艺术家 Artist / 沈敬东 Shen Jingdong
展览时间 / Exhibition Time
2022.06.28 - 08.16
开放时间 / Opening Time
10:30am - 17:30pm(周二至周日Tuesday to Sunday)
展览地址 / Exhibition Address
北京市798艺术区706北一街作者画廊Author Gallery,706 North First Street, 798 Art District
文 / 沈敬东
百家姓,布面油画 ,50x40 cm,2022
生日快乐十二生肖,布面油画,150 x 120 cm,2021
Who am I?
by Shen Jingdong
Beijing Author Gallery is almost like an old friend. I‘ve watched it develop and grow over the past ten years, becoming more and more professional. Now, the Author Gallery has become an excellent exhibition space and I hope to present my “Hundred Family Names” collection on one of its walls.
百家姓,布面油画 ,50x40 cm,2021
The “Hundred Family Names” is an old collection of mine. I painted the characters while I also did stage art design with the Frontline Cultural and Art Corps. I was still in Nanjing at that time and the creation started in 1995 until the end of last century. Sometime in 2020, when the epidemic started, people suddenly started reflecting and contemplating about the meaning of life. So I decided to pick up this collection again, asking the old question, “Where do people come from and where do they go?” But now, my paintings of 100 family names are like a combination of candy beans, with many more festive colours than in the past. Different from the past, we are in the era of WeChat, so after painting a specific surname, I will send pictures of it to friends who have the same surname. I painted each one very slowly and very seriously. After nearly three years, I have accumulated more than a hundred surnames. I care a lot about this specific batch of 100 surnames, which have influenced my thinking about art for many years.
生日快乐十二生肖,布面油画,150 x 120 cm,2021
“Happy Birthday Zodiac” is my latest collection. The Chinese zodiac is a Chinese folk tradition and is something every Chinese person can relate to. Therefore, I combined the 12 zodiac animals and children together and mainly used white and other colours to express a cheerful mood. Although each of these three groups has a different focus, I simply only want to express one word, love. I hope my works can relate to the current times, relate to everyone who views them, and of course, relate to you.
2022.06.14 沈敬东
1965年 生于中国江苏省南京市1984年毕业于南京晓庄师范学校美术班1991年毕业于南京艺术学院美术系版画专业 获刘海粟奖学金。1991-2009年****政治部前线文工团从事舞台美术现在工作生活于北京和南京
2022 谁是我(作者画廊)
2021 花好月圆(南京北丘美术馆)
2021 最佳角色(嘉兴狄原美术馆)
2020 小眼睛大世界(南京XSPACE空间)
2020 美丽的童话(英国伦敦亚洲中心)
2019 艺术·设计·家(贵阳红星美凯龙)
2019 沈敬东来了(法国巴黎工业宫)
2019 沈敬东在这儿(美国纽约中国艺术馆 )
2019 沈敬东到此一游(意大利威尼斯花园画廊)
2018 一路向南(深圳国风艺术馆)
2018 从南到北(沈阳师范大学美术与设计学院美术馆)
2018 从南京出发(南京金陵美术馆)
2018 枪炮玫瑰--沈敬东个展(北京芳草地画廊)
2017 好兵敬东从艺记--沈敬东文献展(北京宋庄当代艺术文献展)
2017 “国际玩笑”沈敬东个展(美国马里兰州罗斯美术馆)
2017 沈敬东故事(燕山大学秦皇岛) 2016年对话(贵阳红星美凯龙)
2016 国际玩笑 沈敬东个展(韩国清州工艺美术馆,中山博览会特别展区,北京艺术国际美术馆)
2016 中国新具象(美国纽约哈德逊艺术中心)2016 无心无头 双人展(美国纽约白盒子艺术中心)
2016 対画--双人展(北京798悦美术馆)
2016 国际玩笑 (韩国清州工艺美术馆)
2015 小王子 (香港 星会馆)2015 粉墨登场 (香港 Art Future画廊)
2015 查禁 (法国赛特 南方码头画廊)
2014 我的童话王国(香港会展中心)
2014 光鲜(北京今日美术馆)
2014 対画--双个展(北京798晨画廊)
2011 继续革命(南京3V画廊)
2010 人皆英雄Ⅱ(香港中环交易广场)2009 Hero(美国纽约 Volta博览会)2008 英雄(美国纽约中国广场画廊)
2008 最可爱的人(北京今日美术馆+798千年时间画廊)
2007 十年造英雄(北京想象画廊)
2007 人皆英雄 (香港一画廊)
2006 英雄的造像 (北京798千年时间画廊)
2006 一张画的展览 (北京88艺术文献仓库)