


  There are some paintings that on the first sight of them, they will catch your eyes, born in your mind, integrated into your blood and benefit your whole life. Mr.Cao’s Cockscomb was such splendid work, this work’s emotional wallop gives you a sense of outstanding and antiquity, and its aftertaste surround the universe. On an occasional case, I met this work, it seems like my old friend although I met it for the first time. I can’t help asking how do these common cockscombs possess unresisting charm? Only by means of coloring?


  Cockscomb is a wild flower with every season come and go, it grows quietly in four seasons, so few of people pay attention to it, and there seems no chance for it to be exhibited. Cockscomb roots beside the fence of farmhouse with the wind, when it is late autumn, with white flower withering, occasionally its blossoming red flowers may catch your eyes, like burning fire which lighten the whole mother earth. Actually, the cockscomb is so red that it looks a little generous, bold, unresisting, it raise her lofty head, belittling the blue sky and white clouds, creating serious mighty from her passion. I can’t get the answer how did Mr.Cao find its deeply beauty, how did the pink light catch his mind, and what kind of comprehension he should have for such finds, may be it is so-called perception. Isn’t it the most important quality for a painter?


  “Beholding the universe from a sand; judging the feeling from half side flower”, Viewing a picture seems like a stage curtain undrawn gradually before you, a group of maidens with red flowers on hand, locking their civility, they look so young and so elegant, with rich poses; all of which seems a world burst into bloom was concentrated into your eyes, you can’t help exciting, gratifying, and praising, those fierce red flowers like sweet grape wine, you may addictive in appreciating them like drinking good wines, all of things will go only the red flower sea remain in your mind.


  Chinese people have special feelings towards red color, and they have injected much culture into it, for Mr.Cao, he bestowed Cockscomb feminine beauty, a deeply love and a generous care. In the early morning or late evening, just when your are so tired and can’t find any inspiration, take the Cockscomb for a look, it will drive all your weariness at once, add your confidence to recreate, and lead you to a new arts world.


  Before the Cockscomb, you may taste many beautiful artistic scenes, including the amiable red flower, elegant pose, aboveboard attitude, soil odor, and sunshine fragrance. Under Mr.Cao’s pen and ink, the cockscomb look more exquisitely, mellow, refined and elegant. The numbers of green foliages like beautiful dresses swirling in wind, which set off the red cockscomb more attractive. Here the impression school’s color and the romance school’s conception mixed and together they performance a clang concert, linking in your mind. During viewing this painting, an idea suddenly hit me that this painting is the portraiture of Mr.Cao, one painter means one drawing style The Cockscomb displays the painter’s momentous excitement, it is the unyielding roar experiencing hardship, it is a rare excellent work full of feelings and loves. Can’t we say that the painting’s airs and conception are just reappearance of painter’s mettle? Mr.Cao is just this kind of passionate person, a good teacher, famous professor, who is always sincere, humble, curious and positive; he warms every friend’s heart like a fire, where he goes.

  回想 1978年深秋,艺术的春天刚送来几许丝丝缕缕的暖意, 乍情还阴,曹辅銮老师就带着南艺一班同学来连云港写生。就住在我供职的文化馆里,条件实在简陋得可以,天气渐凉,没有床,没有褥,他和学生们背着行李就住在二楼的水泥地上, 铺一点稻草 ,加上一张草席,组成临时的教室。曹老师和同学们同吃同住,文化馆在半山腰上,又没有食堂,就餐得走长长一段路,到海边的一个单位解决。写生本身就是很辛苦的作业,无法按时就餐,不要说没有温热可口的饭菜,想带一点生冷的干粮都是奢望,就这样,他不辞劳苦带着学生山上山下穿梭往返,走海边、下海岛、风尘徒步、翻山越岭选题材,找课题。每天晚上带着疲惫与欣慰和学生一起评画,启迪学生灵智,畅谈进步的艰辛,有时还邀我作辅导员,实意是帮我提高艺境,还说我海水画得好,“之”字形的笔触将渔船倒影画得很有动感,曹辅銮老师就是这样一位虚怀若谷善于学习,善于发现别人长处的人,这样的老师多麽难能可贵。

  Recollecting late autumn of 1978, when arts Spring came, there is a ray of warmth, although it was still cloudy, Mr.Cao Fuluan led the Class One students of Nanjing Art School to go to Lianyungang for sketching. They accommodated in the house of culture where I was working, at that time the house condition were really poor, without bed and bedclothes, they lay their luggage on the concrete earth of the second floor, covering some straws and a straw mat, then a temporary classroom was formed. I remembered that Mr.Cao dinned and lived together with his students, the house of culture locating on the half mountainside, there isn’t dinning hall, so they had to walk a long way to get a unit beside the sea for their dinner. Sketch is a tough assignment, undergoing without prompt accommodating, you can’t get a warm dinner, and bringing some cold food means extravagant hopes for us. Mr.Cao spared no pains to lead his students to choose materials through ascending or descending hills, walking along oceans, descending the island and stand the wind. Every evening, despite the day’s tiredness, Mr.Cao will appraise the paintings with the students, and I have the honor of being inviting as a assistant, I knew Mr.Cao wanted to improve my arts ambit, he said that I was good at drawing seawater painting, specially the “Zhi-shape” lines seems more beautiful, which inverted the fishing boat image into water, and full of dynamic. Mr.Cao was such person, who has receptive heart and adept at finding others’ merits, I am pride of having such a rare and commendable teacher.


  During those days in Lianyungang, Mr.Cao created several excellent paintings, for example the Prosperous Harbor, which is compact and colorful, the inverted image of the ship like a dancing golden snake, full of vitality. In order to find the Golden Ancient Tree’s materials, Mr.Cao went through several high mountains, stiff slopes, and deep gullies, he sat on a dangerous stone of a cliff, with sweat wet through his clothes, and a mountain wind blowing him in all directions. From this painting, you may catch a ancient maidenhair tree, flittering under the golden sunlight, it actually looks a little noble, sets off the blue sky more deeper and remoter. All these paintings was Mr.Cao’s on spot sketching, from which you may distinguish Mr.Cao’s excitement then and there, his deliberate attitude and his masterly drawing skills.

  “鸡冠花”一画后来听说被一位倜傥的藏家登门以重金收得,创下了水粉画价格的最高纪录,听到这个消息我沉思良久,心底似有波涛起伏,别一番滋味笼在心头,黄金有价艺无价,藏家的慧眼固然让我惊讶,为他更为他获得这样非同寻常的水粉画作而庆幸,使我感叹的是画家一生中极致的神品是寥寥无几的,就像一个运动员一生中能有几次跻身奥运,揽 金夺银,热泪濡湿五星红旗的荣耀呢?应该说“鸡冠花”是无价的,他是画家之魂,会永远灿然闪烁在艺术长廊里。

  I heard of that Cockscomb was later bought by a honorable collector personally, which made the highest record of the gouache paintings. On hearing this news, I can’t calm myself for a while, there seems rolling waves in my heart, gold is valuable but arts is invaluable. The collector’s insight surely surprised me, but what’s more, I thought he was lucky enough to posses this painting. I can’t help thinking, seldom athletes have the chances to participate and win golden or silver metals in the Olympic Games, to wet the red flag with five stars with their tears; so was the painters, they may draw countable excellent paintings in their whole life. The Cockscomb should be regarded as invaluable, it is the soul of painter, and glittering in the arts corridor for ever.


  Transitorily, Mr.Cao entered into his seventies in the arts journey, those ordinary scenes were transferred classic ones by his perception. May him lighten the sunset passion, and achieve more brilliant successes.



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