赵博个展 - 世界尽头与冷酷仙境   Zhao Bo Solo Exhibition “Hard-Boiled Wonderland and The End of The World”   开幕 Opening:2018.04.07 16:00   展期 Duration:2018.04.07 - 2018.05.13   地点 Venue:索卡艺术·北京 "> 微信分享图

赵博个展 - 世界尽头与冷酷仙境即将开幕

2018-04-02 08:47


  赵博个展 - 世界尽头与冷酷仙境

  Zhao Bo Solo Exhibition “Hard-Boiled Wonderland and The End of The World”

  开幕 Opening:2018.04.07 16:00

  展期 Duration:2018.04.07 - 2018.05.13

  地点 Venue:索卡艺术·北京

  地点 Address:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区

  电话 Tel:86-10-5978-4808


  赵博1984 年生于沈阳,是首位艺术创作者以学生身分,取得挪威奥斯陆国立美术学院的驻校交换资格,并在2011年前往挪威交流学习,同年,亦从鲁迅美术学院油画系硕士班毕业,现为极受瞩目的新锐艺术家,更是索卡少数签约经营的中国年轻艺术家。近年来,赵博真假虚幻的主题风格深受市场喜爱,2015年“欲望森林二号”以高于两倍预估价,40万港币成交,在拍卖市场上创下亮眼记录。




  1984 生于辽宁沈阳

  2011 毕业于鲁迅美术学院研究所


  For me, the most important thing is to keep using my work to seek the existence of truth in this world。 The job and responsibility of an artist is to pursue truth。 Therefore, it is critical to understand the world and oneself。 With what order does this complex world operate? The world is so huge, so cold, so chaotic, and so hard to imagine。 As a soft individual, from womb to tomb, we keep contacting and colliding with the world, and the experiences and encounters are collectively called “fate。”

  Fate itself is hard to understand。 When it uses a mysterious force to connect an individual with the world, spirituality is thus created。 Joy, hope, anger, loneliness, anxiety—emotions affect an individual in various forms, making us feel powerless, small, and weak when facing the world, this gigantic existence。 That is why various cultural discourses from the East and West all have descriptions about a wonderful world, a world like the Garden of Eden or an utopia。 We all want to seek the end of the world that belongs to us, where our anxious soul can rest。

  In the modern era saturated with technology and overwhelming messages, systems invade the life of an individual with an unprecedented and crazy gesture, making one feel as if there is no place to run, as if everything were drowning in this hard-boiled wonderland covered in light and mist, passing each day as if one were asleep。 I suddenly felt that those Gardens of Eden and utopias were part of this large design。 Identification and rejection could be the same thing。 Then what is the something the self as an individual tries to find? Facing this gigantic world order, where does the meaning of life lie?

  Every time I look up at the sky, thinking that my short life will eventually be devoured by eternity and that I know nothing about this minute space I alone occupy, I feel uneasy and fearful。 If everything will eventually turn into stardust, what is the meaning of life in the gigantic reincarnation of the universe? As an artist, what I can do is to keep asking questions through the mediation of my works, just as Haruki Murakami keeps utilizing jogging and writing to respond to this chaotic world。 I used the title of his novel Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World as the name of this exhibition because it has a symbolic meaning that matches my work well and because I would like to pay homage to him。

  2018.03.04 Zhao Bo


星空 Starry Sky 330x300cm 布面综合材料 Composite Material on Canvas 2018

  冷酷仙境-1号 Hard-Boiled Wonderland No.1 90x120cm 布面综合材料 Composite Material on Canvas 2017

  我们来自星尘-3号 We Come from Stardust No.3 90x120cm 布面综合材料 Composite Material on Canvas 2017

  星空下的芸芸众生-2号 All Living Creatures Under the Starry Sky No.2 150x230cm 布面综合材料 Composite Material on Canvas 2017-2018

冷酷仙境-2号 Hard-Boiled Wonderland No.2 250x300cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2017

浮舟 Floating Boat 150x100cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2018




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