2022-07-07 11:28
钟绍琳是我国著名花鸟画家钟质夫之子,自幼天资聪慧,刻苦好学,后来考入鲁迅美术学院染织专业学习。1988 年东渡扶桑,1992 年考取日本多摩美术大学研究生,从事染色专业的学习,并获得硕士学位。日前他学业有成,从海外回到了祖国,带着丰硕的研究成果重返母校作汇报展览。这期间在他学习和创作的艺术生涯中已经历了漫长的风雨旅程,其间所付出的辛勤劳动是可想而知的。
我历来认为,凡属造型艺术中的任何一种艺术门类,无论它表现的是何种内容或用的是何种表现形式,又无论是单纯或复杂、抽象与具象、表现与再现、主观与客观都应当给人以美感,达到美化社会环境、美化人们的心灵为最终目标。钟绍琳作品所追求、探索展现的正是这种美的艺术境界。作品中所表现的山石云海、花草树木、飞禽水鸟、日月星辰、人物图像等,从色彩的配置、形象的粗合到线条的韵律、抽象的变幻,以及意象的联想都蕴含着一种美感。 每一幅作品既可提供给专业人员进行品味和借鉴,又为普通观赏者所乐于接受和欣赏。作为一位美术设计家,能使他的作品进入到“雅俗共赏”的境地,我认为是难能可贵的。例如《有月的风景》这幅作品,作者充分利用了色彩的对比、排列、组合和色彩的明度、纯度、寒暖的变化以及色块的大小、形状的方圆、长短等巧妙地处理,使画面既丰富多变又和谐统一,构成一种宁静优美的意境。 《群舞》给我们的感受则是一首铿锵有力的色彩交响乐章。画面中红黄蓝黑的色彩相互交织、反榇,浓重轻淡的叠映对比,使得起伏的潮水与眩目的光波相映生辉,使人仿佛身临其境,正在观赏一幅鱼鸥共舞、群鸟戏水的壮丽夕阳景观。我尤其喜欢作者采取糊染与蜡染并用而创作的《海风》,他运用浓厚的防染糊绘出白色浪花,衬出了礁石的坚韧与挺拔;以蜡防染描绘出的涓涓细流显示出潮水涌动的活力;以防染糊经多次蘸糊染色而形成的苔迹给人以勃勃的生机,使人通过自己的经验与视觉,感受到大海的力量与壮美。其他像《绿茵场上》、《向日葵》,浮雕表现形式的《野趣》,以及通过人物动势、肢体的变形重叠、交替、排列、组合而创作的多幅《曲钱的构成》等装饰性作品都以其“染色”艺术特有的魅力和审美趣味,把人们带进一个赏心悦目的艺术天地。从这些精心推敲的作品中,既可以体察到艺术家纯熟的制作技巧和对美的追求,也透露出艺术家对社会高尚的奉献精神和真挚情怀。
Zhong Shaolin, the son of Zhong Zhifu, a famous flower-and -bird painter in China, was clever when being a child. By his diligence, he entered Luxun Academy of Fine Arts majoring in textile design. In 1988 he went to Japan for a further study and was admitted to Duomo Academy of Fine Arts for M.A degree in dyeing. A few days ago he returned LAFA for a solo show which was also a report back performance from a tour abroad, from which we could sense the hardships he had experienced.
Dyeing is a new concept for us. It consists of several difrent types of technique.Owing to the unique efee and charm each technique produces, dyeing textile products are welcome among the public, considering its practical application and art appreciation. In this album are collected some dyeing works with rich colors that can bring us sense of freshness and beauty.
In my opinion, a work belonging to modelling art should add beauty to our lives.What Zhong Shaolin wants to convey through his art works is this kind of artistic state flled with beauty he has persued and explored for a long time. All the images in his works can bring the viewers a sense of beauty by the arrangement of colors,combination, distortion of images and rhythm of lines, usually of mountain, rock,cloud, sea, grass, flower, tree, bird, beast, moon. star, sun, fgre--Each of his work can serve as a reference for professional artists and an art object lovely to look at. I think it‘ S hard and valuable for an art designer to make his work suit both refined and popular tastes. For instance, in Landscape with Moon, he makes full use of the contrast, arrangement and combination of colors. change of the values and temperature of tones and the size of brushstrokes to unify the picture and create a tranquil and elegant mood. On the other hand, his Dancing senses as a rhythmic and forceful symphony, which can provoke the same feelings in the viewer that the real fish and birds do. What is most to my taste is his Sea Wind finished by wax dyeing skill. in which he shows us the strong beauty of the sea. His other works as On the Football Field, Sunflower, Rustic Charm and Construction of Curves series can also make the viewer find the scenery pleasing to both the cye and the mind. These well-excuted works present the artist’ s mature skills and pursuit to beauty.
Zhong Shaolin returned to his beloved homeland in his middle age. I believe his works and series of tricks of trade he has got from exploration will be bound to contribute a lot to the promotion of dyeing art in China. I hope he will make greater achievements in his future career.
Witen by Li Zhonghuai
On May 30 199AFA