Pan Bo×Wang Xue:Mystery Figure
策展人 惠书文
Curated by Hui Shuwen
开幕 Opening:2020.9.23 17:00 pm展期 Duration:2020.9.23 - 10.23地点 Address:中国上海市长宁区天山西路567号R108 Room 108, No. 567, Tianshan West Road, Changning District, Shanghai, China
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With the word "enigma" as the theme of the double solo exhibition of Pan Bo and Wang Xue, the first level is about the two artists' experiments of individual language in the field of imagology, and the second level is about the improvement of the inner spirit of self-nature from the perspective of situational narration. "Mysticism" and "Awakening of Insects" are the starting points for the metaphor and symbol of objects and objects, and the mythical images are fictions, which become the source of life of all things.
艺术家潘博 Artist Pan Bo 2020
● 窃窃,布面油画
Whisper,Size:170 x 200cm
©艺术家潘博,An Art space
策展人语Curator chattering
▬ 惠书文 Hui Shuwen
Pan Bo, an artist, takes the images of animals and plants common in nature as his blueprint, and recognizes the forms of things around from the perspective of individual "localization". From complete character attributes to the natural scenery of directivity identity (trees, flowers) effectively choose, from animal to be transplanted to or deconstruction of the local landscape, she has been proposed by self will crisscross parallel virtual and real space, agent of micro the closely associated with its inner "content" : a profound gaze, as well as a romantic and hope the ideal questioning.艺术家潘博 Artist Pan Bo 2020
● 树的梦NO.4,布面油画
Tree dream NO. 4,Size:150 x 180cm
©艺术家潘博,An Art space
When an individual enters the main direction of self-expression for an image or text, a circulatory system is constructed. The continuity and closure of the load are in the field transformation of time and space, and the internal structure of the load will become a single "uncertainty". From this point of view, we can feel that Wang Xue's artistic language is effectively strengthened, not the actual meaning of "duplication and superposition". From the poetic expression of "The Sea Tide is where you can't see" to the retention of traces of no longer specific images in "Small Dust", they all tell another sensory emotion of "Hosta flower" in her fragmentary memory.
艺术家潘博 Artist Wang Xue 2020
● 水起,布面油画
Since the water,Size:120 x 150cm
©艺术家潘博,An Art space
It is not secret, but full of spiritual power, that every moment of life is our reunion after twists and turns. In the future, they stand tall and stretch out tenaciously toward the distant stars and the vast earth.
艺术家潘博 Artist Wang Xue 2020
● 微尘,布面油画
Dust,Size:120 x 150cm
©艺术家潘博,An Art space
◐ 关于iSGO Gallery(上海)
iSGO Gallery 是iSGO集团旗下的专业当代艺术画廊,服务于艺术家推广及艺术品投资与收藏。目前在北京、上海、香港、广州等地均拥有连锁空间。上海 iSGO Gallery 位于长宁区天山西路,临近神州数码、携程、亚马逊、凌空SOHO等商务聚集区,靠近地铁2号线,交通方便。拥有两个标准展厅,面积共500多平米,四年多来已举办几十场展览及活动。
iSGO Gallery 一直以来通过举办艺术展览、论坛、讲座、沙龙等活动,探索中国当代艺术的独特美学价值和文化身份,培养和帮助青年艺术家的成长与发展,与藏家分享投资与收藏经验。
本科毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画系,硕士毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画系。常驻地沈阳。2017年11月第七届鲁迅美术学院油画系学生作品展,2017年12月沈阳中正画廊新年展;2018年 上海 “杏林撷英—全国高等美术院校学生作品邀请展”,2018年 宝龙艺术大奖全国征集展,2018年3月 沈阳鲁迅美术学院美术馆——“对·画”油画系研究生四人展,2018年4月 义乌 第四届“学院的精神”八大美院研究生作品展。
2007年毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画系第二工作室,获文学学士学位。2011年毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画系第一工作室,获艺术硕士学位。2018年“非由述作-首届宝龙艺术大奖优秀作品入围展”,宝龙艺术中心,上海;2017年“沈阳青年艺术家沙龙”,沈阳;2016年“大展鸿图”,C+艺术空间,北京;2014年“北京大艺博”,久画廊,北京;2011年“辉煌历程,时代丹青——辽宁美术优秀作品展”中国美术馆,北京;2009年“东北青年艺术家邀请展”,沈阳,“让我们把故事讲下去” ,沈阳;2007年“新视觉-感性的形式与趣味”,何香凝美术馆,深圳;“之间” ,宋庄佰幅苑文化艺术中心,北京。
一位活跃的独立策展人、艺术写作者。CONUTER-FEIT 猎质当代艺术双年展品牌创办人,猎质当代艺术展总策展人。8342艺术空间策展人,Rainbow box project发起人,An Art Space策展人。主要从事中国当代艺术史论研究与写作、当代艺术批评实践、展览策划及独立艺术空间的创建与运营等工作。主要讲座与艺术项目包括:清华大学美术学院(惠书文:猎质行动——青年策展实践与思考);鲁迅美术学院(惠书文:策展年记——关于艺术家的成长与自我塑造);西南大学美术学院·学术讲座(惠书文:行动中的猎质——策展实践与思考);中国当代艺术权力资本与市场·学术论坛(论坛主持:惠书文);《2020 我们如何面对今天的艺术?》艺术项目总策划;中国商丘抽象国际邀请展联合策展人,首届夜郎谷现场艺术周学术观察。曾策划与合作个展的艺术家包括:黄鹿、杨加勇、曾朴、刘亭君、鲍贤杰、罗天志、曹亮、陈清勇、陈蜀、董冰清、黄凌云、蒋佑胜、李浩、李勇、林惠兴、刘强、米小西、邱兴健、石东旭、时永华、孙小川、王朝、王琳、王韦、王文聃、王旭、吴江涛、谢蓓、谢珍良、杨涛、曾臻、张丹、张海君、郑大弓、郑龙一海、朱峰等。

【 惠书文|艺评 】朱峰 · 20年代:雕于气,塑之以息的“数字装置”

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