经过两天的鏖战,佳士得纽约艺术周压轴专场『中国瓷器及工艺精品』圆满收官,全场总成交额为 17,526,125美元,折合人民币约1.147亿元。
在预展中备受瞩目的的商晚期亚矣方鼎最终以3,372,500 美元成交,折合人民币约2210万元。此外,多件紫檀木、黄花梨家具亦有亮眼表现,清十八世纪紫檀圈椅成对和清十九世纪紫檀雕云龙纹四件柜分别斩获792,500、600,500 美元。
Lot 907
商晚期 安阳 亚矣方鼎
成交价:3,372,500 美元
估价:2,000,000-3,000,000 美元
规格:高28.2 cm
Gisele Croes,布鲁塞尔,2003(吉赛尔)
Lot 947
清十八世纪 紫檀圈椅成对
成交价:792,500 美元
估价:300,000-500,000 美元
规格:89.6 x63.8 x57.2 cm
来源:Chan Shing Kee, Hong Kong, November 1994
出版:V. Bower, S. Handler and J. Burris, Brush Clay Wood: The Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Collection of Chinese Art, Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati, 2008, p. 48, fig. 19.
展览:Cincinnati, Taft Museum of Art, Brush Clay Wood: The Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Collection of Chinese Art, 7 November 2008 - 11 January 2009
Lot 1264
清嘉庆 青花鹿鹤同春图双耳瓶
成交价:732,500 美元
估价:50,000 - 80,000 美元
尺寸:高31.7 cm
来源: Collection of Chin Hai Wang, acquired in Taiwan before 1964, and thence by descent within the family.
Lot 1179
元 青花瓜藤葡萄纹玉壶春瓶
成交价:612,500 美元
估价:200,000-300,000 美元
尺寸:高28.6 cm
来源:Mayuyama & Co., Tokyo, before 1983
Lot 962
清十九世纪 紫檀雕云龙纹四件柜
成交价:600,500 美元
规格:239.8 x 114.3 x54.4 cm
Lot 977
十七世纪 黄花梨圆角柜
成交价:468,500 美元
估价:200,000-300,000 美元
规格:190.2 x92.1 x49.8 cm
来源:Schoeni Fine Oriental Art, Hong Kong, 1990s.
Lot 948
十七/十八世纪 黄花梨三弯腿方凳成对
成交价:432,500 美元
估价:200,000-300,000 美元
规格:52.7 x47.6 x47.6cm
来源:Chan Shing Kee, Hong Kong, November 1994
出版:V. Bower, S. Handler and J. Burris, Brush Clay Wood: The Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Collection of Chinese Art, Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati, 2008, p. 51, fig. 22.
展览:Cincinnati, Taft Museum of Art, Brush Clay Wood: The Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Collection of Chinese Art, 7 November 2008 - 11 January 2009.
Lot 1025
清乾隆 御制和田碧玉描金《御制十全老人之宝说》册
成交价:396,500 美元
估价:200,000-300,000 美元
规格:11.2 x 18.3 cm
Gump’s Inc., San Francisco, 18 June 1955.
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gibbs, and thence by descent within the family.
Lot 1110
唐 三彩马球侍女俑
成交价:372,500 美元
估价:300,000-500,000 美元
规格:长35 cm
The Property of Lady Mitchell; Sotheby's London, 8 December 1964, lot 9.
The Property of a Gentleman; Sotheby's London, 6th April 1976, lot 41.
The British Rail Pension Fund; Sotheby's London, 12th December 1989, lot 59.
Gerbe Collection, Switzerland.
出版:Christian Deydier/Oriental Bronzes Ltd., Twentieth Anniversary, Paris, 2000, no. 14.
London, Victoria & Albert Museum, 1977-1985.
Dallas, The Dallas Museum of Art, 1985-1988.
Paris, Christian Deydier/Oriental Bronzes Ltd., Twentieth Anniversary, September-November 2000
Lot 1230
清康熙 豇豆红釉柳叶尊
成交价:360,500 美元
估价:40,000-60,000 美元
尺寸:高43.2 cm
I. H. Vogel, Philadelphia.
Ralph M. Chait, New York, 1956.
Lot 1232
清雍正 白釉小盖罐
成交价:360,500 美元
估价:20,000-30,000 美元
尺寸:高8.9 cm
Lot 954
十七世纪 黄花梨螭龙纹半桌成对
成交价:324,500 美元
估价:250,000-350,000 美元
规格:86.7 x98.4 x49.5 cm
来源:Zen Gallery, Brussels, March 1996.
出版:V. Bower, S. Handler and J. Burris, Brush Clay Wood: The Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Collection of Chinese Art, Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati, 2008, p. 54, fig. 24
展览:Cincinnati, Taft Museum of Art, Brush Clay Wood: The Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Collection of Chinese Art, 7 November 2008 - 11 January 2009.
Lot 904
西周早期 青铜戈盂
成交价:287,500 美元
估价:100,000-150,000 美元
规格:宽37.7 cm
Sotheby's London, 16 May 1967, lot 38.
Arthur M. Sackler Collections.
Else Sackler, 1997.
The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation.
Minao Hayashi, In Shu jidai seidoki no kenkyu (Conspectus of Yin and Zhou Bronzes), vol. 2, Tokyo, 1984, pl. 139, xiao xing yu no. 22.
J. Rawson, Western Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections, vol. IIB, The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1990, pp. 454-59, no. 59.
展览:On loan: Fitchburg, Massachusetts, Fitchburg Art Museum, September 2005-2015
Lot 949
成交价:287,500 美元
估价:250,000-350,000 美元
规格:84.3 x200.8x56.5 cm
来源:Chan Shing Kee, Hong Kong, February 2001
出版:V. Bower, S. Handler and J. Burris, Brush Clay Wood: The Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Collection of Chinese Art, Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati, 2008, p. 56, fig. 26
展览:Cincinnati, Taft Museum of Art, Brush Clay Wood: The Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Collection of Chinese Art, 7 November 2008 - 11 January 2009.
Lot 1003
清乾隆 御制掐丝珐琅御题诗烛台一对
成交价:250,000 美元
估价:200,000-300,000 美元
规格:高39.5 cm
来源:The O’Rourke-Palmer Collection, Ireland, acquired in 1968 and thence by descent.
Lot 1155
南宋 建窑油滴盏
成交价:250,000 美元
估价:200,000-300,000 美元
规格:直径12.4 cm
Lot 1239
清康熙 郎窑宝石红釉蒜头尊
成交价:225,000 美元
估价:60,000-80,000 美元
尺寸:高29.6 cm
来源:J. M. Hu (1911-1995) Collection, acquired in Shanghai in the 1930s-1940s.
Lot 976
清康熙 款彩瑞兽博古图十二扇屏风
成交价:200,000 美元
估价:150,000-250,000 美元
规格:276.7 x52.5 x2.1 cm
来源:Sotheby's New York, 14 September 2011, lot 145.
Lot 906
西周中期 青铜窃曲纹盘
成交价:175,000 美元
估价:40,000-60,000 美元
尺寸:宽39.5 cm
Frank Caro, New York, 3 June 1965.
Elizabeth A. Sackler, 1994.
The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation.
Athens, Greece, Museum of Cycladic Art, Grasslands: Ancient Bronzes of the Eastern Eurasian Steppes From the Arthur Sackler Foundation, 25 April-14 September 2002;
Poznan, Poland, Poznan Archaeological Museum, 29 January-18 April 2004;
Florence, Italy, National Archaeological Museum, 15 May-4
September 2004;
Traverse City, Michigan, Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College,18 January-30 March 2009, and others.
R. Poor, Bronze Ritual Vessels of Ancient China (slide lectures), Intercultural Arts Press, New York, 1968.
Noel Barnard and Cheung Kwong-Yue, Rubbings and Hand Copies of Bronze Inscriptions in Chinese,Japanese, European, American, and Australasian Collections, Taipei, 1978, no. 1065.
Minao Hayashi, In Shu jidai seidoki no kenkyu (A Conspectus of Yin and Zhou Bronze Vessels), vol. 2, Tokyo,1984, pl. 362, no. 42.
J. Rawson, Western Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections, vol. IIB, The Arthur M.
Sackler Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1990, pp. 720-24, no. 122.
Lot 1271
清乾隆 黄地粉彩八吉祥纹冲耳炉
成交价:175,000 美元
估价:40,000-60,000 美元
尺寸:高36.8 cm
Lot 1233
清雍正 茶叶末釉菱花式洗
成交价:168,750 美元
估价:40,000-60,000 美元
尺寸:直径20.2 cm
Samuel T. Peters (1854-1921) Collection.
Estate of Mrs. Samuel T. Peters (1859-1943); Parke Bernet Galleries, New
York, 15 October 1943, lot 143.
展览:Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, prior to 1943.
Lot 1223
清康熙 五彩「梅花」花神杯
成交价:162,500 美元
估价:70,000-90,000 美元
尺寸:高4.9 cm
Lot 1136
北宋或辽 绿釉童子骑凤壶
成交价:131,250 美元
估价:20,000-30,000 美元
尺寸:高18.4 cm
J.J. Lally & Co., New York, 25 February 2005.
Peter Scheinman (1932-2017) Collection, New York.
展览:J.J. Lally & Co., New York, Early Chinese Ceramics: An American Private Collection, 28 March-16 April 2005, no. 43.
Lot 999
清乾隆 剔红寿老图八瓣式盖盒
成交价:125,000 美元
估价:100,000-150,000 美元
规格:直径32.4 cm
来源:Japanese private collection, acquired in the late 19th/early 20th century
Lot 1262
清道光 黄釉盖罐一对
成交价:125,000 美元
估价:20,000-30,000 美元
尺寸:高31.7 cm