

2014-05-09 16:04


  ---- 陈孝信: 著名美术理论家。摘自『庖丁解牛』今日美术馆研讨会发言

  In terms of his ideological connotation and spiritual connotation, whathe pursues is actually a kind of commonly humane and earthy valuesthat is true and profound. These portraits highlight some unimportantpeople, but not a kind of magnificent narration, providing an irreplaceablespecimen for sociology to the times. He has also realized to forgeteverything in traditional meaning. He uses an eyelevel visual angle, andsuch revivification to truth and revivification to phenomenology without anyregulation or any appreciation or any depreciation, I think such kind ofpositive feeling as an artist is embodied very distinctly.

  Chen Xiaoxin: Famous Art Theorist.the speech on the symposium of

  Prince Huei's Cook was Cutting up a Bullock at Today Art Museum


  ---- 丁宁: 著名艺术史家,北京大学艺术学院副院长。摘自《肖像画的意义与开拓 ——童雁汝南近作印象》

  Instead of theatricality, what is consolidated in portraits of TongYanrunan is the concentration that is faintly discernible, that seems tomake you sense the portrayed one is immersing his own inner worldcalmly, while such status has impressed us very deeply. It seems to bedrifting between a kind of faint concentration and vague theatricality, andsuch status is more or less close to the ancient portraits of China. That’swhy the portraits of Tong Yanrunan have ruminating representation.

  Ding Ning: Famous Art Historian, Vice-president of The School of

  Arts,Peking University.Significance and Development of Portraits-

  Impression on Recent Works of Tong Yanrunan


  ---- 范迪安: 中国美术馆馆长,第50.51 届威尼斯双年展中国国家馆策展人。摘自『庖丁解牛』今日美术馆研讨会发言

  The tradition of portrait and the tradition of image have been studiedvery deeply in the western modern art series, and we can see that imagehas become a very great modern subject beginning from Francis Bacon,then to Freud, Gerhard Richter and to Italian 3C, there are abundantexpressions on the system of image. What I think valuable is that TongYanrunan has found a format different from the existing styles of art history,and even a kind of patent of language

  .Fan Di'an: Director of the National Art Museum of China, Curator of TheChinese National Pavilion for The 50th & 51st Venice Biennale.The speechon the symposium of Prince Huei's Cook was Cutting up a Bullock at TodayArt Museum

  这个想法就跟意派的『不是之是』有关,但『不是之是』不是『不似之似』。因为 『似』还是从再现和对应的二元角度,而『是』乃是言外和象外的东西,它是另类的东西,但这个另类又最能把握住整一。这个是什么东西呢,就很难想象了。我为什么说整一性,所谓整一性它不是说一个干巴巴的概念性的东西,比如说,人的形状有几种,但是具体到这个人,我不强调他的个体的那种特别极端化的那种特点,因为每个人绝对都不一样的。

  ---- 高名潞: 著名美术史论家、策展人。摘自《与高名潞先生谈话》

  This is just one of my thought, which is relating to the "seemingly wrongtruth" in Yipai. But the "seemingly wrong truth is not "the unlikely similarity".Because the "similarity" is still from the dual angle of reproduction andcontrast, but the "truth" is something beyond the word and the image, it issomething unique which can grasp the synthesis. So it is difficult to imaginewhat it is on earth. why do I say synthesis, synthesis is not something dulland dry, but something ,for example, there are several sizes of people, butwhen it come to one person, I won't emphasize the individual and extremecharacter, because everyone is totally different.

  Gao Minglu: Famous Art historian and curator.Conversation with

  Mr Gao Minglu


  ---- 高天民: 中国国家画院美术研究院常务副院长。


  At this tremendous space from the microsmic to the macroscopical,Tong Yanrunan gradually forms his own art language, a subjectiveexpression can both facing the individual and consistently entering intothe history. In this condition, when facing to the every individual, he canobserve, analyze, think and go back to the object in an objective andadvantaged distance.

  Gao Tianmin: Executive vice-president of China National

  Academy of Painting.From Microcosmic to Macroscopic


  ---- 顾振清: 著名策展人、2006 年英国利物浦双年展中国馆策展人。摘自《时间的特性:童雁汝南肖像油画》

  Among portraits, Tong Yanrunan has both pertinent and honestexpression on the ambiguity and uncertainty of art. Owing to his constantprogress in portraits, he has formed a fresh and particular art casebehind the front-end of contemporary art. If an artist remains committedto pursuing the uniqueness of art formed language for long, he may alsoproduce a kind of art appearance that has great individual contribution.Tong Yanrunan has never pursued the aesthetic feeling of painting only,but has also been sincere to his inner world and comprehended constantguide of rational spirit.

  Gu Zhenqing: Famous Curator, Curator of China Pavilion at 2006

  Liverpool Biennale.Characteristics of Time: Portrait Oil Painting of Tong




  ---- 黄笃: 第50 届威尼斯双年展中国馆策展人,第26 届圣保罗双年展中国馆策展人。摘自《童雁汝南:从经典美学中转译的绘画当代性》

  By forming the character with fluidness and uncertainty and in ahaphazard and straightforwardly impressionistic way, the artist transformedconcrete and specific meanings into imaginary and abstract images.In other words, individual characteristics were converted into universalmeaning of human life.

  Huang Du: Curator of China Pavilion of the 50th Venice Biennale,curatorof China Pavilion of the 26th Sao Paulo Biennale.Tong Yanrunan:Contemporary Painting Translated from Classical Aesthetics


  ---- 杭间: 中国美院院长助理,美术馆馆长。摘自『庖丁解牛』今日美术馆开幕讲话

  He is an artist of much ideological content. The works of“ DismemberingAn ox as Skillfully as a Butcher” has originated from Taoist ideas for 15years in line to pursue the echo of heart and skill and the unity of form andspirit, and is different from the pursuit for creativity in a lot of easel paintingof contemporary art. In such an exhibition, we might be able to exploremany issues on contemporary art, esp. in today’s blatant contemporaryart scenes, the painting of such ideology of Tong Yanrunan who has beendedicated for 15 years, I think it will also bring us a lot of new things.

  Hang Jian: Assistant to President of China Academy of Art, Directorof Museum of Contemporary Art OF CAA.The speech at the openingceremony for Prince Huei's Cook was Cutting up a Bullock at Today ArtMuseum


  ---- 贾方舟: 著名策展人, 美术批评家。摘自『庖丁解牛』今日美术馆研讨会发言

  Everybody may notice one image: he pains two or three pieces ofworks at the same time, as he is catching something different in oneobject, so I would rather call his painting as “freehand brushwork”,and the concept “freehand brushwork oil painting” is more suitablefor Tong Yanrunan. Unlike the western expressionism, his painting is akind of expression of Chinese style. He attaches more importance torepresentation: a kind of cultivated expression, but not neurotic expression,and this is right the feature of humane freehand brushwork

  .Jia Fangzhou: Famous Exhibition Planner, Fine Art curator.the speechon the symposium of Prince Huei's Cook was Cutting up a Bullock at TodayArt Museum


  ----Jonathan Thomson : 澳大利亚著名艺术史论家。摘自《像中之象——论童雁汝南绘画》

  Tong Yanrunan's work can be regarded as an example of classicalChinese painting techniques. Since you can find Xie He's "Six Eanous ofPainting"----every type of skill mentioned in this famous masterpieceof ancient Chinese paintings theory, is used and displayed in his works.There is a spiritual life and rhythm in Tong Yanrunan's painting.Jonathan Thomson: Famous Australian art history theorists.The Imagein the Portrait


  ----Pia Camilla Copper : 法国著名策展人。摘自《礼节的历史》

  However, his work, which transgresses the limits of the traditional realiststyle, and he has broken down barriers and rethought technique in sucha way that he belongs to this new generation. His portraits of workingclasssubjects are a study in the mastery of the brush combined with theinspiration necessary for conceptual art. His portraits have already markeda step forward for realist painting. In one series, in particular, the portraithangs in two parts: one, the face itself and the other the more marred, lessaccurate reflection of the face 〔hung right side up and upside down likeNarcissus looking into the pond〕.

  Pia Camilla Copper: Famous French curator.History of etiquette


  ---- 尚辉 : 《美术》执行主编。摘自《绘画性:当下绘画创作的重要命题——从中国青年油画作品展透视的语言研究》

  The " Brother series" of Tong Yanrunan has used realistic painting ofthe head sculpture of many monomers to express his humanistic concernfor those " living creatures". Those head sculptures undoubtedly have thevivid sense of modeling. The acquisition of this sense comes from thepainters' rigorous understanding and profound grasp of the expressions ofthe figures , and also from the painters' swift catch and vivid representationof the spiritual state of the figures in a cursive style. Though they used onlya few strokes, the decorous model and the spirit have been showed verywell.

  Shang Hui: Executive Editor of "Art".The Nature of Drawing: TheImportant Statement of Contemporary Creation of Painting---TheLanguage Studies in the China's Youth Canvas Exhibition


  ---- 王林: 四川美术学院教授、著名艺术批评家。摘自《绘画的诗学与人的主体性——对童雁汝南作品的个人阅读》

  Tong Yanrunan's paintings can be regarded as a kind of painting ofpoetics or painterly poetics. He has very good grounding in basic skills ofpainting, the brush strokes looked like being daubed at will and saturatedbut heavy color is often vividly, directly, and synchronously demonstratethe glamour of the image and emotion, as well as that of the form and skill.His works are full of writing characters of poetics, musical sense and thecomposition of thinking. He is different from a lot of the painters today whoalways want to narrate everything thoroughly with the simple and patentforms. The most important value of poem is implicitness. Tong Yanrunanwould like to live in the implicitness and depth of painting poetics.

  Wang Lin: Professor of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Famous art critic.Poetics of Painting & Human's Subjectivity -- Personal reading of TongYanru nan's works


  ---- 王明贤: 第51 届威尼斯双年展中国馆策展成员。摘自《理想国》

  The new works of Tong Yanrunan make his art making an importantstep forward of Contemporariness, becoming one part of "new paintingfeature".He is not only concern about the microcosmic criticism of thehistory of the human spirit,but even implant it into the macroscopicallyhistorical spirit, finding an self-annotation coordinate from humancomplicated activities.

  Wang Mingxian: Members of China Pavilion of the 51st Venice Biennale

  curator.The Republic


  ---- 许江: 中国美术学院院长、博导。摘自《南山、丘壑与漫游——童雁汝南绘画》

  Tong Yanrunan is always in a slack state to greet these vague figuresappearing suddenly. This kind of figures can not be too clear. They needto be greeted with the slackness of life.Tong Yanrunan and these figuresshape each other, and in this way, the former is shaped into a soulrambler,glancing casually in a hurry.Therefore, as we are facing the crowds of silent figures entangled withbrushstrokes full of vicissitudes and integrated tinge, we are at the sametime facing the watching of Tong Yanrunan's type, or facing a kind of soulsin rambling.

  Xu Jiang: President of China Academy of Art, doctoral tutor.The SouthHill, Gullies and Rambling - Tong Yanrunan's Oil Painting


  ---- 杨参军: 中国美协油艺会副主任、中国美院油画系主任。摘自『庖丁解牛』今日美术馆开幕讲话

  I think “Dismembering An ox as Skillfully as a Butcher”is a veryproper camphor, unlike the butcher who understood ox for 19 years, TongYanrunan has almost painted for 15 years, and by using the manner ofbrush by brush painting, he has kept entering an artistic status from skillinto doctrine, so we may see Tong Yanrunan’s journey of heart from skillinto doctrine step by step according to the timeline of his exhibition, andfurther such journey of heart is not for pure painting: he also records histrue inspiration and feeling brush by brush and in my view, such feeling isthe force of painting language itself.

  Yang Canjun: Deputy Director of Oil Painting Art Committee of ChinaArtists Association, Director of Oil Painting Department of China Academyof Art.The speech on the opening ceremony for Prince Huei's Cook wasCutting up a Bullock at Today Art Museum


  ---- 张晴: 中国美术馆学术部主任,第3.5.6 届上海双年展策展人。摘自『庖丁解牛』今日美术馆研讨会发言

  Thirdly, the exhibition title is Dismembering An Ox as Skillfully as aButcher,he makes self-mockery with the butcher, who had understoodoxes repeatedly for over 10 years, that’s to say, “dismembering anox” has become his painting, but it’s required to interpret, dialyze andsublimate; I think this is the comprehensive idea of Tong Yanrunan in hispainting on the whole world and the social ideology, and he has put hisfeeling and concept of connotation that he’d like to express from timeto time to the tip of his own painting brush. Instead of being stagnant,“Dismembering an ox as skillfully as a butcher” is mainly for the upgradeof his own spirit.

  Zhang Qing: Director of Academy Department of National Art Museumof China, Curator of The 3rd, 5th, & 6th Shanghai Biennale.The speech onthe symposium of Prince Huei's Cook was Cutting up a Bullock at TodayArt Museum


  ---- 章仁缘: 中国美术学院原油画系主任、教授。摘自《老庄式的注视——童雁之『像』中之『象』》

  Appreciating Comrades in Manjuelong, you will find Tong Yanrunan'sworks are more than random, free brushes and strokes of oil painting, thereis also the pregnancy of the oriental philosophy in the expression means ofwestern painting, that is, to be particular, a unique oriental spirit hidden inthe works. The "image" obtained by panning and deserting, is truly a stateof mind, something independent of the vulgar "portraits", and a blendingand fusion of bright wisdom and sentiments of life.

  Zhang Renyuan: Former Director and Professor of Oil PaintingDepartment of China Academy of Art.Contemplating like Laozhuang -TheImages in Tong Yanrunan's "Portraits"


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