What can I write about Fang Zhaoling that would not. merely repeat the well deserved praise and admiration her genius has already earned for her? I can say that she will be remembered in years to come as the West now remembers its great innovators in painting amongst the Impressionists and in such modern Masters as Miro and Picasso. Alone, a woman, a widow with eight children to feed and educate, Fang Zhaoling has brought a new dimension to Chinese painting. She has taken the tradition of her art and broadened it and widened it to make it truly accessible and compelling in the perspective of China's modern period.
Many others can say so much more than I about the art of Fang Zhaoling, so I will tell of the woman : the woman whose enormous power already mesmerized me when I first met her officiating at the opening of her one-woman exhibition in Singapore in 1961. Then, everything seemed against her. Personal, political and economic factors seemed to conspire against her, but above all she had to overcome the hurdle of being a woman in a field where women were seldom taken seriously.
She was then a more classical artist than she has become, but even in that classicism there was already a power, a life-giving energy, an inner fire which struck me greatly. Since then I have learned that it was after that exhibition that Fang Zhaoling began to take seriously the idea of carving out a new path for herself, a new road of expression for her art. Perhaps I felt the pulse of that first stirring of genius-l don't know. All I know is that I thought to myself: tHere is something great which will stand firmly in the face of foolish criticism, mediocrity and repetitious conformism'. Now that twenty-three years have gone by, and Fang Zhaoling has found her own way in her art and been acclaimed for it by the whole world, I am satisfied that what I felt then was right.
I had no share in this - except as a fellow artist also trying to find new ways of expression in her own art. I did not tell Fang Zhaoling what to do. She alone, in the silence of her heart and the greatness of her spirit, in that perpetual search for ultimate reality which is mankind's very soul, found her own way.
In doing so she encountered many obstacles, both physical and spiritual. She chose a lonely struggle for her art over the temptations of settling down as a placid housewife in a wealthy household. She broke away from the established role of a woman and mother in pursuit of her own accomplishment. I revere and praise such a spirit - it is what makes her a genius in her own right.
I shall not talk in detail about her many teachers. Teachers are necessary and valuable so long as they do not insist only on conformism, on being imitated by their students. A teacher must first develop in the pupil the strength and courage to be different, to break away from slavish imitation. Fang Zhaoling has always honoured her teachers. We have often talked of them and she always rc ders themhonour and respect. But she could also diverge from them and this is a lesson that all of us must learn. Thus when one of them decided never to return to China she had the courage to argue that it was in China that lay the essential life-force which had given birth to Chinese painting and that it was China that would continue to nourish it. Her faith and trust in her own country, her ability to discern the Eternity of China, is also part of her ability to continue the process of enrichment of and innovation in the ancient art of Chinese painting.
1984 Han Suyin
Lausanne, Switzerland