何红蓓的卓越能力在她艺术生涯的早期就得到了回报:她在1992年首届广州艺术双年展获奖。这届艺术展是中国现代艺术最重要的奠基展。从那时起,她的作品在亚洲和北美广泛展出,她的艺术才能和独特的风格得到了世界各地收藏家的喜爱。她的作品始终是以女性为中心的,主要关注现代中国女性的情感及她们面对传统和现代的矛盾冲突的困境。她的最新作品系列,“倒掉垃圾 - 放松”,继续探索女性心理,但着重强调,在艺术家眼里,女性在现代社会面对的无数外来压力. 这个系列塑造了女性在各种环境下几乎无瑕的美。同时,各种杂物,包括药丸,香烟,化妆品等,从女性纸做的头中倾倒下来。这些纸做的头颅立即让人联想到脆弱和延展; 艺术家似乎暗示,年轻妇女的思想也被那些传播对美丽和完善的现代痴迷的人们所操纵。事实上,何红蓓作品中女性非凡的美丽外观,正是被潮流所吹捧并被女性所热切追求的。然而,对于大多数个人,这种所谓的完美是无法实现的。于是,对完美的追求成为一个消费和短暂满意的周期性行为。通过这一系列,艺术家似乎在鼓励美容痴迷的社会里的妇女们清空头脑中的垃圾,摆脱对物理完美的做作的和不必要的执迷。
He hongpei's outstanding ability was rewarded early on in her artistic career when she received an award at the first Guangzhou biennale in 1992. Since then she has gone on to exhibit widely across Asia and North America; her artistic aptitude and unique style striking a chord with collectors the world over.He's works are consistently female-centric as the artist is primarily concerned with the emotional wellbeing of modern-day Chinese women and the difficulties they must face in coping with the competing forces of tradition and modernity. Her latest group of works,“Dumped Garbage-Relax”,continues to explore the female psyche,but this time puts more emphasis on the myriad external forces which the artist believes exert immense pressure on women in contemporary society.The series depicts women of virtually flawless beauty in various settings. The heads of these women appear to be made from paper and as they lean over, various objects which include pills,cigarettes and cosmetics seem to tumble out from within. The paper heads immediately bring to mind fragility and malleability; the artist seems to be implying that the minds of young women are being manipulated by those who propagate the modern obsession with beauty and perfection. Indeed the remarkable beauty possessed by He's subjects is exactly the look touted by influential trendsetters and pursued fervently by women.
However, for the majority of individuals, this level of so-called perfection is simply unattainable, and the pursuit of it becomes nothing more than a cycle of consumption and short lived satisfaction. Through this series, the artist appears to be encouraging women to empty their minds of rubbish that has been placed there by a beauty-obsessed society; to shed the contrived and unnecessary preoccupation with so-called physical perfection.