










  VariationHan Xucheng is my follow town. He was used to learn topaint with his childhood friends Fan Lijun and Zhang Linhai attheir boyhood. All of them applied Central Academy of FineArts. Han Xucheng failed to pass the entrance examination toCAFA, but he had not given up for it. Instead,he has beendiligently drawing till now. Because of painting, he has liveda harsh life. Over one decade passed, he as a bachelor actedas father and mother to raise his two children and has beendrawing every day. His kindness, plain and diligence as if heis the cabbage in the north land. Since he had been broughtup in the countryside, naturally he has a subtle feeling withthe land and cabbage. It might be associated with his art frompainting the cabbage.

  Han Xucheng had started to paint‘Cabbage’about tenyears ago. At that time, he lived Shangyuan village, about 40Kilometers north of Beijing. His studio and living space werefarmer’s house attached a large courtyard. He was a hardworking.

  At the free time of taking care of children and painting,he planted some vegetables such as green bean, radish,eggplant, tomato and cabbage as well. At first, his painted greencabbage in the land, like the sketching of large format. Later on,he made the green leaves fill in the picture, whose use of directand plain, depicted the over-luxuriant gray and vibrant feel withall the details of the leaves and let cabbage screen began to breakaway the feeling of “lifelike”. You see how fake it is! A cabbagewith one- square-meter sized, and it is the detail. However,here Han Xucheng might touch to the art. He painted the cabbagein his heart - the natural Chinese cabbage becoming the plasticone. Maybe it is more real, more close to the reality that todaymore and more away from the natural.

  After Han Xucheng moved to Xiaopu village ofSongzhuang town, his ‘Chinese Cabbage’ had becomequalitative change - from ‘fresh’ to ‘dry’, at that time,if you went to his studio, you could see his windowsill filledwith dry Chinese cabbage. For many years, he had beensilence in dry Chinese cabbage descript with hardworking,struggling to find his own feeling. Several years later, HanXucheng’s ‘Chinese Cabbage’had another ‘qualitativechange’. That is from ‘dry’to ‘rotten’. In the earlyperiod, it looked like decayed Chinese cabbage, and then morelike animal internal organs. It seemed endless inundant sensualdesire. At present, it looks almost nothing to do with‘ Chinesecabbage’. Indeed, the painting is irrelevant to the Chinesecabbage. Nonetheless, in the process of the Chinese cabbagefreshness to dry, Han Xucheng has understood and expressedhis feeling toward the change of the society and the world. Inother words, in the rapid process of economic globalization,the cultural values broken and faith generally lost, China wentinto a deformed consumer era. Impetuous people, materialismand the gorgeous physical world cover up the gap betweenthe rich and the poor; the harmony slogan can not whitewashthe intense social contradictions...... The social reality ‘asdelectable as peach and plum’ beneath the ‘fester’surfacebrings Han Xucheng and each sensitive artist alike confusion,resentment and frustration. If they do not use nausea images,they can not express the frustration and helplessness of theirhearts. This is the reason that‘unattractive’images appearin contemporary art. Comparing with the traditional art,contemporary art focuses on the gloomy life and less sugaringup. On a large scale, Han Xucheng directly painted the‘ animalsewage’as the ‘main theme’also is a creation. The magmalike raging internal organs, as the cross flow of materialdesires, greasy, slimy, rotten whirring and full coming to thepeople, but also a visual stimulus.

  Furthermore, Han Xucheng strove to paint the rotteninternal organs like the gems ‘Erupt in the place, asdelectable as peach and plum .’As a matter of fact,‘ rotten’and‘brilliance’are simple, but this requires appropriate sense ofpropriety, if Han Xucheng can fully express it, and his art willbe a higher ground. In the meanwhile, the sense of proportionbetween rotten and brilliance is also a deep understanding tothe reality.

  In recent years, Han Xucheng’s Chinese Cabbage ismore ‘stone’ or simply the fake gemstones feeling like‘artificial stone’. The giant Chinese cabbage screens arelike piles of stone carving, overwhelming, stout and cheap, asif the traditional carved jade cabbage becoming shoddy poorquality stone carvings, hugely magnified strong false. HanXucheng intended to use more unreal, unnatural, jerky color,light green, light yellow like plastic imitation fake gemstonesproducts to stress the false of cabbage or cheap.

  Han Xucheng is a simple person, poor words and not easyto change. ‘Chinese Cabbage’is his only object as a symbol.

  The several variations of the Chinese Cabbage have showedthe transformation and expression of his real life experience.

Li Xianting



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