孙晓枫 批评家
Notes on Boundless
"Boundless" is a kind of lookout, a kind of survey, and endless description of space and time in the future, confirms a sense of void from personal 'point' in the interleaving of time and space. The inner value of "Boundless" is not to protrude a pleasant sensation of arrogating the border, and to correct misunderstandings of individuals stood in grand narrative and highly poetic vacuum. Boundless is not an aggressive expansion, but an inward self-reflection: the sense of void caused by fear and pressure of personal life. Therefore, as the title of Wang Huangsheng's exhibition, is full of irony: this exhibition stands on the opposite of infinite and eternal heroism emotion and elite complex, as well as the antithesis of lyrics. Boundless exhibition presents Wang Huangsheng's own reality, about talent, education, common sense, experience, and personal understanding of time, dominant or recessive control or abetting of time on individuals. From the concrete to the abstract, Wang Huangsheng brings a person to a maze of contradictions, seeking for a kind of collateral evidence needed to be confirmed in classical and present spiritual circumstances: works and those works had been retold by the third party, a staged projection of personal ideology, a kind of representation of spirit under real oppression.
In the essay Boundless Detachment, Feng Boyi pointed out, "Wang Huangsheng's experimental art creation involves with endless conflict between personal poetry and real situation, while in such attached dependency; he was seeking for a visual transformation and defamiliarization effect by means of multi-media experiment." In this argument, we can split two corresponding relationship: personal poetry and real situation via visual transformation and defamiliarization effect. Personal poetry and reality constitute a contradictory relationship of mutual penetration and growing up together. Personal poetry comes from Wang Huangsheng'' inner heart, is a kind of enlightenment, recognition of his own literati blood, and self-awareness of cultural root, ensures that his own art creation will not deviate from its position, and keeps a real pain of real life as well rebound and response under survival pressures. Continuing confirmed and strengthened consciousness of identity of literati (the intellectual), and deep aspiration to change the reality and to deconstruct the contradictions, results to a participation into real situation and devises a utopian fantasy after following a theory logic: reality can be changed, and reality must be changed; with what kinds of weapons; critique, re-critique; sense of literati (the intelligent) enlarges one's own sense of mission, and sense of undertaking to save the world. Events and facts had happened in real situation become source and imaginary enemy of literati poetry, meanwhile the biggest obstacle to release literati poetry, and the future stumbling block needed to be removed for utopian ideals, therefore, inadequacy of real situation (self-injustice, inequality, anxiety, etc) sublimates the meaning of personal poetry on individual life, and achieves a height of self-aesthetic and hypnosis of history writing hallucinations. When real situation deconstructs personal poetry again and again, personal poetry has to confront with heavy task to reconstruct, integrate and transform the rhetoric.
Visual transformation and defamiliarization effect constitute a progressive cause-effect relationship, that is, visual transformation as a means, and defamiliarization effect a result, a result desired by visual transformation. Obviously, visual transformation comes from education and experience, is a strategy in location of space and time, a most effective and direct means to result. Choice of multimedia is obviously skillful; as an experienced director and curator, he is very clear that what should be done in an exhibition in order to get the best result, which is a professional sensitivity. When Wang Huangsheng returns to the artist's position, he struggles to find forces of thoughts, to change identity limited by painting actions with borrowing of medium, to mark an obvious position of de-painting. On the one hand, visual transformation expands the way of reading about artworks, on the other hand, it strengthens impact when works come into memory; while formal conversion of subject results to richness of a show and three-dimension effect, it also illustrates the uncertainty and future possibilities of creation, that is, an open expectation of unknown values. Suggestive uncertainty and openness is to maximize the presentation, thus finds room and flexible space for defamiliarization effect, additionally pushes the most desired answers back to individuals; when answers can be obtained from different entrances and exits, the exhibition returns back to its own presentation, provides just a view of reference, gets rid of suspicion of abetting, and makes the reading action in the front of works a sense of participation, so opens up the boundary between the artist, the artworks and viewers, realizes a boundless fact in action.
The lines become the main image of Wang Huangsheng's works; it is a symbol of the boundary lines, and those swirling lines seem like disordered boundary lines with strenuous exercise, and when the boundary line lost the meaning of the specification and contract, that is, when power will of lines has been cleared up, lines can only return to the lines, to lines with zero degree of meaning. After Wang Huangsheng takes away the power of lines to shape, on the one hand, he reconstructs the historical position of lines in ink and wash paintings, thus abandons the figurative lyricism, and moreover, gives lines a sense of emptiness, disrupts aesthetic norms and read steps to achieve the purpose of deconstruction of the lines with lines, so that the concept of the work to be confirmed; from figurative lines to the last line, Wang Huangsheng's own creation establishes a personal reference system. Personal poetic and personal reality is stitched seamlessly into concept and position dealt with current relevance and significance. Among the different opinions between Japan and China about the issue of boundary, interpretation of boundary from respective own positions makes the boundary line become a dynamic elastic movement, become the intersection of broken and solid lines, deeply effect new interpretation of international relations and pre-imagination for future trends of international forces integration. It is a line of the controversy, but also wrestling between historical evidences and reality. So Wang Huangsheng's lines generate a new possibility of reading due to reversed intervention.
"Boundless" means destruction and negotiation, that is, present reconciliation and bridge between personal poetry and real situation, and personalized balance of antagonistic contradictions.
Sun Xiaofeng Critic
May 15, 2013