我小学时的学校叫翠桥小学,所在的那条街或那个地方都叫翠桥,那里并没有桥,也就是说,我没有见过什么真正有意义的桥叫翠桥的。 这不重要,只是在那并不愉快的童年却惟独记住了这个美丽的名字。我在莱广营的工作室总是要路过一段难走的路,后来我才注意到那是一座狭窄的桥,因为极普通,不因为堵车,我想我连看它一眼都不会,我想它连名字都不一定有。最近我要搬离这个地方了,却突然想画一座桥,画那座我总路过但很拥挤的桥,而且想给它一个漂亮的名字《翠桥》。
The primary school I went to was known as “Jade Bridge”, which happened to be the name for the street and even the whole town, where there was actually on bridge at all. So it’s fair to say I never see a bridge called “Jade Bridge”. That, after all, doesn’t matter. But the beautiful name has become part of my unhappy childhood. Traveling to my studio in Laiguangying in the east of Beijing, I would have to go through a difficult section of road, which I later found to be a narrow bridge. If not because of the traffic jam, I don’t think I would ever notice it. It’s too ordinary to have a name, I think. Before moving to another place, I suddenly felt I wanted to paint a bridge. So I painted the crowded bridge I used to pass through; I would like to give it the name “Jade Bridge”.