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  pre-conceptions and ideas, and leaves with his own conclusions. The works of Liu Yu Jun initially appear to be quite self-evident, but first appearances, as with many things in life, can be deceiving, and that was certainly the case here:

  for beyond the surface of the paintings and the initial reaction produced, there is a far greater context and psychological aspect that may not be evident or apparent.

  Without context the pieces may still be effective in producing a response, and even if it is anger or insult, Liu Yu Jun will still have succeeded as he has reached you on some level, but it would be inappropriate and in mistake if you were to think that they contained any sexist or even misogynistic content, as that is simply not the case. There is nothing in the paintings that is in any way

  anti-feminist or derisory to women, the artist simply choosing the female form above the male to better convey his intent. In fact it is humanity that is the subject matter, not any specific sex: from the interview held with the artist we can find that the purpose is more related to society and human behaviour, as he says himself:

  “My paintings are not about beauty in fact they have nothing to do with beauty itself”.

  Personally, this came as a surprise and altered my perception of the works completely. What initially was going to be a review related to beauty, what it is by definition, and a comparison of ideals, turned into something far different and far removed from first impressions. For the sake of interest, and to see how

  pre-conceptions can so often prove wrong, I have included some preliminary studies in the appendix of this document, though they should be viewed apart from the main body of the text as they did not prove to be especially relevant. The important note to make is that without context we may often receive the wrong impression of an artist and his works, leave with a distorted mental image of his true intent, but that is not the artist’s fault or error, but our own.

  To look at the paintings: there is a special effect created by the monochromatic palette employed for the figures. As with photography, the opposites of black and white and all the subsequent shades and tints between create a greater sense of depth and mood, the energy is more subtle and peaceful due to a lack of colour contrast. A greater definition between the figures is offered and through a diversity of design, the relative spacing of the forms, the details ~ eyes, mouth, hairline and profile etc, possess a strong definition. White highlights produce a bold physical presence on the eyes and lips of the figures, producing a sense of tangibility and also lustrous-ness. The skin, which occasionally is shared exchanged from figure to figure is smooth and soft in contrast, and here Liu Yu Jun succeeds in his painting technique, for the graduations are subtle yet precise, a difficult effect to successfully produce, and one showing the artist’s capability with his brush.

  We catch a glimpse of recognition at some moment, finding, or trying to find a recognizable figure or personality, but this is a fruitless endeavor for there are none: these beauties are not specifically representative of any one person and any resemble is deliberately superficial. The beauty is stylised, features deliberately distorted yet still retaining attractiveness, for were there a conformity I feel the paintings and series would have less artistic interest ~ the mind quickly adapts to accept the faces and features portrayed as being ‘ un-real ’. Even then, personality still exists behind the eyes, a coldness and detachment that stares forth from the canvas, as if is we, the viewer, who is being watched, inspected, rather than vice-versa.

  A sense of decadence is defined and evident, an art-deco affinity, that, as intended by Liu Yu Jun, of the bourgeois. Though the figures all possess a physical attractiveness, it becomes true that beauty is only skin deep ~ at times we find a mocking countenance, an aloofness, even a cruelty. Even then, perversely, this may prove alluring ~ we may seek to possess but ultimately are aware that this beauty is not to be shared, not to be touched, never to be taken. Now we approach the artist’s inner meaning … portraying a sense of selfishness, of the concealed, of the hidden, of the suspicious.

  It is these above that Liu Yu Jun confronts by means of the blue ‘splash’. At times the liquid appears viscous, sticky and glue-like, at others more liquid in texture and form. Sometimes it drips from the figures, at others appears as literally thrown or spat upon the canvas. As the artist states:

  “It is sticky and unidentified - people feel unsafe then confronted by anything unknown”.

  Were the ‘splash’ not included in (or even on) the canvas, we the viewer would

  still be left with an intriguing series, but the artists brings another dimension to the works completely by its inclusion. I have included a note on the psychology of

  the colour use in the appendix of this document.

  In conclusion to this part of the review, we can say that is through the ‘splash’ of blue paint that Liu Yu Jun is questioning the ideologies, the mentalities, of the

  figures who are representative of society as a whole. The second part of the

  review will be concerned with one special characteristic of this that concept of ’ face ‘ .

  (end of part one of the review)

  Alexander Crowe



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