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  Water: The Affective Quality of Lei Ziren's Paintings

  Peng Feng

  Department of Philosophy, Peking University

  Every time I appreciated Mr. Lei Ziren's Paintings, I somehow had a desire to write something for them. But I did not really begin to write for a long time. It is not only because I am lazy, but also because the paintings are not easy to be interpreted. Since Ziren always expressed some implied meaning and profound messages in each of his paintings, and especially he often changed his styles, and so it is quite obvious that Ziren's paintings are too flexible to be grasped. Sometimes I got an idea for his paintings in some period, but it is always confused by his new paintings before I began to write down it. It is the very reason why my desire to write something for the paintings had been delayed for a long time. One day when I thought about the paintings, suddenly I got the word water. Thanks to the word water, which inspired me to unify my diverse ideas about the paintings into this paper.

  Indeed, only the word water could unify my diverse feelings upon the paintings. No matter how big the style of Ziren's paintings changed, and no matter how diverse the meaning of Ziren's paintings would be, could all of them give me a feeling of water. Perhaps just because of the feeling of water, and especially that water is something could be seen but has not a definite figure, could be lessoned but has not a definite sound, could be smelled but has not a definite smell, and could be taste but has not a definite taste, and so it is always beyond my description. But all of my confused and diversified feelings suddenly changed to be easy to express as soon as I found the word water to put them together. Indeed, the feeling of water is the feeling of the manner, tone, and ideal state (jingjie) or spiritual state (yijing), borrowed the terminologies from Chinese aesthetics, of Ziren's paintings. The ideal state or the spiritual state is not a definite element which can be pointed out on a painting, and not the summation of all such elements, but a metaphysical quality of a painting which even could be not pointed out on a painting but could unify all of such elements as a painting. Anything could not be a painting without this metaphysical quality, just as anything could not be a creature without the soul. We indeed cannot find the soul totally out of the parts of an organism, but the soul is not something as a part, or some parts, or all of the parts of an organism. The ideal state of a painting is just like the soul of an organism, which can be only felt as a whole, not be analyzed into definite elements.

  We cannot get the feeling of a painting as a whole by analysis of the parts of the painting, but the feeling of a painting as a whole can illuminate its parts. Frankly, I did not find that there is some special relation between Ziren's paintings and water before I understood the ideal state of the paintings. Of cause, I had seen some symbols or images of water on the paintings, but I even did not think that they have special meaning. Nonetheless, I found that there seemed to be much more water on the paintings as soon as I used the word water to describe my feeling of the paintings as a whole. On the paintings, we can see waters in rivers and lakes, we can see waters running from the pipes, we can see so many holy waters without origin, and we can feel waters even on the paintings which did not paint any waters. Although we cannot reach the ideal state of water by analyzing the water-symbols or water-images, it is unquestionable that comprehending the ideal state of water is helpful for me to rethink the water-symbols and water-images. It is very these water-symbols and water-images that make Ziren's paintings flexible, moist, and fluid, which can give appreciators a special aesthetic experience of water.

  Why can the paintings that do not paint any waters be felt misting everywhere? It is not only because that our feeling of these paintings is easily influenced by those paintings painted waters, but also because that Ziren acquires excellent skill of ink and wash painting. In fact, many paintings painted waters cannot give appreciators the feeling of water. For example, among some oil paintings painted waters, we can see the fixed water looks like glass and ice, or we can see the moving water looks like wax-flower and tide, all of them cannot arouse appreciators the aesthetic experience of the moist, the flexible, and the fluid, and, of cause, all of them cannot symbolize the special virtue of water that can be only found in Chinese culture. But it is not to say that the ink and wash painting can inevitably arouse the feeling of water, and it is not to say that only the ink and wash painting that can arouse the feeling of water is the best. According to different subjects, ink and wash painting can arouse the feeling of the moist as water as well as the feeling of the parching as fire, and the feeling of the fluid as water as well as the feeling of the steady as mountain. However, the subject of ink and wash painting is not limited to water, but the ink and wash painting painted water should always favor the moist and the fluid, and the moist and the fluid are the best characters to show the idiosyncrasy of ink and wash painting, and so the ink and wash painting related to water is always better than others.

  But, even if the ink and wash painting painted water, which looks like the moist and the fluid, cannot necessarily arouse the feeling of water. It is depended on the motif of painting. If the ink and wash painting painted water, which looks like the moist and the fluid, is used for the expression of friendship, it would arouse the feeling of the pure; if the painting is used for the expression of nostalgia, it would arouse the feeling of the mellow; if the painting is used for the expression of thanksgiving, it would arouse the feeling of the deep; only if the painting is used for the expression of a special love between man and woman, can it arouse the feeling of the water-like. The feeling is not only come from the information of the object, but also come from the emotion of the subject, and only both come together, can a painting have a uniform affective tone, and give appreciators a definite perception. Surely, the ink and wash painting painted water, which looks like the moist and the fluid, can be used for the expression of friendship, nostalgia, thanksgiving, and so on, but only it is used for the expression of the special water-like-love between man and woman, can it arouse a definitive feeling of water, because in the latter case, the object, method, and motif of the painting perfectly come together, all of them serve for the creation of a definitive feeling. Although this definitive feeling cannot be articulated in words, it is more profound, and even more definitive than any language.

  Now, how should we understand the special water-like-love between man and woman? Don't we usually say the love between man and woman as fire? Let me answer this question through a little bit analysis of Ziren's paintings. In Ziren's paintings, woman is usually the leading role, and the role of man is uncertain. Sometimes, man's role matches the woman's, and both speak the same love story. But in many cases, man is only the various supporting roles, and their figures are usually painted very small, which express the various psychological responses to the lovers. This kind of man is not the co-creator of the love-world, but it's witness. In some cases, we can say only woman, and man is totally driven out of the paintings and become a spectator in the real world. So, we can say, what Ziren's paintings express is the woman's-love-world from man's perspective, and it is very different from what woman see man or what man see man or what woman see woman. According to man's perspective, woman is, or is wished to be, the body made from water, which should have the characters of gentle, soft, flexible, and so on.

  Undeniably, we can find some erotic elements in the love-world created by Ziren's paintings. But these erotic elements or hints do not arouse the strong physiological stimulation, because man is usually painted as a spectator not a participator. The love-world shown on the paintings is a love-world purified by the contemplation or washed by the water, and so it loses the primitive or instinctive power and is transformed into a world that can be appreciated freely. The love-world manifested by Ziren's paintings is somewhat like the Grand View Garden (Da Guanyuan) in Cao Xueqin's Dream of the Red Chamber (Hongloumeng), where various young women are the lovers of Baiyu's "lust of the mind" (yiyin). However, "Lust of the mind" is quite different from "lust of the flesh" (pifu lanyin ) and "love of beauty without carnal desire" (haose buyin). "Lust of the flesh" is just the sexual desire, "love of the beauty without carnal desire" is totally free from the sexual desire, and "lust of the mind" is something between them, which decreases immediacy and compulsion in psychology but increases the rich and the implicit in imagination. "Lust of the mind" is the only way for man and woman to contemplate the love-world. Especially, "Lust of the mind" is always clear as water, which is very different from the "lust of the flesh" that is burning as fire or slimy as mud. The most important reason for why Ziren's paintings can arose the feeling of water as a whole is that he successfully create a water-like-love-world that can be the only object of "lust of the mind" .

  As the story progressed, the Grand View Garden in Dream of the Red Chamber began to decline, and the water-like-love-world gradually died out. Eventually, the beautiful and enjoyable love-world showed its true figure as a dreamland, and real world where the man and woman have to live is predestinately a dye-vat that cannot be clarified in any way. The tragic end of Dream of the Red Chamber is what makes the man and woman be cautious and fall in thinking. We can find such thinking in Ziren's paintings. Ziren expresses this thinking through the small men he created in the paintings, who have various expressions, some surprised, some woodenheaded, and all of the men are watching and thinking. It is a quite complex and uncertain thinking, and perhaps nobody knows what are thought in this thinking.

  When one sympathizes with the painter on this thinking, it is not difficult for he or she to understand the deep melancholy expressed by these paintings. This melancholy originates from the doubt: where is the destination of the beautiful and enjoyable love-world? Would the water-like-love-world die away without any traces just like waters? For the intellects nurtured in Chinese culture, the answer is unfortunately yes. More than two thousand years ago, Confucius could not help saying "it passes this way." What is on the top of the ideal state of water is lamenting over the passing, and it is the special inner feelings of Chinese intellects grown up in the Confucian plaint.



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