
艺博会 | 香格纳画廊参展2019巴塞尔艺术博览会 | 展位K21

香格纳 | 2019巴塞尔艺术博览会

ShanghART | Art Basel 2019

展位号 Booth K21

参展艺术家 Artists

阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古 Apichatpong WEERASETHAKUL | 鸟头 BIRDHEAD | 陈维 CHEN Wei | 耿建翌 GENG Jianyi | 蒋鹏奕 JIANG Pengyi | 林恩·赫舍曼 Lynn HERSHMAN | 李山 LI Shan | 刘晓辉 LIU Xiaohui | 徐震® XU ZHEN® | 麦拉蒂·苏若道默 Melati SURYODARMO | 娜布其 Nabuqi | 孙逊 SUN Xun | 余友涵 YU Youhan | 赵仁辉 Robert ZHAO Renhui | 赵洋 ZHAO Yang

藏家预览 Private Days

2019/06/11, 11am – 8pm

2019/06/12, 11am – 8pm

公众开放 Public Days

2019/06/13 – 06/16, 11am – 7pm

地点 Location

Messe Basel, Messeplatz 10, Basel, Switzerland


陈维:浮沉 & 正午俱乐部

Chen Wei: Drifting Along & Noon Club

个展及新书发布 Exhibition and book launch

at Büro Basel

开幕 Opening

2019/06/09, 周日 Sunday, 2-6pm

新书发布 Book Launch

2019/06/13, 周四 Thursday, 5pm

展期 Exhibition

2019/06/09 - 07/09

地点 Location

Büro Basel, St. Johanns-Vorstadt 46, 4056 Basel, Switzerland

阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古 | Apichatpong WEERASETHAKUL


Apichatpong Weerasethakul (b.1970, Bangkok, Thailand) lives and works in Chiang Mai. He won the Palme d'Or at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival.  Lyrical and often fascinatingly mysterious, his film works are non-linear, dealing with memory and in subtle ways invoking personal politics and social issues.

感应 Telepathy | 2018 | 艺术微喷 Giclee Prints | 16.9x30cm (x 2 pieces)



Birdhead, consisting of Song Tao (b. 1979) and Ji Weiyu (b. 1980), has been working in the medium of analogue photography since it was established in 2004. The artistic practice of Birdhead is based on photographs but also beyond the philosophy of photography. Capturing all the beings around them, the two members of Birdhead digest and apply the thinking mode of conceptual art into the context of their image interpretation. 

情放志荡-19 Passions Bloom Ambitions - 19 | 2015 | 银盐黑白照片、椴木板材、榆木、中国传统湿裱、传统纹样绢包裹 Gelatin silver print on basswood with elmwood frame and classic patterned silk border, glas collage, traditional Chinese painting wet mounting technique | 106x156x6cm

陈维 | CHEN Wei


Chen Wei (b. 1980, Zhejiang) lives and works in Beijing. Initially a sound and performance artist, Chen Wei's interest developed into photo, video and installation art. He builds life-sized stage sets, employing light and colours, then constructs a narrative environment with blurred spatial boundaries. 

冷饮 Cold Drink | 2019 | 收藏级喷墨打印 Archival Inkjet Print | 120x120cm

耿建翌 | GENG Jianyi


Geng Jianyi was born in Zhengzhou, Henan province in 1962, passed away in 2017. Refrigerator, as one of the imported goods, changes the life style of Chinese. This door opens the “epoch of freezing.” The preservation of foods in kiln is gradually replaced. "Door" reflects the complicated mood of the artist towards the enjoyment of the imported goods.

藩门 Door | 2008 | 宝丽来、冰箱门 Polaroid, fridge door | 54x27x18cm

蒋鹏奕 | JIANG Pengyi

蒋鹏奕,1977 年生于湖南沅江,现工作、生活于北京。蒋鹏奕的作品主要以摄影、录像为媒介,通过制造超现实的景观以及对景物的微妙叙述,呈现出个体生命的内外障碍与疑惑。《预见》系列是蒋鹏奕自2014年起,反复实验、推敲、破坏和重置后呈现的全新作品。

Jiang Pengyi (b.1977, Yuanjiang, Hunan) currently lives and works in Beijing. He creates a kind of surreal spectacle and delicate narration of the scene, mostly, by photo and video, to reveal the barriers and confusions of the individuals. Foresight is a new series of works that Jiang Pengyi has produced through repeated experiments, elaboration, destruction and replacement since 2014.

预见 No.13 Foresight No.13 | 2017-2018 | 收藏级喷墨打印,裱于纯铝板,钢化亚克力 Archival Inkjet Print, Mounted on Aluminium Panel, Toughened Acrylic | 188x150cm | Framed 192x153x4.5cm

林恩·赫舍曼 | Lynn HERSHMAN


American artist Lynn Hershman (b.1941) has been doing artistic practice for more than 50 years and internationally acclaimed for her art and films. As one of the earliest new media vanguard artists, Lynn Hershman is widely recognised for her innovative work investigating issues that are now recognised as key to the workings of society. Over the decades, she has made pioneering contributions to the fields of photography, video, film, performance, installation and interactive as well as net-based media art.

罗贝塔的构造图 #2 Roberta's Construction Chart #2 | 1975 | 数码打印 Digital pigment print | framed 67x80cm | image 50x64cm

李山 | LI Shan


Li Shan (b. 1942, Lanxi, Heilongjiang) resides and works in New York, Shanghai. He was one of the main participants in the New Wave Chinese art movement. During 1993 Li Shan began investigating issues surrounding the life sciences through his art practice. He is a pioneer of Bio Art.

阅读 Reading | 1999 | 布上油画 Oil on canvas | 130x93cm

刘晓辉 | LIU Xiaohui


Liu Xiaohui (b. 1975, Shandong Province) currently lives and works in Beijing. Practicing primarily as a painter, Liu centers the structure of his practice closely around life, taking it as the source of clue (or path). By employing a painterly language and tireless repeating analysis of color, the artist both affirms and denies perennially the immediate experience. He constantly deliberates and refines non-referring subject matters and ordinary scenes. Finally, Liu aims at accurate expression of truth from an oriental view via permeating effect of quality and quantity.

无题-围巾与形状 No.3 Untitled - Scarf and Form No.3 | 2017 | 布上油画 Oil on canvas | 140x150cm

徐震® | XU ZHEN®


Xu Zhen (b.1977) currently resides and works in Shanghai. Xu Zhen's extensive body of work includes installation art, photography, painting and performance. In 2009 he founded the MadeIn Company as a contemporary art creation corporate, focused on the production of creativity, and devoted to the research of contemporary culture’s infinite possibilities. In 2013, the launch of "XU ZHEN®" was announced, a brand produced by MadeIn Company.

他真时髦! He’s So Posh! | 2018 | 镜面不锈钢、铁链 Mirror finish stainless steel, metal chains | 直径 Diameter 140cm

麦拉蒂·苏若道默 | Melati SURYODARMO

麦拉蒂·苏若道默,1969年出生于印尼梭罗,毕业于德国布伦瑞克造型艺术学院,由玛莉娜·阿布拉莫维奇、古川杏亲授,获得行为艺术大师研究学位。她的艺术实践受舞踏、舞蹈、历史等元素影响。 她的作品是她从肢体的动作和自身与世界之间的关系这两个课题上所得的研究成果。

Melati Suryodarmo (b.1969, Solo, Indonesia) graduated from the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunscheweig, Germany under the tutelage of Marina Abramović and Anzu Furukawa with a Meisterschüler qualification in Performance Art. Her practice is informed by Butoh, dance and history, among others. Her work is the result of ongoing research in the movements of the body and its relationship to the self and the world. 

在黑空下舞蹈 Dancing Under the Black Sky | 2019 | 4频影像 4-channel video | 5 minutes

娜布其 | Nabuqi


Nabuqi (b.1984, Inner Mongolia) graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2013, and currently lives and works in Beijing. Departing from a focus on objects themselves, Nabuqi’s work extends to the relationship between objects and the human body, as well as the variations of individual perceptions within different spaces and environments.

原野(阳伞)Field (Umbrella) | 2018 | 青铜 Bronze | 10x23x23cm

孙逊 | SUN Xun

孙逊,1980年生于辽宁阜新,现生活、工作于北京。他的作品通常为手绘而成的动画短片。《通向大地的又一道闪电》一部探讨历史起源的影片。从中国东北的一个曾经无比重要的能源城市一直到如今没落的"遗忘角落",这中间有民俗的传奇,有政治信仰的更叠,更有历史的变迁...... 通过影片,窥视了瞬间中的历史,但这瞬间的历史却是黑暗与厚重的。

Sun Xun (b.1980, Fuxin, Liaoning) currently lives and works in Beijing. His works are mainly drawing and/or short animation. "Mythological Time" is a film that discusses the origin of our history. It narrates how an industrial city used to be incomparably important in Northeast China, but now on its wane to be forgotten. Viewing through the featured legendary of folk customs, the alteration of political beliefs, and the historical changes, the dark and rich history captured momentarily is glimpsed.

通向大地的又一道闪电 28 Mythological Time 28 | 2016 | 树皮纸上水墨和丙烯 Ink and acrylic on bark paper | 100x313cm

余友涵 | YU Youhan


Yu Youhan (b. 1943) currently lives and works in Shanghai. Yu Youhan has recently shifted his artistic approach in search of a new paint language and subject matter. His extensive oeuvre combines multiple perspectives and investigates the structure of cultural identity in China through an ongoing exploration of various pictorial techniques. 

2018.11 | 2018 | 布上丙烯 Acrylic on canvas | 154x234cm

赵仁辉 | Robert ZHAO Renhui

赵仁辉(b. 1983)是新加坡籍视觉艺术家,他主要以摄影进行创作,同时采用多学科方法将影像与实物并置呈现。他的作品主要探讨人类与大自然的关系、仁义与道德的课题,同时也关注人类的态度和观点如何影响我们对大自然的认知。

Singaporean visual artist Robert Zhao Renhui (b. 1983) works chiefly with photography but often adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, presenting images together with documents and objects in the form of textual and media analysis, video and photography projects. His artistic practice investigates man’s relationship with nature, utilizing convincing narratives to invoke doubts in its audience towards the concept of truth and its portrayal.

新世界的最新物种—变体#12 Recent Species of The New World -- Varient#12 | 2011 | 彩色喷墨打印 Colour inkjet print | 爱普生艺术微喷 Epson Ultra Giclee Print | 44x66cm | with frame 44*68*6cm

赵洋 | ZHAO Yang


Zhao Yang ((b. 1970, Jilin) currently lives and works in Beijing. Though made of Western pigments, Zhao Yang's work is significantly influenced by his academic background in Chinese painting - he applies what he has learned from the system of traditional ink painting to different materials and spaces. From Zhao’s perspective, the uncontrollable nature, which the flow of ink in water has, is central to Chinese painting.

罗马是个湖 180119 Roma Is a Lake 180119 | 2018 | 布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & acrylic on canvas | 198x305cm


ShanghART Exhibitions

香格纳上海 | ShanghART Shanghai

李山:打开折叠 | Li Shan: Decoding

展期 | Duration: 2019/05/18 - 07/21 

地址 | Location: 香格纳上海,上海徐汇区西岸龙腾大道2555号10号楼 | ShanghART Shanghai, West Bund, Bldg.10, 2555 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai


香格纳上海 | 李山个展《打开折叠》:生物与艺术的对话

香格纳北京 | ShanghART Beijing

蒋鹏奕:预见 Jiang Pengyi: Foresight

展期 | Duration: 2019/05/18 - 07/06

地址 | Location: 香格纳北京,朝阳区机场辅路草场地261号 | ShanghART Beijing, 261 Cao Chang Di, Airport Side Rd., ChaoyangDistrict, Beijing


香格纳北京 | 蒋鹏奕个展《预见》将于5月18日开幕

香格纳北京 | 5月23日顾铮、蒋鹏奕对谈:毁灭的多重视觉演绎

香格纳新加坡 | ShanghART Singapore

诺阿·诺阿:唐茂宏东南亚驻留项目 | Noa Noa, Tang Maohong Southeast Asia Residency Exhibition 

展期 | Duration: 2019/05/04 - 07/14

地址 | Location: 香格纳新加坡,新加坡Lock路9号02-22吉门营房 | ShanghART Singapore, 9 Lock Road, #02-22, Gillman Barracks, Singapore 108937


香格纳新加坡 | 唐茂宏东南亚驻留项目《诺阿·诺阿》

香格纳M50 | ShanghART M50

空间升级改造闭馆 | Closed due to renovation

地址 | Location: 香格纳M50,上海普陀区莫干山路50号16号楼 | ShanghART M50, Bldg 16, 50 Moganshan Rd., Putuo District, Shanghai




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