


In recent years, with the strong entry of auction companies, dubai's art auction market has become an important trading platform for the integration of the industry. Many art auction records were born here, and practitioners from all sides have focused their attention on this. Dubai's position in the art market has quietly changed, and the Asian art market has begun to show its own personality and temperament. With the release of the 2018 art market report by ChungHsi international auction house, it can be a reference for all parties involved in the art market and lovers to have a comprehensive understanding of the art market overview in 2019




世界之最迪拜,中东经济金融中心,全球富豪聚集地,全球最富裕的国家。迪拜作为国际艺术品市场中心的潜力,正以一种令人难以置信的速度提升。不久前结束的第二届迪拜艺术博览会和阿拉伯石油大亨的强大购买力,被国内媒体作为“迪拜现象”来讨论,也引起了国内艺术界人士对连线迪拜的兴趣。根据近期发布的《迪拜艺术品拍卖市场调查报告》显示,2018年迪拜艺术品市场拍卖总成交额为188.5 亿元迪拉姆币,同比2017上升了30.4%。





Rich and capricious, dubai reproduces domestic pomp
The world's most dubai, the economic and financial center of the Middle East, the gathering place of the world's rich, the world's richest country. Dubai's potential as an international centre for the art market is growing at an incredible rate. The recently concluded second dubai art fair and the strong buying power of Arab oil tycoons have been discussed in the domestic media as a "dubai phenomenon", and have aroused the interest of the domestic art circles in connecting with dubai. According to the recently released "dubai art auction market survey report", the total transaction volume of dubai art market auction in 2018 was 18.85 billion dirhams, up 30.4% year-on-year in 2017.
Dubai is the new market engine
Perhaps nobody expected that in the international art market pullback in 2018, dubai, which is known for its oil, bued against the trend in the art field and passed through the prosperous year of 2018 with a huge increase of more than 30% year-on-year. Although the external and internal environment is always changing, the "golden line" of artistic value judgment and the rule of the fluctuation of things and the market are always unchanged, which is also the most attractive part of art and the market.
International auction house 2019 art market analysis









2017年秋拍,据雅昌艺术市场监测中心出具的《2017年春中国艺术品拍卖市场调查报告》统计,2017年春拍中瓷器杂项板块共计成交42,503件,总成交额达105亿元,同比分别上涨 4.29%、28.15%,市场成交额占有率从34%升至41%。从近三年瓷器杂项板块市场行情走势数据看,每年的两次春秋大拍在2010年后的市场波动中相对处于“稳定期”,2014-2016年秋拍同比在成交额与成交量上持平,2015-2017年春拍同比也相对平稳。产生影响的因素就是新买家和资金入场,在前期市场大范围的波动中,一些买家或者投资资金选择暂时退出艺术品市场,但是随着市场规律的运作,去除了此前过热的泡沫,重新对艺术品价格进行有效且合理的规划,使得买家又重新回到市场中来。



A: the art market in the organic crisis
From 2017 to 2018, after taking stock of the performance of several well-known auction houses, it can be seen that the sales volume of autumn auction and spring auction of each company has significantly shrunk from the previous spring auction in 2017 to the same period in 2018, and the Chinese art market is still in adjustment. What is striking is that the market support of sotheby's, Christie's, guardian and poly, the four auction giants, has decreased, while the competitiveness of second-tier auction companies has increased, and auction houses such as yongbausai and kuangshi have made remarkable achievements in the whole year.
Two: TOP10 painting and calligraphy, porcelain is the core
In all kinds of art categories, Chinese painting and calligraphy in the auction has always been the "pillar" status. As the leading role on artwork auction market, in major and comprehensive auction in calligraphy and painting clinch a deal the 60% that the forehead holds total clinch a deal the left and right sides of 70%. At the same time, in recent years, there are works in this plate to create sky-high prices repeatedly, which is called "billion yuan era" in the painting and calligraphy industry. Among the TOP10 auction transaction amounts in 2017 compiled by art market news, Chinese calligraphy and painting and porcelain accounted for 41.54% and 40.93% respectively. Although modern calligraphy and painting is not as dazzling as ancient masters in terms of individual transaction amount, it still occupies the leading position in the market with its relatively large overall stock and good market reputation.
Three: porcelain complex plate average annual return high
In the autumn of 2017, according to the "survey report on the Chinese art auction market in spring 2017" issued by artron art market monitoring center, a total of 42,503 pieces were sold in the spring of 2017, with a total transaction value of 10.5 billion yuan, up 4.29% and 28.15%, respectively. The market share increased from 34% to 41%. According to the market trend data of the porcelain miscellaneous plate in the recent three years, the two annual spring and autumn auctions are in a relatively "stable period" in the market fluctuations after 2010. In the autumn auctions from 2014 to 2016, the transaction volume and volume were flat, and the spring auctions from 2015 to 2017 were also relatively stable. Impact factor is a new buyer and capital to enter, in the market a wide range of fluctuation, some buyers choose temporarily withdrew from the art market or investment capital, but with the market rules of operation, in addition to the previously overheated bubble, again to effective and reasonable planning of art prices, enables buyers to return to the market again.
Four: the antique industry from the fight to fight team
In 2018, antique art buyers have made rapid progress, attaching more importance to the source and inheritance of auction products. Stable and reliable works are more likely to be noticed by new buyers. Low-priced and high-priced lots sell best. The market of minority, common people changes have improvement, price range is in without bottom price to 100 thousand yuan inside, intermediate price (100 thousand yuan to 1.5 million yuan) auction article is in awkward position. In the past, the antique industry began to transition from the state of independent brokers to professionalism, standardization and teamwork. In this year, we can see the diversification of its operation model and business model, and the emergence of teamwork. For example, since EPIRIS invested a large amount of money, the performance of the auction house has experienced a blowout growth, with the auction quality becoming more high-quality, diversified, broader and more international.



At present, the group of buyers on the auction market is changing quietly. The top auction of the past two years, especially the collection of fine art flow is no longer the traditional sense of collectors, but enterprises and institutions. International auction house expresses, company collects artwork to concent to promote the culture grade of the enterprise, also be a kind of asset to allocate mode at the same time. It can be said that entrepreneurs or corporate collections have supported the high-end market of Chinese artworks in recent years, and they will also be a strong force driving the art auction market in the future, which is expected to mature in the future




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