Reading-Cycles: Body Distance
Throughout history lyrics, poems, tales, wisdoms, sayings and other forms of text have emerged as a means to highlight individual or collective experiences, built solidarity and move towards new horizons.
This open call invites a broad public to actively join a reading and discussion group which will look into shared narratives between Chinese, European and wider cultures’ poetry, lyrics, wisdoms and tales. It is ideal if all participants feel comfortable to speak and read English besides their native language and enjoy to share thoughts in an open group setting, like the Reading-Cycles.
Sentiments, histories and contemporary perspectives on the texts are exchanged throughout these cycles. Any media from China or abroad is very welcomed to be put forward by the participants. Simultaneously media from European and wider contexts will be introduced from my side.
To narrow the content of the texts (poetry, lyrics, tales, wisdoms etc.) we will focus on these keywords: Body, Human Relation, Distance, Travel, Trade, Exchange, Labor, Work, Wealth, Fortune; The Body and Distance being the most important components.
Reading-Cycles are organised and communicated through a WeChat group (s. QR below). Upcoming events will be decided and communicated through this group chat. As participants you are invited to post and share related media in this WeChat group prior to the meetings, so these texts can be included in the next meetings. As soon as we have a few participants in the WeChat group, we will start to plan our first meeting.
As resident at 33SPACE, I hope that this study-group can inform my current work here in Shenzhen. The gatherings will end with the residency term at the end of June.
The meetings will be a joyful time for heart and mind ~
Please contact anytime, if you have questions or comments.
Isabel Mager
The QR code of the WeChat group:
纵观历史, 歌词、诗歌、故事、智慧、谚语和其他形式的文字已成为强化个人或集体经验、建立连接和走向新视野的一种手段。
Isabel Mager
33 空间2014年在深圳成立,是本土先锋、开放的当代艺术空间,发掘和推广优秀艺术家,支持实验性艺术创作,作品涵盖绘画、雕塑、装置、行为、声音、影像、跨表演媒体等媒介。同时,合作开展国际艺术交流项目,并积极面向公众,努力推动当代艺术进入公共社会。
33SPACE is a local vangard and opening contemporary art space founded in Shenzhen, 2014. We dedicate to discover and promote excellent artists, and to support experimental artistic innovation. Artworks include paintings, sculptures, installations, performance art, sounds, videos, multi- media, and others. We also cooperate to support and launch international art communication programs, actively facing and promoting contemporary art to the public.