
展览预告 | 灵知宇宙——刘国义个展将亮相北京国贸梵悦·108顶层空间

2023-04-21 05:44








活动地点:北京建国路乙108号 梵悦108 顶层会所

媒体支持:环球时报、 海南卫视、文旅中国 、雅昌艺术网、亚洲艺术、人民艺术、艺术无界



Spiritual Knowledge of the Universe - Liu Guoyi Solo Exhibition

Text/Wang Zhigang


Liu Guoyi is a special, alternative artist, and it can be said that his life is full of legends. His artistic path is somewhat similar to that of Van Gogh, who spent his early years polishing in society, seeing all kinds of things in real life, reshaping his heart, and then, by coincidence - or in the darkness - meeting art again, and then devoting himself to it, creating works that do not follow the traditional rules. For Liu Guoyi, art is an eye that can see light and love, and his works are like different species of spirits growing in a world of innocence, building up a unique "universe of spiritual knowledge".


《我梦见一个梦》 2021 布面油画 150×200cm


All things are spiritual, with the nature of enlightenment and spirituality. However, in the jungle of reality, frustration can easily lead people to lose their way, environmental hustle can burn people, and materialistic desire can easily make people lose their true nature. Marcuse pointed out that after the development of modernity, the masses have neither self nor ego, their souls are devoid of inner tension and vitality, their lives are completely managed, and they have nothing else to think about but the production of desires that can be satisfied according to the design of the social system. One can only recognize oneself in their commodities and find one's soul in the materialistic reality of society. In Liu Guoyi's view, life is detached from its original source of existence, seemingly enjoying low-cost and strong stimulation in the worldly floating life, but in fact it is dry and boring, like a rootless wood. Therefore, he planted a seed in the meta-universe (the world of the mind), trying to establish a spiritual lighthouse between the reality and the emptiness of life, so as to awaken, nourish and make the spirit of happiness bloom.


《心即宇宙》 2021 布面油画 150x200cm


Liu Guoyi usually loves to dream, and in his artistic creation, he blends the experiences captured in his dreams with his inner spirituality to create various fantastical images of species and storylines. This may have some relevance to his life and social experiences - or understanding them to be able to better capture the aura in his works. When he was young, he met a mysterious granny and became timid afterwards, but he would often go to catch snakes for fun, even in the dark, much to people's surprise; after dropping out of school, he came into contact with the dark side of society, dabbling and engaging in a gray industry that was on the edge of the law, which almost brought him to his doom; later, when his life in Beijing drifted, he painted people's portraits on the street, from being often scolded to gradually being recognized, and in this process In the process, he met all kinds of people with various qualities, and after that, he also came into contact with a hundred shapes of life behind the bustling city life in bars and discos. All these, the magic of real life opens a purple dream-catching net for the artist to intercept philosophies about beauty and the true nature of human beings.


《我在元宇宙种下一颗种子》 2021 布面油画 150x200cm


《我愿为你降服》 2021 布面油画 150x200cm


With the coupling of reality and dreams, Liu Guoyi has discovered many possibilities without fixed rules and regulations, and new images keep appearing in his works, which are highly imaginative and creative. After creating works with innocent meanings such as "I Dream a Dream", "The Heart is the Universe", "The Pure Beauty of a Small World" and "The Confidence of Smurfs", he also created characters with different personalities in other works named after Bing Bing, Cai Cai, Worm and Yang Yang. In addition, Liu Guoyi has also created a "family of elves" consisting of series such as "Everything Has a Spirit", "Interstellar", "Godwin" and "Zodiac", in which each member has his or her own characteristics, story, and even gender and attributes, such as "Freedom Man For example, the "Free Man" is unisex, likes to be alone, lives in no fixed place, and has long arms that can be extended infinitely, which is the attribute of the meta-universe species; the female "Starcatcher" can change the bestial nature of the beast and make it docile, which is also a meta-universe species, and so on.


《自由侠》2022  高300cm工业材料


《鱼蛙丸子》2022 高:150cm 铸铜手绘


The artist's delight in creating new forms of beings is based on his belief that the freedom of individual life is not limited by form, and therefore the diversity of species forms somehow implies the growth of individuals. In addition, Liu Guoyi also explores the same form of living beings, presenting multiple dimensions of the individual's emotional world. The series "Mercury Embraces the Blessing" is one of the practices. On the one hand, we can feel the character and inner world of the same group of living beings in different postures and expressions; on the other hand, we can also see the artist's in-depth attempts in artistic exploration, portraying the full and vivid spiritual world of the living beings through different language forms such as color changes, line painting and image management.


《水星抱福》2022 年 油画 100x80cm


Liu Guoyi is keenly aware of the fact that the modern living situation has placed human beings in a vacuum of the world, and that the so-called stable daily routine is actually an alienated cultural illusion. The "universe of spiritual knowledge" has no boundary, but there is an eternal core, which is the original truth - the origin of existence. The works are full of childish fun, mixed with the fearlessness and hope of teenagers, but not lack of thinking about life and reality, so that people can sense a certain kind of spiritual knowledge regained. Art is practice, the "universe of spiritual knowledge" is constantly expanding, and spirituality is also growing.






Godwin Liu


Godwin Liu was born in Huainan, Anhui Province, China in 1974. Currently he is working in Beijing as an independent artist and a curator. He is a genuine professional artist who is pursuing true self through his dreams. Also, he is a practitioner who makes the art via allegories.


Solo Exhibitions

2022 《元界密码•刘国义个展》北京中粮广场

2022  Passport of Metaverse • Godwin Liu Solo Exhibition",  CoFCO Plaza, Beijing


2021 "Seed of Metaverse" Jupiter Museum of Art, Shenzhen

2021刘国义《太空天使》艺术IP全球首发 广州南丰国际会展中心

2021 Godwin Liu's "Space Angels" Art IP World Debut Nanfeng International Convention and Exhibition Center, Guangzhou

2020 幻与弦 ~ 刘国义个展 北京今日美术馆

2020 "Fantasy and Superstring ~ Godwin Liu's Solo Exhibition", Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

2019 幻墨无羁~幻墨系列作品展 北京大河湾美术馆

2019 "Infinities of ink~ the series of ink artwork show", DHW Art Museum, Beijing, China

2018 异见与脉动刘国义油画展 广东佛山智城西洋艺术馆

2018 "Different visions and pulses - Godwin Liu's Solo show", Zhicheng Western Art Gallery, Foshan, Guangdong, China

2018 次重生~刘国义画展 深圳朴石艺术馆

2018 "Rebirth ~ Godwin Liu's Solo show", Pure Stone Art Gallery, Shenzhen, China

2018 刘国义油画展 北京 798 第零空间

2018 "Godwin Liu's Oil Painting Solo Exhibition", 798 Zero Space, Beijing, China

2018 浮生若梦 北京泉国际艺术中心

2018 "Floating Dreams", Spring International Art Center, Beijing, China


International Exhibitions

2022 韩、中、日ART国际艺术交流展  韩国光州美术馆

2022 Korean, Chinese and Japanese International Art Exchange Exhibition,

Gwangju Art Gallery, Korea

2021 法国总统府Artschild 特展  巴黎

2021 "Artschild Special Exhibition at French Presidential Palace", Paris

2021 遇见与相处  韩国SCHEMA美术馆  韩国

2021 "Meeting and Getting Along", SCHEMA Museum, Korea

2020 台湾城市文化交流巡回展 台中文化中心、彰化美术馆、台南生活美学馆

2020 "Taiwan City Cultural Exchange Tour Exhibition", Taichung Cultural Center, Changhua Art Museum, Tainan Living Art Center

2019 川崎国际艺术节 日本神奈川川崎花园美术馆

2019 Kawasaki International Arts Festival, Kawasaki Garden Art Museum, Kanagawa, Japan

2019 Global Art Fair Singapore 新加坡

2019 Global Art Fair Singapore , Singapore

2018 Art ! Vancouver 温哥华

2018 "Art! Vancouver" Vancouver, Canada

2015 光 - 圣灵 韩国首尔造型美术馆

2015 "Light - Holy Spirit" Seoul Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea

2015 中韩交流展 韩国光州市 515 画廊

2015 "China and South Korea Exchange Exhibition" 515 Gallery, Gwangju, Korea

2015 纽约艺术博览会 E ∪ reka(优锐卡)

2015 New York Art Fair Eureka


Part of the Joint Exhibitions

2022 央美“潮”丨潮动大明湖第二季  济南信尚美术馆

2022 The 2nd CAFA "Tide" Daming Lake,  Xinshang Art Gallery, Jinan, China

2021 北京当代艺博会  北京农展馆

2021 Beijing Contemporary Art Fair, Beijing Agricultural Exhibition Center

2021 纸上•至上  北京

2021 "On Paper - Supreme", Beijing

2020 某种言说 -五人艺术感知展  广东悦艺美术馆

2020 "Some Kind of Speech - Art Perception Exhibition of Five People", Yueyi Art Gallery, Guangdong

2020 独一+有二  阿那亚Kaleidoscope 画廊

2020 "Unique + Matched", Anaya Kaleidoscope Gallery

2019 合柴1972 合肥当代艺术季  合肥

2019 "Hefei Contemporary Art Season", Hechai 1972, Hefei

2019 第三届中国潍坊滨海国际艺术双年展  山东潍坊

2019 "The 3rd Weifang International Art Biennale in China", Weifang, Shandong

2019 第三届独立品格提名展  北京  宁波  柳州

2019 "The 3nd Independent Character Nomination Exhibition", Beijing, Ningbo, Liuzhou





从 Yabu Pushelberg 到潮流艺术,梵悦108的每一次焕新,都迸发出鲜明的识别符号,这一次为国贸打造的全新样板作品,呈现的不仅是关于居住品质与生活美学的觉醒释放,也是社交、商务、生活更加深入的交汇融合。


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