当我还只有十一二岁时,是恩师陈东如先生给予我绘画的启蒙教导。初中毕业后,只因我的坚持,一再说 "我就爱画画",疼爱和迁就我的外婆和母亲就从反对(她们都担心说 "画画没饭吃")改为支持我去报考美术学院附中,从而决定了我一生的道路。十四岁我从南方来到了既寒冷又酷热的武汉市,我的御寒装备承载了慈母深切的关爱——她把以前在香港时穿过的皮衣拆下来,请师傅专门为我改装成大衣的夹层和鞋靴的衬里,外婆还为我准备了一切的生活必需品,连针线盒都准备齐全。
Making arts is like sailing in the deep sea. Even though it is lonesome, I enjoy the nonstop exploration and creativity in the process. Just by strolling within the beauty of nature, you would be touched by her innocence. There suspends a paradise within which exist no human conflicts, a place so honest without deceive, a place so pure without evil. Oh nature! She is a good friend with whom! Share my love to its utmost, a spring of spiritual paradise originated deep within my soul. I don't have set targets for painting. Those that have touched me gave me inspirations in painting and I always have the strongest enthusiasm toward oil painting, I am fortunate that I can combine my job with my personal interests.
With the increase of my age. I find that the suffering from hardship of life, to view from a from a different point, has provided me with a very valuable achievement—I know more and more to treasure those days of the past. Now I have stronger and stronger feelings of appreciation toward people in my memories, such as my families, teachers, classmates and friends, many of whom have helped and supported me in my journey of arts.
When I was only 11 or 12 years old, it was Mr. Dongru Chen who introduced me to painting. After graduation from junior high school, I insisted that I only loved painting. My grandma and mother who cared for me deeply changed from their original opposition to supporting my decision of applying for a fine arts middle school, which set the destiny for my whole life. They were afraid that I would never find a job by painting. At the age of 14, I went from the south to the city of Wuhan, a city of both coldness and heat. My winter clothes were full of care and love from my beloved mom. She tore her leather jacket that she wore in Hong Kong to convert it into lining to my coat and shoes. She prepared all daily necessities for me, even a sewing kit.
Thanks to the guidance of God. I was fortunate to spend time living and studying together with 40 children of the same age from 5 different provinces every day except winter and summer breaks. Over the past 53 years, their true friendship has been my source of courage in front of difficult and frustrating times in life.
From middle school to college, the 8 years of study from my teachers placed my heart in a career of art. My respectable tutors lady painters Jian-baiXu, Tong-yun Zhang and An-zhi Zhong are my models to learn from forever.
In the 28 years since 1979,I have lived in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Canada and America, I have being living a happy life with self-respect and self-love for wherever I have been I have kept in mind the honour of our alma mater. I thank all friends who have supported me and I thank my two children. There are so many miraculous stories that have moved me and I will remember them forever. These acts of love and friendship have driven me to continue my career and passion in oil painting. For decades, I have wished to realize a dream—to create eternal pleasure with my brush and colors.
Finally, I have to acknowledge Mr and Mrs Zhiyang He for his supporting the publishing of this album.