


Appreciation of Chen Zijun’s Paintings
  By Guo Runwen
  Chen Zijun’s paintings will arouse various and comprehensive feelings. A clear and smooth painting can stir mysterious and restless emotions. Beneath the cheerful image is the melancholic atmosphere. From the firm and strong skin texture, soft and illusionary sensations appear. And it is difficult to figure out the facial expressions of a wide range of lively and interesting images, because Chen Zijun has adopted unique skills of presentation. Therefore, her paintings, a mixture of reality and illusion, provide readers space for imagination and repeated appreciation.
  With her gift and hard work, Chen Zijun has got admirable capacity of managing the physique. She employs the objective plastic concepts as the most useful tools to make shapes. Even though the images are built up on creative realistic context, they exceed the category of objective reality. She chooses “temperament”, a word that best coincides with her spirit, to represent her images. Although the physical images are far away from reality, their temperaments can fully show a man’s happiness, anger and sadness. What can we experience from her painting Evil Busy Girl? Is it difficult to work out? Maybe. We can approach to it from our objective experience. If we are deeply attracted, we appreciate it from the angle of creative reality. It is the charm of painting language, the woven smooth lines, the overlapping of different colors and the rhythms that attract us. All these elements together convey the feelings of pleasure, languidness, comfort and melancholy. Unconsciously, we come into the inner world of the painter, when we are appreciating her paintings.
  The female images of Chen Zijun’s paintings are crystal. They are gently hidden behind the warm and soft color layers, giving off the taste of sweetness. Their gestures are something between coquettishness and pureness, like a long and soft feeler, lingers on her sensitive inner world. They look like muttering, or watching something, while the gloomy and sentimental color indicates a feeling of unexplainable helplessness. Though one can escape from the sounds and furies of the world, the isolated images are lingering. Chen Zijun here is in fact expressing her emotions. With her dexterous skills, she can appropriately manage the frame. But when she comes to the female nature, the softness and weakness of women are presented. She can’t help expressing the feelings of melancholy and isolation from the reality. Chen Zijun expresses in her painting Comical Life the idea that emotion is the unique characteristic of women. It seems like the changeable weather in summer Guangzhou. Rains come at any time, but soon it will be terribly hot. Women’s emotion is apt to change like the weather. You can never tell when it will change. But even women themselves cannot find out the reasons of the changes. When they can not get rid of the feelings of melancholy, isolation and restlessness, their emotions are expressed unboundless. To Chen Zijun, she unbosoms herself through painting. At the same time, Chen Zijun transforms into her works the observations on the reality, the recognition of the sensitive matters and the consciousness of participation of young artists today. In her Comical Life, she fully expresses her interests in fashion, and her dreams of cynical life without worries. To most people of Chen Zijun’s age, realistic responsibility and cynicism is integrated. Historical responsibility, in their opinion, is the matter of their fathers. It, at least, will not be taken by the young artists. Therefore, they eagerly entertain the reality and pursue fashion and utilitarianism. Chen Zijun is one of them. Though she embraces the idea of pursuing fashion, she makes transformation skillfully. She is equipped with ability of traditional aesthetic appreciation and painting skills which are seldom possessed by young artists. The transformation of restlessness makes her Comical Life, which is full of youth plays and ridiculousness, one of the best works among the youth arts. Unconsciously, she takes the historical responsibility.
  Generally speaking, female artists are more sensitive than male artists. The proofs can be found in many artists. Chen Zijun is not an exception. Her refinement and application of color give off a senior and cultivated sense. Besides, her sensitiveness to shape making equips her with the ability to experience freely. The well management of hues in her paintings impresses spectators with aesthetic information. That is, the first sight of the paintings, spectators will have special feeling because of the hues. Going deeper, they will experience richness beneath the hues. The color gray is skillfully and delicately handled. The juxtaposition, interweaving and penetration of cold and warm colors steadily stick to the frame. In order to saturate and firm the color layers, she chooses different materials and makes use of the skin texture to enhance the effect. When the colors penetrate into the skin texture, lively marks appear. These marks will extended by the shape. Thus, the character or the object of the painting is formed. All of these make the wholeness of her work. In her work Paradise, the delicacy can be felt. In the painting, the gray quietness first gives us the impression of gray nostalgia, including the past space and the air of our childhood which often comes to our dreams. The painting is simple but elegant on the whole. But the delicate richness of each color plate constructs the tone of the painting as a whole. The juxtaposition, overlapping and mutual penetration saturate and steady the color gray. Invisible and unstable lines are interwoven in the gray. The blocks and spots rhythmically precipitate among the gray. Through careful observation, you will find that they are small animals. These spirits sometimes show up, sometimes hide themselves. Gradually, you find the life in the gray. A forest is found and it is the paradise of the animals. As a person full of emotions, Chen Zijun cherishes a lot of good memories. There is always something that will touch her and give her pleasure, even if it a tree, a forest, or a small animal. She always lingers on these good memories. No matter how illusionary and expressive her paintings are, the concrete images in the work carry the meanings of her works. And all the elements are centered on the meanings. Her works thus have high aesthetic value and deep spiritual connotation.
  2005年 广州



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