

  开幕时间:2016. 5. 28   4 :00 PM

  展览时间:2016. 5. 28——2016. 7. 24

  2016年5月28日,栗子的第八个个展《第五類森林》将在深圳E当代美术馆开幕,此次展览栗子囊括 40余幅架上绘画和两部新的影像作品,欢迎各位莅临参观。

  艺术家栗子的作品呈现给观众的是静谧、低沉的画意。若即若离,又几乎悄无声息,就像黑夜里的 脚步声。光线透过玻璃窗,却被过滤得只剩下灰、黑、白三色,行走时发出细细的脚步声与轻微的 喘息,这些便是你能感觉到的所有。空灵、透明,这样的画面横空出世。但是,我们不能仅将这种 “透澈”理解为空气般的虚无,而应将其视作具有可塑性的结构。

  我们所面临的是一次认知的过程:画卷徐徐呈现在人面前,犹抱琵琶半遮面,这将不会是一次人们 料想中完整的认知旅程。

  正是这朦胧的认知感,更添栗子作品的魔幻与神秘。在这里,似乎有令人不安的肢体,呈现的正是 埃贡·席勒(Egon Schiele)和克里姆特(Klimt)同样非常喜爱的“爱情与死亡”主题。事实上,我们也 不难发现关于“遗忘”、“无意识追寻”等其他主题的沿用,栗子品的中间几年,作家施尼茨勒颇有远见

  地在他的小说里描绘了不少几近疯狂的场景,同时精神分析学派创始人弗洛伊德(Freud)也发现了 无意识的观念和性生活的重要性。

  在栗子的画作中,每个元素都蕴涵寓意:从折断的树枝到迷雾,从危机四伏的海水再到无舵手的船。 在这个年轻有为的艺术家的作品当中,我们会看到,古典女性雕像被拉长并坐落在草地上,或者黑 色的钢琴似乎与森林的颜色相混淆——这是梦的世界,是一幅幅形而上学的画作。

—— 玛莉亚·劳拉·佩利裏

  We are honored to invite you to participate in the solo exhibition of Li Zi named "FOREST : The 5th Category" which will be held by e Museum of Contemporary Art in Shenzhen in May 28th.

  The works of art created by the artist LI ZI  look like silent and quiet images to the eye of the onlooker. They sound like footsteps  in the night, where the only element you  perceive are the grey , black and white colours which  break through a window,  their  soft breathing and the light footsteps.  The  ethereal and evanescent  images appear in front of the onlooker; and we can't merely perceive the  paleness of her way of painting  as a characteristic which we can associate with bodiless and evanescent images in opposition to what is instead well-shaped. There is more complexity in her art.

  We are standing in front of a  path of perception, where images gradually  reveal themselves  and where the visible shows itself through shapes  which are never precise and well-defined. It is a journey made up of incomplete perceptions.

  And it is indeed in  this endless and incomplete perception that we can grasp the magic and mysterious component of Li Zi's  works of art. It's in this characteristic that we can find the disquieting interwinding of bodies between love and death, a theme which is was dear to the painters Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt. We can find, in fact,  the ideas of oblivion and the search for the  unconscious. In Li Zi it is possible to find  evident links to the paintings made by these two artists. We can't forget that the years when Klimt created his masterpieces, Schnitzler described visionary, almost mad,  scenarios in his novels , and Sigmund Freud studied the unconscious and emphasized the importance of sexual life.

  in the works of art of this artist we can identify an allegorical element: from the broken branch of a tree to the fog, from  dark waters to the image of a boat without a steersman. In the paintings of this young and promising painter we can find classical statues of women lying on the grass, or a black piano which is incorporated in  a forest : it's a dream world, a metaphysical image.

——Maria Laura Pirelli

FOREST:The 5th Gategory 26/Mixed media on canvas/200x250 cmx3/2016


FOREST:The 5th Gategory/Mixed media on canvas/200x250 cmx2/2014

FOREST:The 5th Gategory/Mixed media on canvas/30x30 cm/2015

Prometheus/Mixed media on canvas /250x200 cm +80x70 cm /2016

The gate of staring/Mixed media on canvas/80x100 cm/2015

The gate of staring /Mixed media on canvas/200x250 cm/2015

The Fountain/Mixed media on canvas/120x150 cm/2016

Mysteries/Mixed media on canvas /170x100 cm/2015


ATGET/Mixed media on canvas/80x100 cm /2014

The Last Supper/Mixed media on canvas/200x250 cm/2013


  2003  年毕业于湖北美术学院油画系

  2007  年毕业于湖北美术学院获硕士学位


  2016年 “第五类森林”-栗子个展,e当代美术馆,深圳,中国

  2015年 “影子的影子”- 栗子新作展,桥舍画廊,深圳,中国

  2014年 “浮沉”栗子当代艺术展,Fabrik Gallery,香港,中国

  2014年 “影子的影子” 栗子当代艺术展,桥舍画廊,北京,中国

  2013年 “160分贝”栗子当代艺术展,悦·美术馆,中国

  2012年 “迷失”栗子当代艺术展,柏林 Director’s House,德国

  2010年 “阿修罗”栗子当代艺术展,中邦美术馆,上海,中国

  2007年 “般若心经·彼岸花”栗子当代艺术展,深圳美术馆,深圳,中国


  2016年 “微体验-中国(深圳)文博会青年艺术推广平台2016”,深圳会展中心,深圳,中国


  2015年 “东成西就”中国当代青年艺术家发现计划第一回展,今日美术馆,北京 ,中国


  “新感知-中国新一代女性艺术邀请展,艺术门画廊,上海 ,中国

  “图像研究室第二回”绘画发生中的观念和语言, 正观美术馆,北京,中国


  “意大利斯普内多市国际艺术节”当代油画艺术邀请展 ,市政美术馆,斯普内多市,意大利

  2014年 “粉色公见”当代女性艺术家邀请展,新疆当代美术馆,新疆,中国



  “痛感 “新当代艺术展,树美术馆,北京,中国

  2013年 “绘画之外”当代艺术邀请展,蓝焰艺术空间,上海,中国

  “寤寐” 意大利罗马文化部中国当代艺术家邀请展,埃及驻罗马文化处美术馆,罗马,意大利


  “玄心妙悟-润.月雅”当代女性艺术家邀请展,时代美术馆,北京 ,中国


  2012年 “超越肉身”当代艺术展,美国郝德尔学院罗斯美术馆,华盛顿,美国


  “她者的凝视”东西方女性艺术家联展 ,湖北省美术院美术馆,武汉,中国

  “近观”与“冥想”2012当代艺术邀请展,巢艺术中心,成都 ,中国



  2011年 “彼岸花”当代艺术展,桥舍画廊,北京 ,中国




  2010年 “未命名”当代艺术展,湖北美术学院美术馆,武汉,中国

  “X空间” 当代艺术展,湖北省美术院美术馆,武汉,中国

  “重新阅读”武汉当代艺术生态考察展,武汉 新世界美术馆,武汉,中国

  “具象研究”当代艺术展,时代美术馆,北京 ,中国

  “后生代”当代艺术展, 卓越空间,北京,中国

  “隐形的翅膀”当代艺术展 , 时代美术馆,北京,中国

  “穿过”当代艺术展,斯波内多市政美术馆, 意大利

  2009年 “武昌HIHI”当代艺术展, 彼岸画廊,深圳,中国

  “文化新美学” 当代艺术精品展,格丰艺术馆,深圳 ,中国

  “中国”当代艺术艺术八人展, A齐奥 切纳美术馆,意大利

  “Green”当代艺术展 , 国贸展览厅,北京

  2008年 “好季节”当代女性艺术家联展,新天地美术馆,武汉,中国

  “独生宣言”当代艺术邀请展, 新时代画廊,北京 ,中国

  “热都”当代艺术四人展, 红鼎画廊,北京 ,中国

  “未来的天空-当代青年艺术家提名展, 中国美术馆,北京


  2007年 “放任自流”当代艺术五人展, 凤凰城美术馆,武汉,中国


  “梦想南方”中国当代艺术邀请展, 格丰艺术馆,深圳,中国



  “非集体意志”当代艺术邀请展, 索卡画廊,北京,中国

  “焦点”当代艺术展, 格丰艺术馆,深圳,中国

  2006年 “十三个同学”展 ,湖北美术学院美术馆,武汉,中国

  全国九大美院师生联展 ,深圳美术馆,深圳,中国

  2005年 “A.O.E”当代艺术展,湖北美术学院美术馆,武汉,中国


  2003年 湖北省油画展并获优秀奖

   Li Zi (Yu Li)

  2007   MFA, Hubei Institutes of Fine Arts

  2003   BFA, Department of Oil Painting, Hubei Institutes of Fine Arts

  Solo Exhibition

  2016 "Forest:The 5th Category- Li Zi Solo Exhibition”,e Museum of Contemporary Art, Shenzhen,China

  2015 "The Shadow of Sense” Li Zi’ s New Art Show, Bridge Gallery, Shenzhen, China

  2014 "The Shadow of Sense” Li Zi’ s Contemporary Art Show , Bridge Gallery, Beijing, China

  2014 "Moisterles” Li Zi’ s Contemporary Art Show , Fabrik GALLERY, HK, China

  2013 "160 Decibels”---- Li Zi’ s Contemporary Art Show, Yue Gallery, China

  2012 "LOST” Li Zi Contemporary Painting Solo Show, Director's House, Berlin , Germany

  2010 "Asura” Li Zi Contemporary Painting Solo Show, Shanghai Zhongbang Gallery, Shanghai, China

  2007 "The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sitra?Manjusaka” Li Zi Contemporary Painting Solo Show, Shenzhen Art Museum, China

  Group Show

  2016 Micro Experiences-The Young ArtistsPromotion Platflorm of ICIF, Shenzhen Shenzhen Conference & Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China

  "All about Artist-2016 China Art Exposition Tour”, Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena, US

  2015 "The Eagle Shooting Heroes”- The Chinese contemporary young artists finding plan- The first exhibition,TODAY ART MUSEUM,Beijing,China

  "Spring" Female Artists Exhibition, FORBIDDEN CITY GALLERY, Shanghai, China

  "New sense - China's new generation of Female Art Invitation Exhibition”,Iyishu Gallery, Shanghai, China

  The concept and language of "Image research room second times" in the process of painting, Rightview Art Museum , Beijing, China

  “Wandering“-International Exhibition of contemporary artists Chinese diffuse, Czech Nemo Tana Palace, Rome, Italy

  "Italian Stapleton, International Art Festival”- contemporary oil painting art exhibition, Municipal Art Museum, Stapleton, Italy

  2014 "Pink common" Contemporary Female Artists Invitation Exhibition, Xinjiang Contemporary Art Museum, Xinjiang, China

  "70, 80, 90" A3 art Plan Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hubei Museum of Art, Wuhan, China

  "Reconstruction and Exploration" New Contemporary Art Exhibition, Peninsula Collectors Cultural Arts Center Exhibition Hall, Sanya, China

  "Pain"-  The New Contemporary Art Exhibition,Tree Art Museum, Beijing, China

  2013 "Outside painting" Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition, Blue Flame Art Space, Shanghai, China

  "Landscape in Front – Landscape as the Background” A Dialogue Exhibition about Easel Painting after Non-easel Trend,Feima Art Museum, Chengdu, China

  "Beyond Painting” Contemporary Art Invitation Show, Blue Flame Art Space, Shanghai

  "Yearning” Contemporary Chinese Artists Invitation Show, Rome Culture Department, Italy,The Art Museum of Rome Council, Egypt

  "Sudden Change” New Narrative Spirit Painting Show, Beijing Comtemporary Art Gallery, Beijing, China

  2012 "Beyond the Flesh” Contemporary Show, Roth’s Art Gallery of Hodel College, Washington, US

  "Harmony but not sameness” Contemporary Art Show, Beijing Contemporary Art Gallery, Beijing, China

  "Her Gaze” Eastern & Western Female Artists’ Associated Show, Hubei Museum of Art, Wuhan, China

  "Observation” VS “Meditation” 2012 Contemporary Art Invitation Show, Nest Art Center, Chengdu, China

  "Sichuan New Trend Contemporary Art Invitation Show” , Malaysia

  "Her Art” Contemporary Female Artists Associated Show, Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  2011    "Spark"- Chinese Contemporary Invitational, Dan tang Today’s Art Center, Xi chang

  "Percorso (Across)  - Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition II”,  Museum of Monreale Palermo, Sicily, Italy

  "Retrospect and Prospect” Hubei Oil Painting Art Show, Hubei Museum of Art, Wuhan, China

  "Lycorisradiata” Contemporary Art Show, Qianshe  Art gallery, Beijing, China

  2010 "Percorso (Across) - Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition I”, Spoletto Old City Art Gallery, Spoletto, Italy

  "Untitled” Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hubei Institutes of Fine Arts Gallery, Wuhan, China

  "X Interspace” Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hubei Institutes of Fine Arts Gallery, Wuhan, China

  "Reread” Wuhan Contemporary Art Ecological Explore Exhibition, New World Art  Museum, Wuhan, China

  "Representational Study” Contemporary Art Exhibition, Times Art Gallery, Beijing, China

  "Young Generation”: Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, JoyArt, Beijing, China

  "Invisible Wing”: Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Times Gallery, Beijing, China

  2009 "Wuchang HIHI” Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Bi’an Gallery, Shenzhen, China

  "New Cultural Aesthetics”: Art Works Exhibition, Ge Feng Art Center, Shenzhen, China

  "China”—Eight Contemporary Artists Exhibition, Lazio, Italy

  Green—Contemporary Art Exhibition, International Trade Exhibit, Beijing, China

  2008 "Good Season”—Contemporary Female Artists Exhibition, New World Gallery, Wuhan, China

  "Declaration of the Only Child”—Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, New Age Art Gallery, Beijing, China

  "Hot City” Four Contemporary Artists Exhibition, Top Red Art Gallery, Beijing, China

  "Future Sky — Chinese Contemporary Young Artists Nominated Exhibition”, China National Museum of Fine Arts, Beijing, China

  "Everything Has Changed”—Contemporary Art Exhibition, Contemporary Art Gallery, Shijiazhuang, China

  2007 Let Alone—Five Contemporary Artists Exhibition, Wuhan, China

  "Liberalismo”—Four Contemporary Artists Exhibition, Rome, Italy

  Dream South—Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, GeFeng Art Center,  Shenzhen, China

  Chinese New Strength Art Invitational Exhibition , Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China

  New Vision 07 – Graduate Excellent Works Exhibition of National Fine Arts Colleges, He Xiang Ning Art museum, Shenzhen, China

  "99 Tents, 99 Dreams”—Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Left Right Art Zone, Beijing, China

  "Un-Collectivism” Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Soka Contemporary Space, Beijing, China

  "Focus”—Contemporary Art Exhibition, GeFeng Art Center, Shenzhen, China

  2006 13 Classmates United Exhibition, Hubei Institutes of Fine Arts Gallery, Wuhan, China

  Academy Exhibition of 9 National Fine Arts Institutes, Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

  2005 A.O.E—Modern Art Exhibition, Hubei Institutes of Fine Arts Gallery, Wuhan, China

  Whisper—Modern Arts Exhibition, Wuhan Jianzhuang Life Square, Wuhan, China

  2003 Hubei Oil Painting Exhibition, Wuhan, China, Award of Excellence

  e Museum of Contemporary Art

  First Floor, Creative Free Trade Zone Building,Binlang Road,

  Futian Free Trade Zone, Shenzhen, Guangdong


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