











  Encounter and Compassion, two different ways of

  contemplation on Chinese contemporary oil-painting

  Review of Guo Runwen and Chen Zijun

  Shang Hui

  As the gradual localization of Chinese oil-painting, the research and learning from European oil-painting tradition is a repeating and retrospective process. It means that painters of each generation would rediscover and re-acknowledge European painting in their experiment of localization according to specific cultural context.

  Guo Runwen and Chen Zijun’s exploration into the realistic depth and image representation of oil-painting is a reflection of the aesthetic creation of contemporary Chinese painting.

  Unlike older generation of oil painters who search for realist representation between impressionism and realism, Guo Runwen pursues a realistic sense of shaping in the tradition of classical painting. If previous generation of painters mainly learned from impressionism’s realist representation of light and color and concentrated on depicting with direct and obvious brushstrokes, then Guo traces back to the study of perfect proportion in classical paintings. He tries every effort to make his brushstrokes invisible, and limit the colors in brown tones so as to weaken the changing of light and color. Like abstract painters who try to represent the relation of abstraction behind the image, Guo attempts to explore the inner structure of human figure, and strives to achieve the conformation between the structure and the mathematical relation of ideal beauty. Undoubtedly, the vitality of figure and the depth of realistic depicting benefit from the artist’s discovery and research of the hidden mathematical relation behind the image. In fact, his paintings are more than representations of reality, but convey his aesthetic pursuit to simplicity, tranquility and nobility.

  Significantly, most of Guo’s neo-classical styled paintings are completed through sketching. It plays such an important part in his creation that the process of sketching can even be considered the process of his art making. There are two questions worth asking here: first, why is Guo so obsessed with sketching in an era which is populated by images as today? And second, how does he complete his works by sketching?

  The former question is actually about the fundamental meaning of sketching to painting. Undoubtedly, contemporary art has confused the distinction between images and paintings. On the one hand, with graphic software like Photoshop, one can easily creates life-like images with painterly feature and effects; on the other hand, painting nowadays relies too much on images. Nearly all the realist paintings in China are based on the collecting of image resources; they mere copy and reproduce images, or apply the image language directly. It is precisely the deep concealment of painting language by the image language that gives people a misconception that image can replace or even put an end to painting. Without a doubt, the overshadowing of painting by image has influenced the cognition to the independent value of painting, which is exactly what human beings have been chasing since the birth of drawing: the painting spirit that represents the liberation and creativity of humanity. Images can never displace the artistic creation by eyes and hands and expression from the soul, no matter to what extent will the production, reproduction and communication of images develop. While sketching, as the origin of artistic passion, is also the process of getting intuitive inspiration from the object and discovering creative expressions. That is to say, only when the artist captures the liveliness of the object personally, can he/her be able to form imaginations and visualize them, embodying every brushstroke with the artistic subject’s spirit and character. Thus, sketching is an essential means of observing and feeling objects, without which, painters’ eyes can only rely on virtual images manufactured at sometime and in somewhere else.

  The latter question involves how Guo creates paintings out of sketches. Guo’s paintings are always trying to remove the mask of image over the contemporaries’ eyes. Sketching has not only given him creative passion and inspiration, but also has re-awakened his subjective understanding and creation of constructing figures in realist painting. In some sense, sketching is his way of integrating himself with the object. For example, his representation of light and color is deviated from reality. Because according to the modern optical theory, the color relation in his works should demonstrate the impressionist contrast of warm and cold colors, as well as the instantaneity of light. But the tones and color-contrast on Guo’s canvas are often based on the neo-classical brown, modified appropriately and forming an elegant and classic beauty. From this we can see that during the procedure of object selecting, scene plotting and image processing, the artist has already begun his creation of integrating subject and object. To Guo, sketching is not a passive accepting of object. For instance, the characters in his paintings, especially the females, are often shown in a slender body proportion, with emotional gestures; the contrast of the bright and dark of the dressing, and that of the drapery and the body figure are arranged in perfect rhythm. All these are the artist’s imaginative modifications and recreations according to his true sentiment of the model in situ. Without the live stimulation and perspective in sketching, the artist could hardly make ideal adjustment on the real object: such as shrinking the size of the head, lengthening the neck, arm and waist, and even the representation of the body construction covered by clothes can only be modified by the artist’s knowledge of human body. Obviously, sketching is a way of perceiving the object, which is an indispensible part in artistic imagination and creation. Furthermore, the stimulation and inspiration given by a real model or scene can never be substituted by images. In sketching, not only the desire of expression is provoked, but also the coordination of eyes, hands and brain is activated in the shortest period of time. The irreplaceability of sketching is reflected in the brushstrokes that have recorded the artist’s creative traces, thus preserving eternally the artistic subject’s spirit, which is lacked in any other kind of images. In the case of Guo’s painting, his brushstrokes are recessive: not those large and eye-catching, nor those obsessed in details; but flexible while solid, expressive while delicate. Thus in his neo-classical composition, tonality, body figure and emotion, the unity of opposites such as the thick and thin, tide and loose, void and solid, large and small, sketch and color are reflected in his ingenious brushstrokes, which represent his decency and intelligence.

  Guo’s oil works has not only removed the mask of image to painting, revealing the fascination of neo-classical art, but also has deeply influenced our cognition to realist oil-painting. It does not mean delicacy or meticulousness on canvas, but the truth and subtleness of image through the sprezzatura of brushstrokes; nor does it mean impasto or repeated coverage, but the solidness and volume established through the thin and loose deposited paints. Realist oil-painting is more than a faithful imitation of what eyes see, but the re-creation of the artist himself and of his understanding and aspiration of beauty.

  Compared with the rigor and nobility in Guo’s realist paintings, Chen Zijun’s works are full of illusion and imagination. Instead of feminine delicacy and softness, Chen’s canvases are constructed by bold, strong lines and Graffiti-like color blocks, which express her crushing to reality and her wildness hidden beneath her courteous appearance. Perhaps it is only in the face of the canvas that she reveals her true self. Without question, there’s a sense of expressionism in Chen’s works. It is established not only on her imagery generalization of society and people, but also on her mastership of structure-building. The images on the canvas have been blurred, overlapped, replaced and re-constructed; they nonetheless manifest her thorough understanding and mastery of image-structure. Her paintings are like the supernatural imagination and intuitive metamorphosis of Guo’s realist paintings from the bottom layer.

  The artistic characters in Chen’s painting are even more impossible to be replaced by images, since her imaginations and reconstruction of reality are more distanced from what we see. Unlike the prudency and sense of reason in Guo’s composition, Chen’s works are full of contingency. She always spread colors spontaneously on white canvas, forming unexpected and significant tones and patches through the collision, permeation and diffusion of colors. Freehand brushstrokes, fluid stratums of colors and coarse pigments together make up the texture on the canvas: these media are effectively transformed to figures themselves. In a sense, the relation between color and canvas has become an important channel of Chen’s exploration of real imago and illusionistic instinct. Evidently, the imago and instinct are some kind of revelation of the human sub-consciousness, which Chen wants to expose. The persons in her paintings are indefinite, confused in gender, space and time. There also exists a distinct symbolic system in them, such as the naked lower part of the body meaning private space, animals like white horse, rabbit and civet referring to today’s living condition. She tries to convey some hidden emotion and consciousness through the construction of image. Her works represents unique visual aesthetics, which focus on internal life and humanity more than imitating the appearances of objects.

  Guo Runwen’s realism is a penetration through the figure’s appearance into its soul, the encounter of artist and artwork takes place on the borderline of aesthetic creation. While Chen Zijun’s imagery is a direct presentation of the person’s contorted psychology, realized through a compassionate peep to the spirit. Thus encounter and compassion shows two different ways of contemplation and representation of Chinese contemporary oil-painting.

  22 International Art Plaza, Beijing, 2012/5/11

  Essay by Shang Hui, director of Chinese Artists Association, China oil painting society and managing editor of Fine Art



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