

2021-06-22 23:29





已结束 2.8万+



Jiang Wenbin: Illusionary Space

出品人 | Producer: 黄君辉 | Kerry Huang

策展人 | Curator: 李裕君 | Li Yujun

开幕时间 | Opening: 2021.6.26 15:00

展览时间 | Exhibition Dates:

2021.6.26 - 2021.7.20

地点 | Venue:

北极熊画廊 | 北京

Polar Bear Gallery | Bei Jing

地址 | Address:


D06,One Street,798 Art District,No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road,Beijing







-- 姜文斌

Whenever the night is quiet, a kind of anxiety comes oncoming like a plague, leaving you nowhere to hide and powerless to fight! What is the meaning of life? The more you think about it, the more you fall into the endless emptiness, feeling powerless, lonely, and on the edge! My works are all trying to establish a kind of absurdity, some horror, some despair, but there is a glimmer of hope in despair, but because of the remoteness and vagueness of hope, I feel more desperate and helpless!

I am not greedy for life, and even have some expectations for death, looking forward to the unknown realm! It's like looking forward to the other end of the black hole, or you and me in another world in a parallel universe!

--Jiang Wenbin





降临/Arrival 150X150cm布面油画2019



乔治的游戏_George's game 150x180cm布面油画2018



困/Stranded 150X150cm布面油画2020



失乐园_Lost paradise150X150cm布面油画2019


消逝在阳光下/Dying in the sun150X150cm布面油画2021



再见,黑鸟/Goodbye, blackbird 150X150cm布面油画2021



In 2017, the Paris International Art Salon in the Carrussel Hall in France, there is a work from Chinese artists, which has attracted people's concern, skilled frames, challenging topics and propagandic The style of expression makes visitors to stare, think, cautious, and ask. He is Jiang Wenbin.The Arctic Bear Gallery (Beijing) will be announced that it will launch the "illusion" Jiang Wenbin on June 26, 2021. The exhibition will present the "Fantasy City" theme series of the artist Jiang Wenbin in the past two years. It is a high-level realm of expressing personalistic posture with a superficial painting style and unique artistic language, and is also a certain stage of life in a realistic environment and some kind of vision and traceability given to future art creation. Looking forward to your visit!

Jiang Wenbin's painting can give people a dream and beyond the realistic view. The magnitude of the image of the image is confused, and the expression of violations of the reason is used, although the conventional logic of the conventional logic is deprecated, it is undeniable, through the surface, we have seen some really nothing. In his work, it seems to have a visual conversion to individual experience through self-image in the universe in space in the space space. It is implied behind individual experience. It is implied behind individuals and society. Reflections and Discussion on Environment, Reality and Future. The artist tried to express a self-potential dream through the picture, and the other parallel universe can also subvert the physical law, surpass the time and space, like a deep place in his soul, seems to have a unique city, rich and lonely. This is obviously a Japanese world that is suppressed, through these works, the contradiction between people and the cosmic rupture but each other, fully reflect the artistic charm of "abnormalities".Surreal perspectives believe that people's instinct, dreams and subconscious areas are often the source of artistic creation. For the field of sinister, although it is not rational society, it is driven by people's instinct, which is a true existence of some natural existence of people. The artist is made of individual life or social commonality, thus performing artistic interpretation. Therefore, art and artist's life experience has an inevitable connection. As Freud made a new era of mental analysis with the explanation of dreams, so many realist painters have stressed the unity of dreams and reality in their works, as if it is, it is absolutely true. Surrealism pays attention to human priority, is committed to breaking through the conceptual imagination of logical and entity, trying to combine real concepts with instinct, subconscious and dreams to achieve an absolute or supernatural scene. It is this effort to express the unreasonable efforts to make surrealist paintings have an abnormal and related realm.Jiang Wenbin "Don't believe" reality, and then obsessed with dreams. There, it seems that he can see another self and reality; or in the messy universe space, he may be like a bird in the sky freely, overlooking the Eiffel Tower and Milan Cathedral under the body; Or fall into the black hole with a very fast weight loss, some afraid, and some expectations, I don't know if the other end of the black hole is paradise or hell? Is it going to the past or the future? Or the entrance of another universe ...! Even if he is awake in the weekday, he will also imagine whether the universe has expanded to the limit; whether the universe and the trajectory of our human beings will be like Nalan The movie "Letter" is the same as it again? What is the seven-level civilization of the universe? Whether we live in a good program of higher life, or the entire universe is awareness in the middle of the high life brain? Another all-around Creator can be said: There is light, so there is light; then who is the Creator's Creator? The more I want to feel the virtual and existence of human beings, and I am deeply unable to pull themselves. This is what Jiang Wenbin's "do not believe" and some of his concerns have no practical significance, and there is no answer to no answer.Since Tianma's junction is in the vast space of the universe, Jiang Wenbin has been addicted to the exploration and extension of the "Magic City" theme series of works, through the combination of various image reality, dreams a feeling of. When drawing the work, its realistic technique is very technically, the absurd of everything in the picture, let the picture do not see the traces of reality, only mysterious, absurd and weird. Perhaps the idea of uncle Hua and Nietzsche inspuntative understanding of the meaning of life, and how this "meaningless" can be transformed into art, the meaning of logic is excluded in the art. This purely realistic creative state plus the artist's self-province, enhanced art from "accident" and "abnormal" to achieve a fantasy wonderful effect. Just like Maglet: "The human eye is just a wrong mirror, because it is just the natural phantom, not natural itself." There is no eye in the world to see "true", so painting "Real" is just a illusion of people's eyes. This is really a grouped theory. In Jiang Wenbin's work, dreaming is not due to the abstract and realistic distortions of the space, but due to incredible strange places. In fact, the "spastic beauty" pursued by the surrealist is hidden under the epidermis of the precision and real scene.In Jiang Wenbin, the painting language has its own independent system, regardless of how strong the conceptual paintings first have to be established as a "painting", and then how to translate the concept or narrative plot to the painting language. Therefore, he continuously translated his personal worldview, universe, and exploration and practice on realistic life status through super realistic painting style. In his picture, try to unify the life and death, dreams with the reality, emphasize the authenticity of the object, accurate shape and special color processing on the canvas, showing the tricks and charm of realistism. Interesting, Jiang Wenbin did not tend to characterize the character's expression while retaining the characters, which seems to live in the real environment showing a void, mysterious, lonely, It is emoticated or even a magical.Therefore, the direct understanding of "illusion" means to meet illusions. As a proposition of Jiang Wenbin, it is only more than 20 years of the "Fantasy City" theme series of "the" Magic City "theme series of the" Fantasy City "in the past two years. At the same time, the artist Jiang Wenbin has explored in many years. In practice, the superb realm of personalistic posture is expressed in the super realistic painting style and unique artistic language, and it is also a certain stage of life in a realistic environment and some kind of vision and tracement given to future art creation.











2021 幻境 姜文斌个展 北极熊画廊 北京

2020 幻城 姜文斌个展 玑木画院 红梅文创园发酵艺术中心 沈阳

2019 幻城·巴黎 姜文斌个人作品展 索尔画廊 法国巴黎

2016 求索·在西方 姜文斌纸上实验作品展 法国巴黎

2016 进.行.时 姜文斌纸上实验作品展 吉道艺术中心 北京

2013 感叹号·姜文斌个展 798感叹号画廊 北京

2013 异视界·姜文斌个展 艺铭东方艺术空间空间 北京

2009 逝界·姜文斌个人作品展 鲁迅美术学院美术馆 沈阳

2008 姜文斌个人绘画作品展 鲁迅美术学院美术馆 沈阳


2020 爆·料-纸上·至上 沈阳红梅文创园发酵艺术中心

2019 北方的温度:边界 沈阳别处美术馆

2019 有界·无界 三人联展 沈阳

2017 法国国际艺术沙龙 巴黎卢浮宫 法国

2016 青年艺术+青年艺术家推广计划年度大展 北京

2016 诗意的幸存者 辽宁图书馆 沈阳

2015 草船借箭联展 沈阳

2015 空盒子·后行动派艺术展 1905文化创意园 沈阳

2014 学院的品格联展 广州美院美术馆 广州

2012 青年力量 5人联展 何氏美术馆 沈阳

2012 回归·联展 鲁迅美术学院美术馆  沈阳

2011 延伸 赴法作品交流展 尼姆美术学院美术馆 法国

2010 东北青年艺术家邀请展 下深艺术区 沈阳

2009 百济艺术节中韩艺术展 国家美术馆 韩国



李裕君(Li Yujun)独立策展人、艺术评论写作者、媒体策划人




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