

主办单位 Organizer

深圳美术馆 Shenzhen Art Museum

策展人 Curator

陈履生 Mr. CHEN Lyusheng

展览日期 Duration

2018年3月25日至2018年4月20日 March 25 - April 20

开幕日期 Opening

2018年3月25日 March 25

展览地点 Exhibition venue

深圳美术馆 Shenzhen Art Museum

  当代艺术家艾敬艺术个展“每一扇门里都有鲜花”将于 2018 年 3 月 25 日在深圳美术馆举行。 展期从2018 年3月25 日至2018 年4月20 日,策展人陈履生。

  本次展览共展出13件作品,涵盖绘画、装置以及雕塑。首次展出的5件全新架上作品,包括I Love Color /《我爱颜色》系列以及Walking in the Sun /《烈日下的行走》系列,其余来自艾敬过往美术馆重要展出作品。其中 Walking in the Sun /《烈日下的行走》系列,分别在2015年意大利米兰昂布罗修美术馆“对话”艺术巡展以及2016纽约Marlborough Gallery画廊“LOVE AIJING”艺术个展上展出;I Love Heavy Metal系列的中的两件金色。银色不锈钢雕塑以及装置作品Flowers Behind Every Door /《每一扇门里都有鲜花》系列,曾在2012年中国国家博物馆“I LOVE AIJING:艾敬综合艺术展”以及2014年上海中华艺术宫“LOVE AIJING:艾敬的爱”个人艺术巡展和2016年北京太庙“文明的回响:穿越敦煌”联展中展出。





  On March 25th, 2018, the exhibition Flowers Behind Every Door by artist Ai Jing opened at Shenzhen Art Museum in Shenzhen, China. The exhibition, curated by Chen Lyusheng, will last till April 20, 2018.

  The exhibition featured 13 works which include painting, installation, and sculpture and will showcase new works from the series I Love Color and Walking in the Sun as well as older works previously shown during solo exhibitions at the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan, 2015 and the Marlborough Contemporary Gallery in New York, 2016.

  Also features in the curatorial display are two sculptures from her series I Love Heavy Metal and two installations from her series Flowers Behind Every Door (after which the exhibition is titled) which were amongst the displays in her main museum shows in China: the 2012 solo exhibition at the National Museum of China, Beijing, the 2014 solo exhibition at the Palace Art Museum in Shanghai as well as in a group show at the Palace Museum, Beijing, 2016.

  These three museum shows are part of her traveling exhibition "Love Aijing: Aijing's Touring Exhibition".

  On her first visit to the Shenzhen Art Museum, artist Ai Jing found herself looking at a green leafy tree situated right at the front of the museum and immediately thought of her series Flowers Behind Every Door which influenced her in giving it the exhibition theme and title.

  This series is made of three installations (two will be on display during the exhibition), which include antic doors from different cultures and times, assembled with dazzling visual effects of flowers from various kinds, and colors, which seems to surge from the door panels. During each showcasing, the installations need weekly attention as dying flowers will be renewed with different postures thus emitting a new sweet and complex visual and sensorial effect that put together with the unique character of the ancient doors, makes for a new relationship in time and space.

  In 2007, Ai Jing became a professional artist and was first invited to participate in the group exhibitions Premonitions by Huang Zhuan, which happened to be in Shenzhen. Now after a little over 10 years, Ai Jing returns to Shenzhen with a more mature and evolved artistic language to share with the audience.

  We look forward to welcome you there and thank you for your trust and support!


March 2018




  艾敬于1999年开始画画,师从当代艺术家张晓刚,后移居纽约学习当代艺术。2007年正式以艺术家身份参加艺术展。2008年在北京今日美术馆举办首次个人艺术展“ALL ABOUT LOVE”,2009年10月在纽约举办个展“AI WANT TO LOVE”,2010年5月参加中国(当代)文献展“改造历史”主题展,其装置作品《生命之树》引起多方关注。2011年9月法国艺术收藏机构DSL COLLECTION收藏了艾敬的《LOVE》系列绘画作品。

  2012年11月在中国国家博物馆举办个展“I LOVE AI JING:艾敬综合艺术展”,成为中国国家博物馆建馆以来首位举办个展的当代艺术家。2013年6月艾敬雕塑作品《海浪》被中国国家博物馆收藏。2014年5月,“LOVE AIJING:艾敬的爱”巡展上海中华艺术宫,也是该馆成立以来首位举办个展的当代艺术家。艾敬继续保持着她越来越鲜活的创作热情,2015年6月5日她开始了她世界巡回展览的第一站——意大利米兰的昂布罗修美术馆,展览名为“对话”。2015年7月,以中国当代杰出艺术家身份参展比利时蒙斯市的“化生——中国当代艺术展”。2016年初,获邀携代表艺术作品“生命之树”参展北京太庙的“文明的回响之穿越敦煌”艺术展。2016年3月,艾敬参展“军械库展览会”并在马乐伯画廊展位展示其《I LOVE COLOR》系列新作I LOVE COLOR#16。2016年11月16日,艺术家艾敬“LOVE”个展在纽约 Marlborough Gallery开幕。2017年4月18日,艾敬的最新画册文集《AIJING LOVE ART 2007-2017》在内地和香港地区正式发行。2017年6月1日,艾敬参展了“水墨中国·叙事中国——香港回归二十周年艺术展”群展。2017年11月3日,呼和浩特市内蒙古美术馆举办的第三届中国西部国际艺术双年展正式开不,艾敬携《我的母亲和我的家乡》和《生命之树》参展。2017年11月6日,美国赫希洪博物馆授予艾敬“32位全球顶尖女性艺术家”荣誉,获奖者包括草间弥生、小野洋子、芭芭拉·克鲁格等著名艺术家。2017年12月24日,艾敬参展河北石家庄万营艺术空间“空凿者”群展,展出了全新作品《The Strings》系列。

  Aijing’s biography

  A native of Shenyang, Liaoning Province, Ai Jing is a Chinese contemporary artist whose fame started as a star singer-songwriter. She has produced five albums of her owns music as well as a number of EP albums and singles. She is also an accomplished artist.

  During the 1990s, Ai Jing's unique style was popular throughout Asia. Known as China's most talented folk singer, her Mandarin songs have broken records for overseas sales and she staged several successful concert performances in Japan and other countries. In 2004, Writers Publishing House published Ai On the Road, a collection of essays showcasing her literary talents. In addition, Ai Jing has written columns for well-known magazines in Japan and in China. In 2014, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House published Ai Jing’s new book Struggle. This book contains three chapters: "Once upon a Time of Music"; "Art, Life and Struggle"; and "When Love Becomes Faith". It keeps a journal of Ai Jing’s personal growth, sojourn in New York and her artistic creation according to time and place. In this book, Ai Jing tells her stories of music, travelling, creation, and stages of life in unique linguistic style.

  In 1999, Ai Jing took up painting and learned from contemporary artist Zhang Xiaogang, and then she moved to New York to study contemporary art. In 2007 she began to take part in art exhibitions as a professional artist and held her first solo show "ALL ABOUT LOVE" at the Today Art Museum in Beijing in 2008. In October 2009, she had her solo exhibition "AI WANT TO LOVE" in New York. In May 2010 she took part in the exhibition "RESHAPING HISTORY", and her installation Tree of Life aroused much attention. In September 2011 her painting series "Love" was collected by DSL Collection in France.

  In November 2012, she held her solo exhibition "I LOVE AIJING: The Complete Works of Ai Jing" in Beijing at the National Museum of China followed by the Museum collection of her sculpture Wave in June 2013, she became also the first contemporary artist to held solo exhibition in the National Museum of China. In May 2014, "LOVE AI JING: Love of Ai Jing" became the first contemporary art exhibition of the newly opened China Art Museum in Shanghai. Ai Jing keeps alive her itinerant exhibition with more and more interesting edition, she has now taken up a tour around the world with her touring exhibition’s first edition abroad at the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan, Italy on June 5, 2015; this exhibition is titled "DIALOGUES". She also participate in group exhibitions with fellow Chinese artists such as "LA CHINE ARDENTE" in Mons, Belgium in 2015 and the "ECHO OF CIVILIZATION: CROSSING DUNHUANG" exhibition at the Imperial Ancestral Temple in Beijing, China in 2016. Then she participated to the "ARMORY SHOW" 2016 in New York, her new work I Love Color #16 was presented at the Marlborough Gallery. In November 2016, she held her solo exhibition "LOVE" at Marlborough Gallery, New York, USA. In 2017 Ai Jing published with Foreign Language Press (Beijing, China), her first monograph titled Aijing Love Art 2007-2017...a recapitulative of her solo gallery and museums shows as well as previous and recent works.


  视觉艺术作品:《宝贝我爱你》《生命之树》《我的母亲和我的家乡》《每一扇门里都有鲜花》《棋子》《枪与玫瑰》《海浪》《我爱颜色》《烈日下的行走》《我爱重金属》《Time Zone》《The Strings》

  Selected Songs: My 1997, Once Upon a Time on a Yanfen Street, Chasing the Moon, Made in China, Is It a Dream, New York, New York, Question & Answer, My Love

  Selected Art Works: Darling, I Love you, Tree of Life, My Mom and My Hometown, Flowers Behind Every Door, Pieces, Gun & Rose, Wave, I Love Color, Walking in the Sun, I Love Heavy Metal, The Strings








  “LOVE AIJING”艺术个展,美国纽约马乐伯画廊






  “LOVE AIJING:艾敬的爱”个人巡展,上海中华艺术宫

  “LOVE AIJING:艾敬的爱”个人巡展,上海龙门雅集画廊




  “I LOVE AIJING:艾敬综合艺术展”个展,中国国家博物馆





  “AI WANT TO LOVE”个展,美国纽约

  “THE DROP”大型综合联展,美国纽约


  “LOVE IN SHANGHAI 2009”艺术个展,上海华氏画廊


  “ALL ABOUT LOVE”个展,北京今日美术馆








  2017"USELESS VALUE", group show, Wanying Art Museum, Shijiazhuang, China

  "THE 3rd WESTERN CHINA INTERNATIONAL ART BIENNALE", group show, Inner Mongolia Art Gallery, Hohhot, Mongolia, China

  "INK NARRATIVE", group show, International Convention Center, Hong Kong, China

  "NEW TALE OF ORIENT", group show, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

  2016 "LOVE", solo exhibition, Marlborough Gallery, New York, USA "ECHO OF CIVILIZATION: CROSSING DUNHUANG", group show, Imperial Ancestral Temple, Beijing, China

  2015"DIALOGUES", touring exhibition, Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, Italy

  "LA CHINE ARDENTE", group exhibition, Mons 2015 Festival, Mons, Belgium

  2014"LOVE AI JING", solo exhibition, China Art Museum, Shanghai, China

  "LOVE AI JING", solo exhibition, Longmen Art Project, Shanghai, China

  2013"WAVE IN WHITE & WAVE IN BLACK", permanent display, National Museum of China, Beijing, China

  2012"I LOVE AI JING", solo exhibition, National Museum of China, Beijing, China

  2010"TRANSITION", group exhibition, Wenzhou, China

  "RESHAPING HISTORY: CHINART 2000-2009", China National Convention Center, Beijing, China

  2009"I WANT TO LOVE", solo exhibition, Chinasquare Gallery, New York, USA

  "THE DROP: URBAN ART INFILL", 2012+, group exhibition, New York, USA "MEETING A FRIEND IN THE FALLEN PETAL SEASON", group exhibition, Jiesen's

  Gallery, Beijing, China

  "LOVE IN SHANGHAI 2009", solo exhibition, Hwa's Gallery, Shanghai, China

  2008"ALL ABOUT LOVE", solo exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

  2007"PREMONITION", group exhibition, J & Z Gallery, Shenzhen, China


  2017"ART BASEL", Hongkong, China

  2016"ARMORY SHOW", Marlborough Gallery, New York, USA

  2009'ART MIAMI, Art Fair", Chinasquare Gallery, Miami, USA


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