



  史书记载,自从宣纸被发明后,越来越多的画家把智慧重心放到探索水、墨及发掘宣纸的渗化特性上,乐此不疲地在水破墨、墨破水、淡破浓、浓破淡、墨破色、色破墨中孜孜以求,为艺术史的书写留下了丰厚的史料,也让我们看到前人在水墨画上的卓越变革与创新。与此同时,作为中国,叫源头的帛画却由于历史上种种原因渐渐被打人冷宫,成为如今我们在长沙博物馆中见到的艺术标本。但是,不同于马王堆的这件帛画却活生生地悬挂在大厅中,就在我的眼前。我不禁深呼一口气,试图从画面中找到中国帛画何以如何焕发新生命的答案。画面中的各种形象时隐时现,当赏画的角度稍有不同,原先清晰的形状瞬间变得朦胧变幻,而原先含蓄的色块却张扬起来,这让人觉得非常新奇,我逐渐加大左右移动的幅度与速度,附近观画的人因为我另类的观看举动也围拢过来,跟着我左看看有看看、前看看后看看并啧啧称奇:“这颜色会变哦!” “门神,财神……咦,现身啦?” “是个老虎耶。” “是狮子是狮子,哦哦,这里有个……马!” “哪里啊,我怎么看不见啊?” “你要到我这个角度来看的。” “哦,对哦,还藏着个大彩灯笼……”这些原本互不相识的人在这件帛画作品前突然热络起来,嘿!还真神。在周围七嘴八舌中,我看到了越来越多的内容,每转换一个角度就会有新的惊喜,当我的发现逐渐累积到能基本读懂画画大意时,竟然有种成就感,这种成就感记得曾在读八大和毕加索的作品时出现过。这是一种发现与回馈惊喜的乐趣。





  当把这些疑问抛给穆益林后,他说: “希望中国现代帛画有更多的人来参与,我只是尽可能开发帛画的可能性,为后来人多提供一些可行之路以供参考,至于接下来的创作已在酝酿之中,届时再请各位多多指教。”这是一位极其谦逊低调的画家,埋头近三十载潜心创作与不断超越,使他不仅走㈩了自己的路,也让更多的人有路可走。


  Interpreting the Past with Future

  Thoughts on Silk Painting Celebrating the Spring Festival by Mu Yilin

  I have never seen this way of painting! It is totally incompatible with Chinese paintings and calligraphies hung on its left and rights. Thetone in it never occurred on Chinese paintings! The gorgeous tone of pink red, however, makes people feel calm and easy.

  Is it Chinese painting? Why is it so unfamiliar? Isn't it Chinese painting? The artistic conception it reveals belongs to China and its style is indeed of China. When l draw near to it. l see it is named Chinese silk painting! Are there any other existing silk paintings except those unearthed from Mawangdui?

  According to historic documents, more and more artists began to focus their energy to explore ink, water and the penetration and blur features of rice paper since rice paper was invented and tirelessly study about the relations among ink, water and the different color effects generated by the two, leaving abundant historic materials which showed to us the superior innovation and reform on ink paintings. Meanwhile, as the source of Chinese painting, silk painting, however, was gradually forgotten by people for many reasons historically and became the Art specimens in Changsha Museum.

  But the silk painting quite different from those from Mawangdui was really hung in the hall, right before my eyes. I had to take a deep breath and tried to find the answer why silk paintings were revived from it. The images in it came out or disappeared now and then. Some originally clear shapes may suddenly blur themselves and something originally unclear emerged when changing the watching it in different angles. It was so amazing and for this I began to move around near it. Some people who saw my weird behaviors crowded around the silk painting and move around along with me. They also felt it amazing. "See, the color can change!““Door God, God of Wealth, what? Appeared?" "It's a tiger!““It is a lion, a lion, oh. there is a_horse""Where? How can I see it?""oh , yes, a big colorful lantern is hidden..."These unfamiliar people began to have good talk with each other before the silk painting. From their words I found more and more images in it and got a new surprise every time I changed an angle. When I realized that I was able to read the main idea of this painting, I generated a sense of accomplishment, which ever turned out when watching the works of Zhu Dan and Picasso. It is a pleasure about discovery and surprise.

  To paste paintings of Door God, paper cut for window decoration, red lanterns, new clothes and lucky money...l remember that people treated Spring Festival very seriously when was a child. People began to make special purchases for Spring Festival: adults made various lanterns and auspicious toys for kids; kids all looked forward to the coming of Spring Festival when they can eat a lot of candies and snacks: some people acted God of Wealth or other gods, some playing lion dance or dragon dance, some making dough figures, some selling goods, some vfiring firecrackers until Lantern Festival when a new year started. All of the above can be only reviewed when referring to materials about intangible cultural heritage. My parents told me they had more jolly time on Spring Festival than us when they were kids. The jolly time could not be truly appreciated by those who had never experienced, but this silk painting before me seemed to recreate that kind of jolly time. All types of images or scenes in it overlapped each other turning on the thick flavor of Chinese traditional Spring Festival. This work is not a stop-action of memory about celebrating the Spring Festival, but a film made up of numerous stop-actions, a nostalgic film that drives all Chinese people to recall. The expression way of this silk painting is rarely to see. To display the series of memories about past with so fresh and so strange a drawing language may make people generate a sense of time and space crisscross. It is to interpret the feelings about the past in a form of future. You may feel it likely to come from the future.

  Every great master that has left his mark in the history of human's art always leads an era. The works of Zhu Da and Picasso is special in his times, because they are too advanced, belonging to the future. But their works provide more possibilities for later generations to create. Even now you can still get new ideas when seeing their works every time.

  This silk painting belongs to a painter named Mu Yilin from Shanghai. After a lucky talk with him, I know that he had been successive in ink paper painting in 1979 and won the first prize in Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition standing side by side with Lu Yanshao, a famous master of Chinese painting when Mr. Chen Yifei got the second prize. Mu Yilin, however, didn't stop at the road to art for that and was eager to find a road exclusive to him. After 27 year's practices on silk, he finally reached to this height, renewing the Chinese silk painting. Chinese silk painting is no longer an exhibit, or a past legend, but a modern Chinese silk painting full of life.

  After reading other series of works by Mu Yilin, I wondered how a painter could create so many totally e person's brain. He not only created a brand new drawing road, but he also challenges the height of human's imagination and creation. Seeing the currently born series of works, you will have no idea what glories he would lead modern Chinese silk painting to create.

  When I ask him these questions, he said,"I hope more people will participate in modern Chinese silk painting. All I can do is to develop the possibilities of silk painting and provide more ways for successors to refer to. My next work is already in process, and I hope I can get more suggestions or advices when it comes out." He is so modest a painter who spent 27 years in creation and continuingly exceeds himself. He not only finds his own road to art, but he also makes more people have road to go.

  We hope Mu Yilin, the painter born in the year of monkey can show his 72 changes of Monkey King in the way of modern Chinese silk painting.




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