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Thoughts on Bai Di's Oil Paintings

Xu Hong

  In looking at the work of Bai Di, a woman painter based in Germany, we naturally think of a poet writing. The general idea is that poets must expand personal experience to epochal experience in order to write a poem about their times (W. H. Auden). The work of Nobel Prize winner and German author Hermann Hesse was representative of its time because he linked constrained and distorted humanity to the atmosphere of the Second World War, and showed how individual life experience and the absurdity of the world influenced one another. This is also true of artists who use keen perceptions to capture the basic traits of their era from the undercurrents surging through society.

  Bai Di's oil paintings express the existential predicaments of modern people, including the relationships between people and the environment, and the relationships between people. Her painting methods are influenced by expressionism, stressing that individual emotion is greater than the forms of objective things and that psychological experience is greater than the depiction of concrete details. She often blurs the faces of the figures, but the positions of their bodies are vital and powerful. The addition of succinct props and metaphorical environments reflect her ability to describe human states. Bai has purposely obscured symbols of status with these figures, such that even personality traits or class markers are not obvious. The emotional quality of these images is very clear; her paintings are not narratives that employ form for form's sake. Whether young women, men, or elderly women, the figures in her paintings are vehicles for emotion that are placed in environments with different emotional atmospheres. They are part of an emotional dynamic, but they do not have explicit goals or directions for their actions; they do not know where they came from or where they are going, which makes the viewer anxious about their fates. This is the relationship between the figures and their environments in Singer, Night, and Echo; the only other thing in the image aside from the figures is a piano, but from the singer's pose, we can sense an extinguished passion. The ominous reverberations of the song are like the spirit of fate hiding in the darkness. In Night, a depressed man has drowned his sorrows, and he seems static compared to the figures in Singer, but the two works employ unstable structures of diagonal lines, as well as large blocks of red that form tense contrasts with dark backgrounds, in order to show anxious, perplexed mental states and the constraints of depression.

  The expressionist traits of Bai's art are reminiscent of Edvard Munch, but she remains distinct. Born to a family of Chinese painters, Bai has an Eastern serenity and calm. Controlled expressions of passion characterize her art and comprise part of her overall style. In Echo, the image of a girl fidgeting with her phone is common in our everyday lives, but Bai successfully expresses a tumultuous, anxious internal world behind that serene calm. Bai uses writerly, expressive techniques and layered, vague modeling methods to show uncertain movements and internal conflicts, which stir up yet attempt to conceal multiple implications. The works are reserved yet vivid, simple yet rich; she stresses restraint without losing power, which is the primary difference between expressionist art made by Chinese and Western artists. Her work reflects the anxiety of a young person, which is different from the anxiety experienced by a worldly-wise elder.

  Bai Di excels at creating peaceful but slightly cold spiritual tonalities, and when these tonalities reverberate in these mystical interior spaces, the feeling of an autumn drizzle creeps in. In Coping, a figure sits by a wall, head in hands, and even the sunlight seems to grieve. In Lost Memories, an old sofa draped in a white cloth sits in a dark room, and two kissing people with covered faces hover above it like a projection, conveying a strong sentimentality. The cool style of these works allows us to surmise the source of the artist's creative spirit. When this style became the primary mode in her work, the emotional direction and expressive qualities of her art became fresher. Bai wants to use this cool style to express her attitudes toward life and the world, striking the eyes and souls of her viewers and destroying their fearless yet numb attitudes. Bai's work also contains warm colors. In Night, there is a blood-red table in the foreground, but this piercing red does not convey passion or warmth; it actually feels rather harsh. In Coping, Bai expresses loneliness in golden yellow, warm tones. Her spirit and temperament mean that rather depressing cool tones are the keynotes of her images. Her cool style is linked to far-reaching themes of our times. An apprehension about the future permeates these images, and these are an expression of a stage in life and an interpretation of the painter's worries.

  From Bai Di's images, we can discern a melancholy, mystical air, which is both real and illusory. When we say that it is "real," it is not real in the sense of having personally witnessed something or feeling that something is true. The key objects in Lonely are the beds and the hanging drip bags; the patients are not the primary focus, but the painting makes you feel as if you have just walked into a hospital ward. Obviously, the painter's focus is not on describing the patient's illness, but on conveying the emotional atmosphere brought about by illness. Compared to the shadow of death in Munch's work, Bai lays greater emphasis on loneliness and helplessness. However, this feeling of loneliness comes from within, and disease is merely a set of circumstances; painting the sickbeds and not the patients has a greater psychological authenticity and expressiveness. In similar works such as Empty Nest, Night, Lost Memories, and Coping, Bai successfully explores and seeks to express feelings of loneliness, while very realistically conveying her thoughts. The illusory quality of Bai Di's work is caused by the fact that the truth is difficult to discern amidst the chaos of reality. The illusoriness of the paintings is produced by society and psychology; the paintings lament the circumstances of contemporary people, and show frustration with future predictions. The current reality is the result of a fruitless search; this frustration inevitably brings about an anxiety that is hard to dispel.

  Bai's paintings are like a series of shifting scenes, which could also be called dreamscapes. The figures and environments that appear in the works are not clear, and they can be seen as hallucinations. They are like monologues of the soul, with a special rhythm and charm. They speak in low yet powerful voices. Thin yet heavy, clear yet stable, these pieces come from the soul, and the closer they get to the soul, the more obvious these qualities become, and the thicker and weightier they become; the power of emotion plays a role. As the pictures develop, they convey a fantastical feeling, like the soulful visions that float before your eyes while listening to music. In Old Things, Future, and Empty Nest, those figures, props, and environments convey a tone. The structures, tones, and pace of the paintings are flowing and rich, flexible and variable, but they follow discernible rules. The paintings contain freely imagined and composed possibilities, as well as implications yet to be appreciated. This special environment stemmed from Bai's unique ideas and ingenious staging.

  Bai Di's work seems to depict forms that rely on existential space; her pictures narrate the connection between time and objects, showing that an ancient conception of cause and effect still plays a role. Her work shows the positions of figures in space; they are governed by the sequences of time: day, night, or another indeterminate moment, static or dynamic processes, and the beginnings or the ends of events… Human intellect and wisdom produce thoughts and feelings about the world, and emotion is a nimble and vital process. This spiritual world is the manifestation of humans and events intersecting in time and space. Bai Di uses dynamic space to express the sense of temporal and spatial dislocation experienced by modern people. The loneliness and uncertainty in her works are all related to this. Search, Route, Long Journey, Summit, and other works that express and explore the future convey her innermost feelings of confusion and denial, and her uncertainty about the future reflects her doubts about life; this simply shows that time plays an important role in her work, while also reflecting her anxiety about the modern changes in Chinese society, an anxiety about the temporal dimension.



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