
艺术家|赵洋和他的“模糊之境” - 个展预告和以往作品回顾


Opening on 9 March 2019, ShanghART Beijing is delighted to present Zhao Yang's solo exhibition "Roma Is a Lake". This is Zhao's first solo show at the Beijing space and his second with ShanghART Gallery, featuring the artist's latest works after a series of presentations at art museums. 

赵洋 Zhao Yang|罗马是个湖 180119 Roma Is a Lake 180119|布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & Acrylic on Canvas|198x305cm|2018


Zhao Yang: Roma Is a Lake

开幕 | Opening

2019/03/09 (Sat.), 16:00

展期 | Duration

2019/03/09 – 04/28(Tue.-Sun. 11:00-18:00)

地点 | Location


ShanghART Beijing, 261 Caochangdi, Airport Side Road, Chaoyang District

赵洋 Zhao Yang|罗马是个湖 180806 Roma Is a Lake 180806|布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & Acrylic on Canvas|210x210cm|2018


The reason painting always fascinates Zhao Yang is because it is capable of turning a three-dimensional world into two-dimensional. In the development of Eastern and Western painting, narratives have occupied so much space that painting can't escape. No matter how far it goes in abstract or conceptual art, it is impossible to cut off this destined connection.


以往 作品&展览 回顾

赵洋个展:赵洋  ‘Zao’ by ZHAO Yang|香格纳主空间&H空间,上海 ShanghART Main Space & H-Space, Shanghai|2016


Narratives are deliberately destroyed in Zhao Yang's paintings. Zhao tries to place himself outside of the ideographic system constructed by visual language, just as the "somnambulant" and "lispers" he depicts belong to a vague edge of the figurative system.

赵洋个展:赵洋  ‘Zao’ by ZHAO Yang|香格纳主空间&H空间,上海 ShanghART Main Space & H-Space, Shanghai|2016

赵洋 Zhao Yang|巨人症 Gigantism|布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & Acrylic on Canvas|340x510cm|2015

赵洋 Zhao Yang|球 Balls|布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & Acrylic on Canvas|60x80cm|2015


Zhao Yang received academic art education in the middle and late 1980s. In the early days of reform and opening up, with the active cultural recovery in the society, the aesthetic standard of the Italian Renaissance taught at the art school has impressed Zhao so deeply that it offers a starting point for his "somniloquy" and "lisp". 

赵洋个展:阿赖耶 ZHAO Yang: ALAYA |chi K11美术馆,上海 chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai|2018


赵洋 Zhao Yang|爱斯基摩人 Eskimo|布面油画 Oil on Canvas|180x180cm|2014

chi K11美术馆收藏 | Collected by chi K11 Art Museum

As Zhao's artistic output is delocalised, an often asked question is how such paintings reflect reality. However, the artist believes that all the representational figures on canvas are just the beginning of his practice and the result has nothing to do with them. What he explores through his work is a context that languages gradually superimpose, blur and even disappear, so that a larger energy field can arise.

赵洋 Zhao Yang|春天 Spring|布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & Acrylic on Canvas|200x150cm|2014

法国蓬皮杜艺术中心收藏 | Collected by Centre Pompidou

一种历史:1980年代至今的艺术、建筑、设计 , 当代艺术收藏展,蓬皮杜艺术中心,巴黎,法国 Une histoire: art, architecture, design des années 1980 à nos jours Centre Pompidou, Paris, France|2015


Though made of Western pigments, Zhao Yang's work is significantly influenced by his academic background in Chinese painting - he applies what he has learned from the system of traditional ink painting to different materials and spaces. 

赵洋个展:万物之间 ZHAO Yang: In Between|台北艺术大学关渡美术馆,台北 Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, TNUA, Taipei|2016


From Zhao's perspective, the uncontrollable nature, which the flow of ink in water has, is central to Chinese painting. When making art he feels more like a performer improvising a solo. He observes changes of the picture, looking for possible clues in between.

赵洋 Zhao Yang|曲折的时间 Winding Time|布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & Acrylic on Canvas|200x300cm|2017


"Collapse" is the word Zhao uses most frequently to describe his own paintings, which always hide, cover and even destroy narratives in the fog of contradiction. On the canvas there is no construction but a process from nothing to something, and then back to nothing again. Nevertheless the "nothing" here is not absolute; rather it represents the deeper vagueness that Zhao is trying to find.



赵洋,1970年生于吉林,1995年毕业于中国美术学院,现工作生活于北京。近期展览包括:赵洋个展: 罗马是个湖,香格纳北京(2019);新艺术史:中国的当代艺术 2000-2018,银川当代美术馆,银川(2019);赵洋: 阿赖耶,chi K11美术馆,上海(2018);赵洋: 万物之间,台北艺术大学关渡美术馆,台北(2016);赵洋个展:赵洋,香格纳画廊,上海(2016);CHINA 8,莱茵鲁尔区中国当代艺术展,勒姆布鲁克博物馆,杜伊斯堡(2015);一种历史:1980年代至今的艺术、建筑、设计,当代艺术收藏展,蓬皮杜艺术中心,巴黎,法国(2015);遗失的肖像,龙美术馆,上海(2014)等。

Zhao Yang was born in Jilin, China in 1970. He graduated from the China Academy of Fine Art in 1995 and currently lives and works in Beijing. His recent exhibitions include: Zhao Yang: Roma Is a Lake, ShanghART Beijing (2019); New Art History: 2000-2018 Chinese Contemporary Art, MOCA Yinchuan, Yinchuan (2019); Zhao Yang: ALAYA, chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai (2018); Zhao Yang: In Between, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, TNUA, Taipei (2016); 'Zao' by ZHAO Yang, ShanghART Gallery, Shanghai (2016); China 8, Contemporary Art from China at the Rhine and Ruhr, Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany (2015); Une histoire: art, architecture, design des années 1980 à nos jours, Collections contemporaines, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (2015); Lost Portrait, Long Museum, Shanghai (2014), etc.



开幕: 2019/03/09 (周六), 16:00

展期: 2019/03/09 – 04/28

地点: 香格纳北京




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