










  Discussing the art of Lin Yusi is essentially debating the possibility of Neo-Ink.

  Neo-Ink, as an emerging concept, has not yet found its theoretical grounds but already spurred overwhelming reactions of keen interest in the market. This external environment happens to be in a parallel reflective position with Lin Yusi’s recent contemplations, also serving as an illustration. Hence, Lin’s art is destined to be temporarily ‘stuck’ in this awkward situation of being undefined amid an entity with it being a composing element.

  Lin’s efforts in two aspects provide us access for further discussion. One of them is the narrative style of his images.

  The narrative style is composed of character and scene to begin with, in which the respective proportion between the two is a continuation of the human-nature relation found in traditional Chinese paintings. The composition and placement unveils the paradoxical relation Neo-Ink has with traditional Chinese art, urging to rebel but unable to break loose. This is, of course, presupposing the final goal of Neo-Ink is to make a breakthrough in the standing system of traditional ink. The solitary thin character in his images conveys the inner perplexed cultural connation of our times.

  With clues implied in works’ titles, Lin’s narration comes forth and becomes further consolidated. The names of recent works are readily recognized by us. In the “misinterpretation” or transition of the “Swan Lake”, “Wild Boar Forest”, and “Birth of Venus” , new combinations are made in context of old stories and symbolic images, displaying an inter-reflective presentation of the two. In his narration, the diluted historical sense and individualized depiction adhere to each other, evoking us to transform our memories into words or dissociate them and reorganize them into each individual’s extended interpretation. The pleasure in reading his images lies within the artist’s intelligent attempt in exploring the contextual bonds with tradition.

  In his pursue of art expression, Lin refuses to be constrained to dualism, and this as another noticeable attribute, provides us the other access to read and discuss his works.

  With a long experience being trained in the techniques of traditional Chinese art, Lin Yusi has been brought up in a typical pattern used to cultivate artists of Chinese traditional painting, with further professional instructions in the Affiliated High School of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, and later the Chinese Painting Dpt. of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. His portrayal of waters and mountains all carries some trace of the styles since the Song Dynast. A rich variation of textual strokes is applied in expressing the distant aloft grounds, disclosing his devotion and comprehension of art, which is already prominent in his earlier stage.

  The “Neo” part about his work is his diversified expression of ink. The traces of his strokes and the layers of the colors construct a unique visual impression stemming from an individual perspective. Accompanied with rich layouts of chromatic variations, lines and ink applied on the images well delineates the artist’s mastery. Alongside is the secluded manner of an adverse attitude toward conservative traditions of art. Lin is adept in applying color. The combination of bright color and clear-cut brush strokes of ink delivers a sense of grandeur with a touch of serenity. In every piece of his work, the sequential space constructed via color and ink and the impression rendered in color effects together set the tone for the character, object and mood of the image.

  Lin poses a rather peaceful manner in resolving the dilemma of breaking and constructing, and in such a manner, contributes his breakthrough, predestining his unique position standing out among the founders of Neo-Ink.



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