love,emotions and personal memor.
In the"contemplation of Art",the cultural language is represented in multiple levels and they are.
the conflict and amalgamation of the eastern and western cultures, individual survival,the anxiety of conmmercialization,the distorted mind,the despoiled childhood innocent,historical flashback.These are reflective to his self-condemnation.He rebukes himself as he senses the evanescence of his utopian dream.And he aimed to find his life goals and artistic faith in his"Contemplation of Art".
Tsui is an exceptional artist.His virtuosity subsists,despite being constantly challenged by his confused inner spirits and self inflicted criticisms:the misplacement to the discovery of life in his "Contemplation of Art".
The different pieces of head size portraits are symbolic and metaphoric.The various facial expressions, composition and the hybird features of Asian and Caucasianare the language that iS used to depict Our world of cultural
The"Contemplation of Art"it is not a straight forward representation of our society or our contemporery lifestyle,but rather,to present an unostentatious style of narration and presentation.
The magically digect the readers into their spiritual and intellectual world,like the wery best painting amongst the art history.
His artwork is unequivocally contemporary.It is cultivated with elements found in the"Archeology 0f knowledge”.In the “Contemplation of Art”,one cannot find any images of our subsidiary culture or daily living.However,one could discover a pure form of signal,which creates a lucid presentational style,And this will provide a deep spiritual and intellectual guidance,like many outstanding artworks can do to us.
One could also find in them,a state of consummated spirituality,a peculiar type of feeling,an extend life limit.And slso,suggestions of needs,wishes,losts,flashbacks,deaths andrenewals."Contemplation of Art"is a recod of his memory,of his individual survival:they are like haunting spirits,nearby but distant to,formless like haze,however,substantially existing.
In the "Nude"series,Tsui had made hinself a personal statement evident by his choice of color,style, structure and mood.It is the technique and intricacy of the oriental culture that truly perplexed.And his style shadows on to his new art series.
In his new series,Tsui does not aim to exert his sentiments like any expressionistic artwork.Nor is he designing any visual display like cnstructism.However,he unconsciously narrated his emotions as "thoughts".This is evidengt by the free flow of color,the delicate balance of body texture,the briskness of strokes and the subtlety of expressions.
From my yndenstanding,his living experience in Shanghai and the international city of HongKong,conceived to himself,a unique level of paradoxical thinking.
In turn they became the significant signpost of his memory.And his memory reveals injuries that has also appeared in the “Nude”series.Even with the youthful,healthy female figure which resembles liveliness and freedom.They are then juxtaposed with cold and dark traditional insignias such as doors,throne,robes of funeral.The force of darkness coexists with dazzling beauty.The vitality of life and dazzling curvatures of the canvas obscure,the nostalgic,blemished memory of Tsui Tin Yun.