Dr. Fan Kuanling and Dr. James P. Wang innovated WORLD ART REVOLUTION,Multicultural Education,Oriental Renaissance meets Western Renaissance.
东方文艺复兴人,近现代世界十二大画家,中国电脑之父范光陵院士,世界多元文化教育基金会主席王鹏飞博士及名诗书画家在意大利及瑞士等地推动 “世界艺术革命” ,“世界多元文化” 及 “东方文艺复兴” 并颁奖。 使中华文化,一带一路,孔子文化,东方文艺复兴及核心价值观十二条为世界福祉及和平而服务。引动各方对中华文化艺术爱心赞许。本文以英文报导为主,使世界人士都有机会了解。
Day after May 30, 2017 Chinese Dragon-boat festival,Dr. Kenneth Kuanling Fan, an old alumnus of NYU,CCNY and Columbia University stood by the Shanghai Bund,watching the Pudong new skyscrapers,the Bund Park,and water of Huangpu River running by. He breezed deeply and said to himself:“I'll complete the last of the three wishes of my life before I die!"
Dr. Fan's father was President Chiang Kai-Shek,'s high ranking officer and preparing materials for President Chiang to communicate with US president Roosevelt, and his mother was Madam Chiang's close friend. Since he was very young he had the chance to learn beginning paintings from Chinese painting masters as Xu Beihong and Zhang Daqian.
1949 he left Shanghai with his parents,following Chiang Kai Shek to Taiwan. In poetry and painting he improved himself a lot while he was a student at National Taiwan University. After graduation ceremony he became Chiang Kai Shek's English translating officer. In 1958 before he went to the US for advanced studies he met with the Columbia university graduate, the saint Dr. Hu Shi. And Dr. Hu asked him to dedicate his life to Oriental Renaissance.
While studying in NYU, impressed by Dr. Peter Drucker's lectures, he sometimes working at a restaurant as dishwasher. There he cooked up 3 wishes for life:
1. Lead the first delegation from Taiwan to China mainland.
2. Bringing advanced science and innovative thinking to China.
3. Oriental Renaissance and revival of culture and art.
Time flies like an arrow, in 1988, Dr. Fan led the first ice-breaking delegation from Taiwan to China,after 40-year separation. And he was respected by many as the Oriental Renaissance man. He was also quoted by Chinese high school textbook as the father of computer in China. And he was respected as the founder of “poetic oil painting”.
Today He just came back from a multicultural painting exhibition through Milano,Switzerland and Dubai with honor. Dr. Fan had good contacts in art and cultures with US president George Bush,France president Giscard,Philippines president Ramos and Poland president Walesa. Dr. Fan Kuanling is the Oriental Renaissance man. Dr. Fan is the president of the first World Congress of Poets in China 's 5000-year history. He is the first one, supported by the Chinese Government, to recompile Confucius' books so that most of the people can read. Dr. Fan is the one who broke the ice between two sides of China. He is also the Father of Computer in China,father of Poetic Oil Painting in the world , as well as the pioneer in 21th century Art Revolution. Dr. Fan was rated internationally as one of the ten grand painters in China;as well as one of the twelve grand painters in the modern world.
Dr. Fan Kuanling,Dr. James P. Wang,Prof. Francisco Correggia presented awards to distinguished people around the world for multicultural achievements and Oriental renaissance.
Upper are Paintings by two of the twelve grand Painters in the modern world. Right:Matisse's master piece “Dancing”. Left:Dr. Fan's poetic oil painting "Life is a war." Matisse's greatness in art is known all around the world and history. Dr. Fan,as a historical newcomer to the world art palace,is innovative and bravery as ever. Dr. Fan,being respected by many including news around the world as “Grand Artist", “Renaissance Man”. Dr. Fan is the first artist in the world who take the Chinese art "PP philosophy” of “Poetry+Painting” directly painting on the oil canvas to make the viewer understanding in depth of the painter' s messages and even more. This is an “Art Revolution” in the 21st century to integrate the art of the East and the West into one.
From May 28,2017
Awards given by Chairman:Dr. James P. Wang (formerly the President Bush's national adviser)
World Grand Artist Award
1. Dr. Fan Kuanling
2. Prof. Francesco Correggia
3. Edvard Akopyan
4. Liu Dongqing
5. Ang Lee
6. Steven Allan Spielberg
7. Zhang Yimou
8. Feng Xiaogang
9. Chen Daoming
10. Liu Xiaoqing
11. Aamir Khan
12. Jackie Chan
13. Maggie Cheung
14. Yang Lan
15. Anna Chan Chennault
16. Lee Hsing
world artist award
1,Jiao Ri ming
2, Cheng Liankai
3, Lu jia he
4,Yu Yi (Liu Junhan)
5,Bomba Lia
6,Jessie Liu
7,White Cross
8. Qin Jian
9. Ding Sheng
10. Huang Xiaoming
11. Fan Bingbing
12. Eddie Peng Yuyan
13. Ruby Lin
Oriental Renaissance Golden Award
Prof. Francisco Correggia,Honorable President George Bush,Hon. President Fidel Ramos,Honorable President Valéry Marie René Georges Giscard d'Estaing,His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej,His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk,Dr. Benjamin Yuzon,Dr. Natica Angilly, Dr. Althaya Youngman,Dr. Hu Shi,Dr. Mary Rudge,Dr. Novin Afrouz,Tina Fung,G.G.S. Prasada,Lin Guixing, Elena Protchenko, etc. asmyway@icloud.com