

  撰文/毕颐生 (前辈油画家 南京艺术学院教授)

  By Bi Yisheng (Respectable Old Oil Painter, Professor of Nanjing Art Institute)

  我和辅銮相识已有半个多世纪了。早在50年代初,我在苏州美专和苏南工专任教时,每逢暑假,我总要去上海与几位老同学叙旧,并一同写生素描,油画人像,也研讨艺术理论。 辅銮当时正就读于上海行知艺术学校 。当我们第一次接触时,他带来一大堆习作。我发现他画的石膏像是下了苦功的,结构严谨,光感也好。给我印象最深的是他的速写用笔精练,形象生动,从中显现了他的灵气敏慧的才气。

  Fuluan and me have known each other for more than half a century now. At the beginning of 1950s, I taught in Soochow College of Fine Arts and Southern Jiangsu Institute of Technology. In every summer vacation, I would go to talk about the past with several old classmates of mine in Shanghai. And we usually sketched, drew character oil painting and discussed artistic theories together. Fuluan was a student in Shanghai Xingzhi Art College at that time. When we met at the first time, he brought with him a pile of his exercises in composition. I found that his plaster model painting was excellent with preciseness in configuration and a fine sense of light. The most impressive works was his sketches, with proficiency of pencil using and vivid images, displayed his talent of nimbus and wisdom.

  1958年,南京艺术学院创办了装饰专业,院里派我参加筹划,但缺少专业教师。当时的院长陈之佛教授随即介绍了他的高足曹辅銮老师。从此我们两位老相识便朝夕相处,并肩战斗在这个新办的专业的教学岗位上。因此,我对他的教业精神和专业素养有了进一步的了解。 他是一位十分珍惜点滴时间的勤奋的人。尤其可贵之处,是他的教学法,是讲解与示范并举,个别指导时总是抓住要害,有针对性地作具体指导,不作泛泛空论。这样的教学形式只有实力很强的老师才能担当,当然,这样施教才能深得学生拥戴。每次从生活中返校,他总是满载而归, 我们也分享他丰收的喜悦。

  In 1958, the Ornament Major was established in Nanjing Art Institute. I was assigned to take part in its plan and preparation. Since we were lack of professional teachers, the former president, Professor Chen Zhilin, recommended his student, Teacher Cao Fuluan, to take this responsibility. And from then on, we two started to stay together on the educational position. Thus, I got to know his hard working spirit and his professional accomplishment step by step. He is a diligent person for whom every second accounts. The most valuable thing is his teaching methodology, in which he combines the explanation with the demonstration. His individual direction always gets hold of the key point, and gives a practical guidance with a definite aim. Such kind of teaching format can only be adapted by those able teachers. Of course, such kind of teaching should be warmly welcomed by the students. Each time he went home from school, he always came back with fruitful outcomes, and we also shared his happiness of the harvest.


  The early stage of Fuluan’s painting focused on watercolour painting and gouache painting. Recently, his paintings have a wider theme, including character portrait, human body, landscape and still life. And every theme is his mastery. Out of question, this has a close relationship with his solid basic skills and his industrious study, but the original reason still roots in his talent and wisdom, and the direction and edification of several brilliant masters, they are oil printer, Yang Zuxu, and watercolour printer, Qian Yankang, both of them have been worked in Shanghai Xingzhi Art College in the past.


  Cao Fuluan’s painting achievement should be owe to the edification of those several brilliant masters of excellent training.


  Due to his profound culture knowledge and skilled technique, every character, no matter it is the old or the young, men or women, displays an outstanding characteristic, full of energy and as vivid as a living person. His landscape painting is also excellent, with a freedom of brush going, a splendid vitality, bright and elegant colour and the peculiarity of geographical feature and season feature, all those offer an endless enjoyment for the appreciators.



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